GreyFireFox Krystal Rig 1.5 Lighting Test
GreyFireFox is almost ready to release his next and final iteration of his Krystal rig. The Krystal Archive will host it when he sends it (probably in the next couple days). In the meantime, he sent me a high resolution video showing off the new rig in various lighting environments.
@Mr Krystal
Um there isn’t any video on the page its just blank, I thought I better let you know.
Huh… I don’t know how that happened, but it’s fixed now.
wow, looks really nice. BUT, is this version will work without FurryBall? (Like it was in v 1.2).Can’t wait to download a new version :)
Personal THANKS to GrayFireFox for creating such a good Krystal model
\m/_ O _\m/
I absolutely LOVE this! I don’t mean to be finnicky about details, but aren’t her eyes supposed to be green instead of blue?
Okay Nintendo… Don’t u think that it’s time for a new star fox game when the fans are doing for you??? Anyway… Amazing job; the details, the lighting, everything! GreyFireFox is basically the one that inspire me to follow my dream of becoming a 3D modeler
@cpt. T
It will sort of work, but you’ll miss out on some of the in-built effects such as the hair and fur.
I feel your pain too, since I can no longer get FurryBall to work on my computer either XD
Hope there will be a port to blender. I know it won’t be direct, though.