Merry Belated Krystmas!

Season's greetings, everyone. I hope you, your family, and friends all had a happy and bright Christmas. I don't have anything special of my own to share this day, but I did want to call out several awesome posts by others.
First, the image above is by GeroVort. He posted a great fanart with all your Star Fox and Dinosaur Planet favorites. Super cool to see him back in action too!
Ayano Harumaki once again provided a Krystmas photo. Very festive!
Last, but not least, we got a cute Krystal farart from Namagaki_Yukina showing Krystal bringing lots of presents, presumably for the goodest boys of the Star Fox team.
There were even more Krystmas posts too! Like this one, and this one.
A day and a half after Christmas, I finally get a spare moment to update the site! That's how hecticly busy I've been lately. Sorry about that. I will post more in the new year, I promise.