3DS Nintendo Direct Tomorrow Morning

It's not the NX stuff we are looking forward to, but it should be exciting anyway. Who knows what they might announce. I expect they'll talk about 3DS variations and indie games. Watch it here. The stream starts at 7AM Pacific (10AM Eastern). Theories and reactions welcome in the comments!
Everyone’s upset that there isn’t going to be any NX news, but I’m just glad we’re getting a Direct in the first place!
While it may sound too unlikely to ask for, I’m hoping for news on ports/remakes of GameCube games for 3DS in the future, since only two ports of GC games exist only for Wii U, both being Zelda. Of course, I would especially love to see Adventures or Assault remade if possible, even though Zero did come out not too long ago.
watching it this after noon at 3 pm.
watching it this after noon at 3 pm. I can wait to here what they have to say this time.
If they’re going to port some gamecube games to the the 3ds I hope it has Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Assault and Star Fox Adventures. If they announced this at the direct today. I’m going to flip out!!!!
They were on about during a Star Fox Adventures remake at one point but let’s not expect too much. Maybe Star Fox Amiibo support for Animal Crossing New Leaf or something like that.
What about a Star Fox Assault remake?
Not what I was expecting but the games look interesting. I was really surprised to see mario maker 3ds and i’m going to check out that Zelda skyword sword for wii u eshop. I’m totally going to get sports all stars for 3ds (Can’t remember the full name right now) since I enjoy football/soccer.
I don’t think we going to get nx news until q4 of 2016.
Well, no news of GameCube ports or of Star Fox at all this time around, but regardless, I enjoyed the Direct. I’m definitely looking forward to the new Mario Sports game, Mario Maker/YWW 3DS ports, and the new amiibo coming soon! Especially Poochy!
Regarding NX normally Nintendo does a mini-conference thing around same time as Tokyo Games Show. They don’t attend it so it’s not part of TGS. It’s also not Japan only either. I suspect we will get NX news around then since we already got 3DS news. They are rumours of possible NX news before TGS. It would make sense if Japanese developers want to show off Nx games during the event. However you never can really tell what will happen though.
It was a pretty good Direct but one of the games I wanted them to show off more they didn’t. They did show off it’s release date.
Ok which game is that?
As for the NX I kinda gotten to the point where I don’t care. All these rumors are just there to get you hyped and then tear out your expectations. So until Nintendo comes out with the news I’m not gonna be very interested.
It’s a bit embarrassing to admit. I am looking forward to Disney’s Magical World 2. Would have liked to have seen some English footage of the game. At the moment all there is off screen footage. If they ever do a third game hoping they do one world based on Disney film with foxes in it.
With the NX rumours and even news relating to hardware I don’t care that much about. I always buy my consoles based on what games I want to play. If there are number of games or even just one I really want on NX I will buy it regardless of hardware. Already know one I would consider getting releasing on NX. Number of Nintendo series I like will end up on NX. Not including Zelda Breath of the Wild but if NX really doesn’t appeal to me would get WiiU version.
Why admit about being embarrassed about a Disney game. It’s Disney we’re talking about. The king of the animation business, even by having Mario and Sonic in Wreck-it Ralph.
I really love Disney’s old classics like Lion King, Little Mermaid, Robin Hood was my favorite cause it had foxes in there as the main characters. But lately I haven’t been getting that into it with the latest movies. In fact the only thing I look at now is mainly Anime, really love their art style.
@StarDog Smasher
Truthfully I wasn’t sure how people would react to me posting that.
I definitely prefer the older Disney stuff to the newer ones. Although I still enjoy them it’s just not the same. I did enjoy Zootropolis. Loved that the main characters are a fox and a rabbit.
Disappointed they haven’t added in Robin Hood to Disney Magical World 2. It’s one of my faves too. Little Mermaid world is in the game though. So get to swim around with Ariel. The other worlds are Alice (animated), Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, Lilo and Stitch and finally Frozen. You also get electrical light parade dreams with other Disney characters. There are different cafe themes so more can turn up for the party/stage dance show. I don’t think a full list of all the characters is up yet.
Wow! You guys really put me into memory lane right now.
When i was younger i had almost every disney movie on VHS and DVD (i don’t know were to begin with), along with other tv shows and movies.
And Speaking of Disney’s Robin Hood, I believed that it was the original and every time it had a Robin Hood movie on TV, I expected to see animals lol XD (I though it was a rip off with humans, boring!!!).
Sadly, I threw my VHS tapes away, because I always ended up breaking the VHS player and we couldn’t find a new one (plus it took a lot of space). Since then, I haven’t watch any old disney movie. I’m regretting this now :( .