Krystal Fursuit by Sweet Roll Fursuits

Up-and-coming fursuit maker, Sweet Roll Fursuits has just completed a Krystal fursuit on commission after a year of work.
The suit comes with a complete foam head (including jewelry), bodysuit, tail, footpaws with sandals, gloves, armor, clothing, and even Krystal's staff (no pictures of that yet). No idea about who the buyer is, though we'll probably see this suit "in the wild" sooner rather than later.
Sweet Roll Fursuits has also done a Fox McCloud fursuit head in the past, as well as Falco and Fox costumes. According to her commission page, she is open for commissions with 4 slots available right now, though that information might be out of date. Since this is a new fursuit maker, the prices are extremely good, especially considering the quality and quantity of what you get for the price. If you're interested in a fursuit or other large costume, consider Sweet Roll Fursuits.
PS - Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I'm going to do another post right away.
eh ayanos suit is better.
And no need to apologys we’ve all been kinda bussy.
Yeah, Ayanos is better. But this is also very amazing and was the long work worth.