Star Fox: Paths of Fate Rig

This rig was originally created by Thomas18 for a mod called Star Fox: Paths of Fate before being handed down through several people, upgraded along the way. Thomas18 gave permission for the files to be posted, but he does not want his new accounts linked, so the Krystal Archive respects his wishes.
Sometime in mid-2008, a user who frequented the Starfox-Online named Thomas18 started working on a Star Fox mod for Max Payne 2 called Star Fox: Paths of Fate. Here's one of the topics. It was to have a brand new story and plenty of new characters. Unlike a lot of mod projects at the time, from the very first footage, Thomas18 showed that his project was not some pie-in-the-sky concept by demonstrating a working fighting engine, new models, and Fox McCloud fully playable in the game. Interest in the project was heightened with the announcement that Krystal would be playable. Numerous videos and screenshots would be posted over time, including:
Development was slow and largely below the radar. At some point in 2010, the project was cancelled. The mod was in a relatively playable state at the time of cancellation, but was never released. The custom Krystal model (and possibly some rigging data) that was created for the mod would ultimately be obtained by OrbiterSpore. I'm not clear on how exactly he obtained it, but it was implied that Thomas18 gave it to him directly either due to working on the mod, or just because he asked nicely. Later, Krystal-fan2005 would obtain the model, probably from OrbiterSpore. Thomas18 more or less abandoned his old accounts and lost access to the model himself.
After that, the rig stayed relatively unknown for a long time, with the two new users making fanart on occasion. Then, sometime before 2018, an individual known as Ben24x7 sought to obtain the model. He was able to contact both of them about possibly releasing the model to the public. He was referred to Thomas18's new account and obtained permission to release the rig, and also around that time, contacted the Krystal Archive to see about having it released here as well. Thomas18's permission was ultimately obtained, though he did not want his new account to be linked to (and presumably named) so I will respect his wishes until he tells me otherwise. To my great regret, the models were sent and the Krystal Archive should have been able to post them right away, but the time required for a detailed page prevented the post from being made at the time, and eventually, the messages were put on the back burner.
Not hearing a response from the Krystal Archive, in January 2018, Ben24x7 released the rig publicly on the Steam Community for Garry's Mod after obtaining specific permission for that as well. Since then, it was given an upgrade by _Skorpeon to allow the rig to have Krystal-based first-person hands and arms, rather than falling back to the default human hands and arms. After another round of delay due to research, the current rig (and its previous iterations) was released here on the Krystal Archive in January 2020.
Requires Garry's Mod.
- Garry's Mod Steam Community Page (July 2019) - Released by Ben24x7.
- Current Version (July 2019) - Released by Ben24x7.
- OrbiterSpore Version - Saved for historical reasons, please do not use. Identical to Krystal-fan2005 version, with additional Staff.
- Krystal-fan2005 Version - Saved for historical reasons, please do not use.
All downloads use 7Zip compression. To decompress them, use 7zip for Windows or Keka for Mac OS X.