Family of Late Krystal Cosplayer Nyalice Revives Account

Back in April of 2021, we posted that Krystal cosplayer Nyalice had passed away on November 24th, 2020. So it came as a complete surprise to everyone when new photos of the Nyalice's cosplay suits and costumes started appearing on Christmas day, 2021. This time, there were multiple people wearing the costumes at once. It was hinted that the account was being revived by Nyalice's family members, and possibly local friends, as a way of honoring Nyalice's memory. This was later confirmed in two posts. The family and friends said that Nyalice's "children", the costumes, will continue to appear from time to time, and they thanked the community for giving Nyalice many nice memories.
Warmest wishes and deepest condolences to Nyalice's family and friends. Thank you for the memories.
Here's the several new photos of the Krystal cosplay: