FoxType1973 Has Passed Away

I just got off the phone with FoxType1973's sister. She wanted me to let everyone know that her brother, who also went by Richard and Volpfoxtoon on Twitter, has passed away. After many many years of cancer and associated medical treatments, he finally succumbed. What's remarkable about him was that he had been given just a few months to live by doctors some 4 or 5 years ago. Throughout his life, he constantly defied doctor expectations and lived through terrible medical problems that would have killed most other people. This final bout with illness, which started in 2013, eventually lead to the issues that took him. He took a turn for the worst on Monday. A few minutes after getting to visit with his sister and mother, he passed away, peacefully, on Monday night (fittingly on May the Fourth, Star Wars Day).
For those who didn't know him, FoxType1973 was an older gentleman who frequented a lot of different furry conventions and often served as a cameraman for Ayano Harumaki, a Krystal cosplayer. He has provided the Krystal Archive with lots of footage and photographs of Ayano at many different events over the years. When I met up with him and Ayano in person at a convention, FoxType1973 and I collaborated to help make Ayano Harumaki's gatling gun prop a reality, no easy feat considering the logistics of shipping something so large to Japan. Before that, FoxType1973 also made a guest appearance on the Krystal Archive Podcast, Episode 26. The last time I got to see him was in May of last year, when he was in good spirits and seemed to be recovering.
Richard was a man of many interests. He loved the technical mechanics of cameras and spacecraft. He spent his days working on video equipment and doing video editing. He was a big fan of Star Wars and Star Fox. He loved to go to conventions and visit the Disney parks. He'll be missed. His family is doing ok. They are at peace knowing that Richard's suffering is over now. Please keep them in your prayers.
Update: FoxType's sister wanted me to let you all know that if you are interested in sharing condolences or stories of her brother, please email her at She will be making a memory book for her family about him.
Does that mean Ayano won’t go to furry conventions anymore?
No. Ayano goes to whatever she wants. FoxType1973 was just often around to record her.
I can’t believe it. I was really hoping to meet him at one of the conventions. I’m completely shocked.
Cancer is evil! Pure evil! He will be missed dearly. I’ll be sure to honor him by watching Star Wars and play Star Fox games. May the Force be with him and I hope he’s doing a barrel roll in heaven.
F,pure and dure F. He’ll always be renemered.His legend will never die
Cancer is evil indeed! Dear god, may FoxType1973 rest safely and peacefully in heaven and be remembered as a good Krystal fan, amen.