Morale Booster!

What's this?! An update to the Krystal Archive after almost a month of inactivity? It's true!
So what's been going on? Personally, I've been swamped with work and preparing for the current difficulties being faced by everyone in the world right now. I was lucky enough to see some of this coming, and making proper preparations takes time. Combined with a heavy workload for my job, I've been kept very busy.
Which brings me to the main point of my post today. I try to keep real-world stuff off the Krystal Archive. You can go literally anywhere else for news and advice for dealing with virus issues in real life. So this post is just about the Krystal Archive itself and the site's fans during this time of troubles.
I just posted an actual news story for Star Fox: Grounded a few minutes ago. And that's just one of the back-logged posts I will be making in the coming days. Rest assured, you'll have new Star Fox and Krystal content to look forward to for the next few weeks. Something I hope will lift your spirits a little.
The other thing I wanted to say is that I know that a lot of you are experiencing worry and/or boredom. Most of you don't have the disease, but there can be stress about catching it, about getting the things you need, or just being bored because school or work was cancelled. My bit of advice I have for you all is that one should never worry about the things they can't change. Obviously, you should take reasonable steps to help keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe. And helping each other out in other ways is great too! But after that, I advise you not to focus on what's happening out there. Worrying more about that won't fix it. Instead, focus on what you can do, starting by thinking positively:
If you're working from home for the first time, this is great practice for what was surely going to be the next wave of working life. Even without an outbreak, businesses are starting to awaken to how effective working from home can be. Use this time to get over the distracting aspects of it. Some of you may know that I have been working from home for many years. I can tell you from experience that it takes just a few days of serious effort to be able to get past the distractions and do work just as effectively as in an office, perhaps even moreso.
If you still need to go into work at a physical location, this is a great object lesson in how to maintain safe hygiene practices at all times. Even without a disease, keeping good cleanliness practices will be something that will keep you healthy for years to come. Please be patient and smile to those stressed or worried customers who come to your store. Anything you can do to create a calming atmosphere for them will alleviate fears of others. You're on the front lines of the battle to boost morale. I know you'll rise to this occasion.
If you're off school or quarantined, think about the opportunities you have now. It isn't what you wanted, but when have you had a better opportunity to learn something new? Interested in making that Krystal fangame, but never had the time? Now you do! The world's cumulative human knowledge is there, online, ready at your fingertips for no cost. Stay off social media. Learn something. Make something. Become better. You have time, do something with it!
And if you do make something Krystal or Star Fox related, let me know. Those are my encouraging words to you all. Let's face the future with a confident smile.
Thanks for the Morale Booster! I might draw Krystal!