Krystal Archive gets Official Twitter Feed
We previously talked about doing this, but I've made it official. The Krystal Archive now has a Twitter account. All posts on the Krystal Archive will get published there automatically, or at least, that's the claim of TwitterFeed, the app I'm using to do this. One way or another, I'll make sure it works. For now, here's the link.
In case you missed the story on the podcast, the "KrystalArchive" Twitter account is suspended. Apparently someone had registered it a few years ago and began posting as me, using my RL photo and everything. I have no idea how they did it or why. Freaky.
well I suppose this will be handy.
it is a bit weird that they have photos, but if they have you then in the since you have them if that matters. Im sure if it needs looking into you really just need to remember were the photos came from and where they would go. but that’s just the obvious.
Huh? Parts of your comment were difficult to understand. Could you rephrase?
sorry about that.
what I ment is that finding the person with the photo’s wouldn’t be much of an issue if the situation provided, since some one has a photo of him some one would have to of taken the picture, so in that case just try to rember who it was and ask them who else they gave it to. How ever that at the time was just one thing that could of happened.
It’s not that simple. It was a photo I took of myself, and had, at some point in the past, put it on a forum. I believe it was a picture of me posing with my Star Fox collection. But I had never posted the original, only the smaller, cropped version.
I’ll tell you, for a while there, I thought I had actually created the Twitter feed and had just forgotten about it. However, after literally every single password and email combination I’ve ever used didn’t work, I knew it couldn’t have been something I created. That would have been scary if it was, because I had no memory of creating it. Whoever made it, they had done their homework, including not just my photo, but other RL details.
funky, not impossible though I guess that’s what can happen into days age.
other than that what did it do.
Just be glad your nudes didn’t leak. That would have been scarier
@the Falcon
Joke’s on them! I don’t have any nudes.