UDK Star Fox Demo
Some students at the Ringling College of Art and Design created a Star Fox inspired scene in the Unreal Development Kit, a game engine. It shows fly-through of the Great Fox and the launch of an Arwing showcasing their knowledge of UDK. Some on the internet have speculated that a Star Fox game on the Wii U might look like this. The platform is certainly capable of similar quality graphics. Unreal Engine 3 does in fact run on the Wii U.
In related news, there is a Star Fox Animated Short Film in the works by a mystery animator named Joe. Starfox-Online.net has all the details that are available.
Quite interesting. The video doesn’t offer as much exposition as that Star Fox CGI trailer a while back, but it’s professionally made. If the tech looks this good on Wii U, I can’t wait to see how the characters will look. When is Ninty going to make something as good as Star Fox 64?!?
Those animated film screenshots creep me out. I’m sure Falco will have no trouble looking intimidating with those beady eyes of his. o_O
Holy damn that was good… I seriously would think a wii u star fox will look a tad bit more detailed than this
I have to agree with glitcher; falco creeps the hell out of me
I know this doesn’t do with the video, but it does have something to do with the games. Are they taking votes on the character roster for Super Smash Bros. on Wii U? I really want Krystal to be a playable character and I want to do everything I can to try to make it happen.
Heads up, Mr. K! Seems that animated SF film has been published on YouTube. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTeZ80mNDbE
Thanks for the heads up!