Welcome to 2020!

Hey! It's 2020! Happy New Year!
2019 was a fantastic year for the site! I want to keep that going. I owe you guys a podcast (which is now basically a yearly podcast), so that's coming soon. Other than that, I'm doing my best to bring you new stories every day. I have some plans for the site as well that will hopefully reintegrate all the old content with the new and modernize all the things!
Anyway, have a great New Year and stay safe out there. I have more to talk about soon.
Happy holiday, Mr. K! Keep up the good work, I believe that 2020 will be better than the previous one. Significant projects may appear that will shake the community and inspire even more creativity.
Happy New Year!
2020 will be a very tough year, because Krystal won’t be in any of the Starfox franchise this time.
happy new year mr.k
happy new year bro!
happy new years mr. k, ya filthy animal! :) :) :)