Rareware Exhibit Features Dinosaur Planet

Rare has put a bunch of their old artifacts and history on display in a museum exhibit called "Rare: From 8-Bit to Xbox One". As far as we know, there's only one piece of promotional art from Dinosaur Planet (above), and nothing for Star Fox Adventures. Still, if you have a chance to be in the city of Coventry, England, you should stop in and take a closer look!
The exhibit started running on June 30th, 2018 and will continue to be open until September 28th, 2018. It's at the The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum.
@Mr. K
When will the starfox.org website be up? Looking forward for that.
When you mention Xbox One, I got the Xbox One X and I got a Samsung QLED TV, the Q8F and 4K and HDR looks awesome on it. You should look at the Samsung 2018 TV comparison chart to check out the specs. I love my QLED TV. I know it’s not possible but if Nintendo would give the Switch a 4K upgrade, Super Smash Bros Ultimate would look pretty amazing.
if i do go over there, i’ll just look at the nintendo and rare ltd. history and skip mircosoft.
I love Rare’s old art styles they used for Donkey Kong & Dinosaur Planet. I honestly remember looking at the old videos and previews in Nintendo Power and being excited with my sibling over a new game that featured two playable characters (one being female and not super skimpy/exaggerated). It must have been really hard switching it to a Star Fox game and turning Krystal into a “Light” version of Princess Zelda.
The resulting game turned out okay, but not as good as we expected. I always felt like there were things missing. I bet they wanted to keep and add in much more and never got the chance with the huge time constraints.
Here’s hoping one day Nintendo will actually make a new Star Fox game that isn’t a reboot and Krystal gets to hold her own as an individual. Maybe even Randorn and Sabre could get a cameo, who knows. There’s a lot of game devs out there and Nintendo unfortunately has been a bit closed off and stingy since the Wii.
Now that you mention it, I want Krystal to be a brave tribal princess warrior. And of course, she’ll be extra kindhearted.