Bad Krystal Jokes and Feminist Outrage

Man, I really didn't want to cover this story, but it looks like it has grown too big to ignore. Here's the summary:
- A comedian named Nick Robinson made a mildly inappropriate joke related to Krystal on Twitter. I won't repeat the joke here due to the wide range of ages that view the Krystal Archive.
- Notable clown feminist, Anita Sarkeesian, proceeded to be over-the-top outraged, which is her normal state.
- Using her perceived moral superiority, she attempted to use the situation to promote herself and her videos.
Basically business as usual for the professional victims and internet jokesters. Everybody knows that Krystal is attractive, she was literally designed that way. Everyone is furry for Krystal, this has been known for a decade now. Everyone knows that Anita Sarkeesian is the bigger joke in this story.
This internet spat is dumb and I hope it goes away.
PS: I do still plan to address the Anita Sarkeesian's infamous first "Damsels" video, don't worry.
If she was really a feminist she would do anything in her power to defend Krystal by showing that she is indeed more than an arousing object. She just points out things that only affirm this false opinion instead of talking about Krystal’s valuable role as the team’s telepath in Assault, for instance. If It wasn’t for her abilities to pick up telepathic distress calls, the team would have never headed to Sauria and the planet would be no more!
Unfortunately, this Internet spat is going nowhere. It will only get worse and worse,
just watch…
Why is she getting angry at random comedians’ Tweets? I’d never even HEARD of this guy until today. Thanks Anita! I bet he will really enjoy the uptick in followers to his account. An obscure comedian riffing on an obscure game character in a risqué way… that probably wasn’t even the first such joke made about Krystal by someone mildly famous _that day_, I guarantee it. If there’s one thing most people remember Krystal for, sadly, it’s… well… that. Professional victim, gotta earn that paycheck SOMEhow, I suppose…
Still, she couldn’t find a more recent or prominent hot female game character to complain about? What’s next, is she gonna whine about Ms. Pac-Man’s evident eating disorder? Bet she already did, nevermind…
You know, six years ago, IGN called Krystal a “blue-furred she-beast”. They’re not allowed to insult that vixen!
I hate IGN and bad krystal jokes no one has anyrespect anymore.
i guess so, we whom like krystal (i’m neutral since the end of gamecube days) could thank rare ltd for convert dinosaur planet (beta on n64) to a star fox game because nintendo’s influence.
New MMD by SchattenKitsune666, something to hopefully lift the mood ;)
Unless I missed something, Nick Robinson is a video editor for Polygon. He just sort of came out the same way those actors on that one talk show did when they were asked about certain Disney characters. Mind you one of the three people who were being asked these questions was a woman, so it balances things out. i wish I could find that video again.
eh… i just ignore them… they can’t get anywhere if you just don’t listen, ya know?
@N J FOX I’m with you! Krystal deserves another chance.
I honestly agree with Kevin. I think the best thing to do when drama like this happens is to just ignore it and not give it any attention.
Sorry to rant but why do people do or say stupid stuff?! That comedian is wasting breath on the jokes about Krystal! Also, some of artists are such pigs! It’s insulting, dramatic, and stupid! I’m sorry but this is getting out of hands! We are supposed to enjoy having Krystal around without being a pimp.
One more thing: Krystal is an amazing character. She deserves respect and a chance to shine like what everyone says. I’m in love with Krystal. Krystal 4 Life!
The best thing to do, in the way I see it is to ignore it and try not to make a scene out of it. Pretty much they’re trying to get some triggered fans to react in order to promote themselves, is basically free advertising.
Also, that video about the damsels, I remember in a forum that it was the reason to start talking about the excistance of any leaked Dinosaur Planet ROMS, so something good came out of it.
This is the problem with 3rd wave feminists. They don’t like anything. They get offended by everything. They complain about everything. And they wonder why nobody likes them.
I hope this all blows over
WOW… This is… not right..? Okay, it’s not right. I think G-noggin did a very good video on this topic. (Link I would like to say I’m against misrepresentation of ANY character, but on one can be perfect. Krystal is a strong young woman, she just got captured at the wrong moment. SHE IS NOT A (dog bark)ING DAMSEL! She is a trapped hero. I just want to say that Anita Sarkeesian is so viral, she is over more internet than the hit modern-classic game, UNDERTALE. And there are THOUSANDS of people complaining about her already. It is just as much a waist of time, as many You tubers say she is a waist of life… That’s sad. I hope she can one day she can put her head on the right way and do the right thing. She can still stand up for what she thinks, but in a beater way.
UndyingNephalim is back with some new environments for SF Event Horizon, even Planet Kew from the Kursed ending in SF Command :O
Krystal is a beauriful and wonderfull character.She is a art and hope for this horiable world…Why some one don’tnlike her …
aww brownstone you beat me to it I never got the kursed ending so kew isn’t familier to me niether are those krazoa ships.
Krystal is the reason I even became a (or I guess the correct term would be discovered that I was) furry. She is very beautiful. I am not a fan of what they did to her in Star Fox but I still like her. I don’t think anyone glorifies the fact that she was a damsel in distress in Adventures. In fact, I think most people that know about her origins lament the idea of her being reduced to such a role, considering she was supposed to be one of the two heroes in the game she was going to star in, Dinosaur Planet. She deserved a far better role. I hope they eventually use her again in any future StarFox games.