Dinosaur Planet Story Details Revealed

Somehow I missed this when I posted that hour of Dinosaur Planet footage. IOnEI Falcon has a site called Rare Minion where he collects and displays a huge amount of information on Rare games. He has somehow obtained a ridiculous amount of details on the story and background of Dinosaur Planet. Just look at the info in that image! That's just half of one page on Krystal. There are many pages and pages of documents on his site. I haven't even had time to read them all.
I've spoken with IOnEI Falcon yesterday, and he has allowed the archiving of his information here. Just like I'm doing with some of my Star Fox assets, I will be making a Dinosaur Planet Archive when I'm finished restoring the Krystal Archive. I already have permission to post the content of celebi23's Dinosaur Planet Media Archive, which also contains a bunch of new information.
I went on the website and now I really want to play the game, the plot is really interesting and if Nintendo, Rare or anyone actually makes this game I’ll defo play it =), I know Krystal’s suppose to be a cat in this game, but she does look quite like a young fox haha.
With this much information released I feel someone has a copy of it and isn’t sharing. Well I can be safe knowing it at least isn’t a trashed product.
Krystal is 5’8″? Wow, that’s tall for a 16 year-old. I always figured that anthros were a bit on the short side. The rest of the profiles are interesting to read. All this time, I had no idea that Randorn was Sabre’s father. It’s too bad this game never saw release on N64. DarkFox64 is right, Krystal still looks more fox than cat here because of her bushy tail. Still, I love the rest of the concept art. That reminds me, a couple of years ago, Retro Gamer did an interview with Rare and featured some new game artwork, one of which is Krystal:
I didn’t share this earlier because I can’t tell if it’s DP/SFA concept art, new art for the interview or something else entirely. It may be drawn by Wil Overton who started working for Rare after Perfect Dark. *shrugs*