Nintendo Direct Tomorrow

Nintendo announced a long-rumored Nintendo Direct to be tomorrow afternoon! The rumors are flying about what will be in this 35 minute presentation. Given that Retro Studios is now working on Metroid Prime 4, the rumor that we'll see the rumored Star Fox GP game, though that seems like more of an E3 game to me. Other expected things: Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Switch and more stuff about Smash DLC.
going to missed it but probably watch it later.
Missed it, too. But like you predicted, Mr. Krystal, no “Star Fox Grand Prix” announcement. But we did learn that “Starlink: Battle For Atlas” will get some more Star Fox-related stages, where you can play as Slippy, Peppy, and Falco. Still no Krystal, though. =(
We did also get some interesting announcements, though: for one, “Super Mario Maker 2” has been announced for the Switch, and there is going to be a remaster/remake of “The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening” for the Switch as well.
Is there no way to reintroduce Krystal? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure there might be an Adventures remake in which instead of having Fox save her, she would save him.