Miiverse Shutdown Coming

It's official, Miiverse is shutting down. On November 7th (less than a month away), all functions related to Nintendo's first social network will be closed, and likely all data associated with it will be hidden or deleted. Current users of the service will be able to receive a copy of all their posts after the service ends, but you won't be able to browse others' posts anymore.
I never really used Miiverse. It's nothing personal. I don't generally use any social media services, except to do basic communication and, for the Krystal Archive, repost news there for exposure.
However, I know that Star Fox in general, and Krystal specifically, had a huge fanbase on the service. Countless images of Krystal exist in the Miiverse, many asking for her to be included in Super Smash Bros. I've seen quite a number of them when reposted to other art sites. But the original posts are going away.
There is a current, ongoing project dedicated to backing up the entirety of the Miiverse, and making it available online. There is even a Github project for it. I wish the Archive Team the best of luck. They're doing God's work over there.
However, I don't want to rest on the hope that they will get it done. So, I'd like to start gathering links to all the Krystal-related Miiverse posts we can find! If you know of any Krystal posts, or you're willing to search through the Miiverse for them, PLEASE send me an email (mrkrystal@gmail.com) with your links. ANYTHING Krystal related is fine. I will worry about filtering them for quality or content. Also, DO NOT try to post these links in a comment here, because the spam filter will flag comments with multiple links.
And if you know how to effectively search the Miiverse, please advise me how. I don't use it, after all. Help me start the project!
I will take these links, and create an archive of all the Krystal-related posts. I will make it available to everyone once it's complete.
Just to start us off, here’s what I have already:
And, it looks like Alfore has 800+ messages, many containing Krystal:
I knotest.
if you wana make a collection krystal miiverse post before shut down do so now.
I still have some left from the build up to starfox zero and ewatas digi funeral. sigh I miss that guy.
@Mr. Krystal
Sorry but I can’t resist making this comment. Reading the post, I developed this scenario:
General Mr. Krystal:
Gentlemen and ladies. At November 7th at 00:00 hours, the mii social network also know as miiverse will cease it’s operation. You might not care about but, at the site there’s a lot of posts and fanart dedicated to the Nintendo characters. Other units have been assigned to archiving the whole miiverse or specific characters and games. We have been assigned from the headquarters to archive Krystal and Starfox related posts and fanarts.
We have been assigned as the 420th archive division. Don’t make any jokes about it or you will be assigned to the “C L E A N” squad.
This is the beginning of operation:
Archive &
Or Mii.K.A.R for short.
Your first objective/phase is too go to the miiverse and find everything related to krystal and Starfox and report it to the link on your devices. Use, computers, 3ds, Wii U and your cellular devices to browse EVERY possible place to find your target. That includes the SF games, posts from art academy, smash Bros, etc. The search function is notorious for its ineffectiveness so any good method of making it easier will be welcome.
You are about to enter into a battlefield full with hate comments, terrible and inappropriate art and god knows what else. So you might be traumatized after this experience. But is a risk we must take.
After that, some brave soldiers will be volunteering for the second objective:
The “C L E A N” squad.
More information about this phase will been given later.
Do you understand!
All: Yes sir!
General: Private Jimaki, stop making imaginary speeches and get to work or I will assign you to the “C L E A N” squad. Capiss?
Priv. Jimaki: Yes sir!
(Me and my silly imaginations).
Was kind of wondering about the whole “Mii” thing, what would happen with it now that the Wii series of consoles is officially dead. Not saying they’ll scrub the concept altogether, but they might rename it so it’s not so closely associated with the Wii consoles anymore. This might have happened regardless if not enough people were using it, though.
If it’s a matter of flooding, you also need to get people to make a ton of yeahs to any of the posts as to really get it noticed.
Biggest targets;
Zero Community: Plagued by this one guys work, requires serious yeahing to knock his stuff out due to the community being nearly dead.
Command Community: Plagued by the same guy somewhat, he did this out of spite if you read the replies in his posts. Same situation due to the community being dead
Smash: No issues but it is another big place to go for
commander D @
Challenge excepted I did something in the Starfox 64 3d community recently but I could do something in the zero comunity if need be I can get the yeahs.
I’ve checked some post so far, but they are so easy to find that others may have already send an email to the “General”. Also, theres no search function. Is like searching for tweets on twitter, but with no tools at all.
By the way, on all the Star Fox related stuff, I constantly see your profile poping up (and Alfore’s). You seem to be very active an the Miiverse.
You know, we can ask all the known Krystal/Star Fox artist’s on Miiverse to download and send the their post’s to the archive. I’m pretty sure they will contribute.
Miiverse Krystal post collage ready guys nice and safe
Make it so, Number 1.
Also, I have built some tools already that will help download whole pages at once. I’ve got several hundred Krystal posts done. I have been writing tools to help me pull down the data faster. Stay tuned.
Can you please include post IDs to all the images featured there?
@Mr. Krystal
Sir, all of those posts are made by
N J FOX himself.
Nice one err.. I mean I’m on it!!!
Do I need to archive the whole page or only the images?
@Mr Krystal
working on it this could take awhile.
Correction, I figured out what you want. Yeah… I’m not a good candidate for this job. You might need someone more active on the miiverse like N J FOX to do it.
OK I updated the original image it has the ID but I’m not giving you my password