Star Fox Cinematic Posted
That Star Fox 3D animation I mentioned in passing a few days ago has been posted. The work of Joe Morriss and several others, the film depicts a dogfight and chase sequence between Fox, Falco, Peppy, and some unknown enemy.
Thanks to Glitcher for the info.
Impressive! Hopefully we’ll see more episodes in the future.
Aaaaaand my mind has just been blown.
This is very impressive, but just something about the graphics just doesn’t settle right. I guess I just liked the graphics in the game systems more. Don’t get me wrong though, still a very fantastic job!
This is called the “uncanny valley.” As 3D models (or statues or whatever) become closer to real, especially on human-like faces and bodies, they become more creepy. This is because your eye and brain can tell it’s not real, but it’s so close, that you only see the differences, rather than the similarities. Uncanny valley effects don’t happen often when you have less realism (use faces that are caricatures) or when the animation style is not attempting to be photorealistic (anime, comics). If you finally achieve full realism (nearly impossible except in the movies), then you no longer get the uncanny effect because the image is not distinguishable from the real image.
This is great and all but this Is the perfect example of what Mr. Krystal was talking about. If everybody wants such realistic graphics that it looks creepy than I just don’t know. I’d rather something more to what Mr. Krystal had described.
Damn! That was awesome! The animation, the script (not so much the voice acting).
Animation, modeling (of spaceships), rendering, and story/script were great, but the character design was just a little too weird for me. Voice acting was okay. They look like Chuck E. Cheese robots, the kind that perform on stage and sing songs while moving jerkily.
Wow it’s been a while. After the October updates comments got pulled down I felt responsible and avoided KA for a while. Though I’m back and glad to see everythings up and running. Good to see all the updates occurring. Good job mr. K. Btw if I bug or annoy you in any way mr. Krystal. you can ask me to leave and I’ll be gone.
No worries dude. Just don’t post off topic. If you want to say something different, you can always email me.
Maybe I’m full of it, but I could almost say I recognized the enemy ship as an Orion Escort from Star Trek. I’m probably wrong, but if the Klingon Empire decided to wage war against Corneria, unfortunately they wouldn’t stand a chance.
I should clarify because that reads funny, Corneria wouldn’t stand a chance.
To the creators of the movie.
Great graphic, no, AWESOME! Space, ships, cockpit details, light effects just amazing, i wonder how much time and work have been spent to create this movie. A year? A two?
Anyway thanks you very much.
To creators of the movies and Mr. Krystal
If photorealistic characters looks abit creepy, maybe its better to draw characters (characters only, not ship or space or whatever else) in old way like in games?
Im not sure about that, and its just a suggestion so dont get me wrong, i guess you tried it, maybe you even have unfinished movie like that?
I sent an email… I think. And as not to be off topic the video is fantastic and very realistic it’s just hard to adapt to the characters appearance because we’re so used to the drawn way we saw in adventures and assault. Total props go to the video. That was amazing.
Falco’s friggin scary.