Random: Krystal Files for Bankruptcy

Krystal files for bankruptcy. No, not the blue vixen Krystal. The red restaurant Krystal, aka, the reason why the Krystal Archive doesn't own Krystal.com.
If you hadn't heard of the restaurant chain, Krystal is a small-ish chain that primarily operates in the Southern United States. It's claim to fame is its miniature hamburgers and the fact that it is frequently open 24 hours, unlike most fast food restaurants.
Anyway, they've been closing locations recently, and now they've filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection. This means they will probably reorganize, but not disappear completely, at least not for a while. That said, if they do, I'm going to see if I can obtain Krystal.com. Frankly, their name is far more interesting than their food. It made me sick almost every time I ate at one of their locations.
Damn, I never even ate at Krystal.
Nor have I. I believe I’ve seen this outfit here in Michigan. Alma, if I recall correctly…
They’re going down! TAKE THEIR NAME!