Generously Donated 3D Printable Krystal Bust

Now this is heartwarming. Kagekitsoon, who recently started a new anthro-focused 3D printing company, commissioned a detailed and dynamic Krystal bust, which he subsequently printed out using one of those very fancy resin printers like the one that was used to make the Krystal figure I recently received. Anyway, he had planned to sell 3D prints of the bust and keep the model to himself, but in light of the global isolation thing going on, he has generously allowed everyone to get the model for printing. You can download it and print it yourself for free! Thank you, Kagekitsoon!
For some background, the bust model, and the accompaning stand, were both digitally sculpted and prepped for 3D printing by v747, a prolific My Little Pony 3D sculpter.
If you're feeling similarly generous, try tossing a few bucks to Kagekitsoon who commissioned her and/or support the artist v747. Additionally, I suspect that Kagekitsoon would still be willing to make you a high quality 3D print of this Krystal model if you wanted to support him that way. You'll have to contact him yourself about that, however.
I have already downloaded the model to see how it looks in my 3D printing software. I can confirm it's a very high quality model with no apparent issues preventing a clean print, except for the fact that her face is very complex and has a lot of overhangs (something that is difficult for the typical FDM printers to handle well). Still, with some reorientation, I think I can get a very clean print out of it, we'll see.
Thanks to CommanderD for the heads up!