Let’s be Friends on Nintendo Switch

Hey guys! A lot of you have requested friending on Wii U, Steam, and other gaming platforms. Sadly, I wasn't active nearly enough for that sort of thing. But now, with the ease and portability of the Nintendo Switch, I'd be happy to add you guys as friends, both for occasional multiplayer games and just to hang. I'll try to add everyone who asks, but keep in mind that the Nintendo Switch only allows 300 friends, so I might not be able to add everyone. My friend code is "SW-0564-4521-2526" and my username is "anthroid". Notice the Star Fox emblem as my icon as well. If you send a request, please comment below with your username so I can match you guys up with your usernames here.
If you're having trouble, this video shows how to manage friends and request friendship via friend codes on the Nintendo Switch. Oh, and feel free to share friendcodes amongst yourselves in the comments.
I will add you as soon as I get the Nintendo Switch, because it is sold out at the moment
Just sent one… under jon3s115
This is the worst EVER!!! You guys got the switch but I can’t afford one yet. BOOOO! LOL looks cool man. When I get one I’ll add you. XD
I’ll add you later if the internet works today.
sent. turns out only e shop dosen’t work, but friending dose look out for NJFox
I wish I had one.
How did the username occur to you Mr. Krystal?
Just sent one to you Mr.Krystal. I go by the name of Ksathra.
Sent you a friend request. My name is under Wolfheart with a Fox McCloud pic.
@N J FOX, @Ksathra, @Dragonheart07
It’s the combination of “android” and “anthro(pomorphic)”. I really like high-futurism (the opposite of a dystopian future like Fallout) and cute characters. Combine the two, and you get things like this (also an anthroid). Lastly, it’s suitably generic that it can be furry-related without my RL friends recognizing it as such.
I don’t have a Switch, but I am on Steam a lot. Maybe some day I’ll get a Switch.
That also explains the nature of the starfox fanfic you done a couple years ago.
@Dogman15 I’m with you, and I’ll get a Switch too. Maybe it will feature a remake of Adventures, this time with Krystal as a brave tribal princess warrior, always nice to Fox, and helping him learn how to fight with a staff.
I was able to get the Switch on launch day, and I am loving it so far!! (Still wish there was a bit more of a selection of games available though…) And while I do think being Switch friends with you would be awesome, I only plan on adding people I know in real life to my Switch friends list. It’s nothing personal, I just want to try and stay safe. :)
It sorta does, doesn’t it. Well, actually, back when I was originally writing that, I was watching a lot of Alias (conspiracy + action) and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (artificial bodies + sci-fi action). Those are the two primary influencers.
It’s understandable. No worries.
If you sent me a friend request, you MUST comment here (or email me), so I know who you are. I have two friend requests that I don’t recognize.
Sent! My name: Lylatroid