E3 Keynote Reaction

Just kidding. :D
As you all know, Nintendo did not show Star Fox, F-Zero, or Smash Bros at today's presentation. They didn't show a Metroid/Star Fox crossover, they didn't show a lot of things. And while that is initially disappointing, I'd like to point out that there was a very significant thing they also did not show:
What has Retro Studios been working on?
So take heart, Star Fox fans. Nintendo has made major game announcements outside of their keynotes before. E3 isn't over, and we may yet hear some additional news about in-development games like Star Fox and Super Smash Bros 4. There's also another Star Fox possibility: the next Star Fox game could be on 3DS. There's a video presentation just for new 3DS games tomorrow at 6PM.
Either way, Nintendo DID show quite a few great looking games. I'm particularly happy for fans of Pikmin. I don't play that series, but I am happy for those who do. They've been waiting a lot longer than we have for a sequel. Nintendo showed that their new system, the Wii U, is capable of all of the experiences offered by the PS3 and XBOX 360, plus more through the new gamepad. The addition of a touch screen to console gaming might turn out to be more revolutionary than motion controls.
Overall, I'm excited about the new games and gameplay possibilities. Nintendo can't make everyone happy all the time, but I am a little disappointed to not see Star Fox front and center.
Precisely my feelings, dude. I’m not holding my breath for any trailers or gameplay, but I’m hoping for an announcement at least.
Yeah, t’was disappointing. But at least it looked like Reggie and the other speakers were rehearsing a very terribly rehearsed script, so it was pretty funny just to watch xD
And Zombi looked freaking amazing.
I was very disappointed in the conference itself… Though u am happy about the wii u… I am not happy because they showed barely any games -_-… Still hoping for new star fox, even if it’s 3ds (after all, it’s graphics are pretty good)
In the words of Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw, in response to E3 2011, “Nintendo isn’t releasing a single game that can’t be prefixed with the phrase ‘another bloody.'” In this case we’re getting not one, not two, but three more bloody Mario games. At this point one Mario game is too much. I’m honestly tired of that franchise, especially since the games they showed this year looked no different than past iterations.
I failed to be invested in anything Nintendo had at their conference this year, even the Wii U. They just totally did not show me anything to get me excited. I also have a hard time enjoying Reggie as a speaker. I just think he’s so dreary. You can say he has the smugness of Steve Jobs, but at least Jobs can get people excited… not to mention Jobs actually smiles sometimes.
No star fox…. Hmm…. No f zero…. Hmm… No Super smash bros…. WHAT THE HELL NINTENDO
Nintendo simply did not do a good job at this years E3… the only games were mario, batman, nintendo land, and zombi….. really? there has to be more Nintendo!!!! they diditn show any major franchise beside mario… no star fox, no f-zero, no smash bros, no zelda, nothing… hopefully they will WOW us next year
I am also disappointed too that Star Fox did not show up in E3. I was hoping for the game to come,but…nope… I do hope real soon sometime this year that the game shows up at least.
Yes there was no star fox at E3… BUT… There is a new rumor out, it’s called star fox United… There were screenshots of it BUT… Someone found pictures that matched the ones used (photoshop maybe) and they also found a fan fic named star fox united… Just saying
Well I didn’t know where to post this but here goes
Ima huge fan of star fox and all, and recently i came across a guy on Deviant Art calling himself JECBrush
he is very skilled in his work and of course the only reason im posting this is because he is making a fanfic or comic of Star Fox called “Star Fox Squadron.”
go on google and type in
“Star Fox Squadron by JECBrush”
This may compensate for all our disappointment at E3 anhey hes got Krystal in it too so check it out. ITS AWESOME
BTW….. if your wondering why there are typos in my post its cause im using a PS3 to post it and im start to get really bad carpel tunnel so… thats it… what do you want … why you still reading this… Oh yea long live the great vixen
Lol man… I hope they make a new game soon… Nuf said
also just a theory but NINTENDO has been celebrating their games that have been having their 20th celebration???
Next year STAR FOX falls in that celebration they may make a new game then but its just a theory
info from Star Fox Online
On my Nintendo news.c
On mynintendonews.com sikr posted that miyamoto said that retro is “too busy to work on Zelda”… That’s one game off the list… Now it’s just metroid, star fox, or a new game… Ign also posted the same thing
I just didn’t like their presentation… And where may I find JECBrush’s fan fic Omega?
I don’t know what you’re referring to. We never had a fanfiction from him or by that name on the Krystal Archive as far as I can tell. I did get to see his art though, fantastic!
Oh no no no, Omega said that he was making one… I wanted to know where to f
I wanted to know where I could find it (deviant art, fan fiction, etc) I didn’t mean if it was on here.
I looked around, and could not find it anywhere. He must not have released it yet.
Ah… Oh well… Hope he posts it somewhere soon
That is the wierd thing its mentioned but cannot find it either.
And Mr. Krystal its good to see you on the web looking. What you and DZCOMPOSER did for all Star Fox fans every by making Star Fox Online was just so AWESOME just AWESOME your awesome you and DZCOMPOSER.
Mr. Krystal be sure DZCOMPOZER knows about this i dont have a user on Star Fox Online BTW its an honer to inform you.
but I cannot find it either.( friggin typos)
I’m guessing JECBrush is currently AFK and will be for a month
STAR FOX COMIC BY PkUltimaga, he’s ok with the art if your ok with no color, i say damn good since theres hardly any fan comics and artists out there
AT deviantart btw
awesome star fox SNES corneria song revised free download
I personally like the remix from Super smash bros brawl better (mainly because it was technoish)