I Saw Star Fox!
Did you see Miyamoto playing Star Fox on that blurred out screen with the Wii U, because I definitely did. That looked like an Arwing silhouette flying around in all range mode.
The news came a little early by accident. I'm guessing they'll show a trailer for it sometime today.
New Update and Video
Nintendo already gave a secret media briefing to Kotaku. The game is still very early in development, not even enough to know what the gameplay will be like. They expect to be done with the game in a year, so expect a full-fledged trailer by next E3.
Official "Screens" and Another Article
The Time article is now online. Also, Nintendo posted 'official artwork' for the in-development game, which consists mostly of screens from past Star Fox games, no doubt confusing nearly everyone.

The original photo.

My attempt to clean up the screen in the photo.
I hope the motion controls are optional, like Star Fox 64 3D.
believe it or not, Miyamoto said the game was in development for quite some time. He said it was meant for wii but they moved it to wii u. Nonetheless I am FREAKING OUT that we FINALLY get a star fox game.
You guys aren’t at all worried that they might be removing Krystal from the Starfox team in this new game? :(
I’m very worried, look at this article:
Everyone but Krystal is mentioned!! :(
The only reason that would make sense is if the game (AGAIN) takes place before Star Fox Adventures. I want them to continue the story somehow.
*le gasp!* A new Star Fox game at last? I think the series was permanently stuck in limbo. But with Peppy as one of the wingmen, I share jordanS’ fear that Krystal might not be present. If that’s true, I think I might just kick a puppy.
I understand that this is not the final because the icon of Falco and Peppy came from the remake of Star Fox 64 for 3DS, I am so happy this year because of this game coming and Fox won the tournament as Fan Favorite! He’s my fan fave too!
I wouldn’t say they would have removed here from the story Arc as a whole, but as it would follow one or none of the endings in comparison to the Command game there is still the high likelyhood that she will be in a continum of there story. what im hoping for is the introduction of the human race to these too worlds as it seems in my opinion as a good asset to be implemented.
though now I see this model of Arwing I question if its the Command model or not, now im trying to distinguish what those blurry things are on the ground whether they be tanks or dinosaurs, and never for get Sauria is still there so it could be a surprise visit of the like.
sorry about second posts like this but I have just saw that with a helicopter in the game and the mention of a 2 manned Arwing leads me to think its a solid sequel material. best of wishes to the lady of luck.
From what I saw there of the game, it’s still the early prototype and they are using the character models for Peppy and Falco from the SF 64 remake that came out on the 3DS. I doubt that they are going to use that as the development for this game will progress since it’s in full development which is very likely it’ll be a full fledged title at the end.
Recently Miyamoto has confirmed that while he’s developing the game, he’s looking for another development studio to partner with for this game since he’s bringing it for 2015. Very good candidate for this is either Retro Studios or Platinum Games(better choice). I’d go for Platinum Games more since Hideki Kamiya himself not only has admitted that he’s a Starfox fan and would love to work on a new game, but if he sees what Miyamoto has been doing with this(hopefully he does), I’ll bet that he will be more than happy to assist Miyamoto and his development team with Kamiya’s team together to work on this and make this into one spectacular action game because that’s what Platinum Games are known for. What really matters is that we SF fans can finally rejoice and we’re getting a new game on the Wii U. I hope that this new game continues after Assault. But I have a good feeling that Krystal will be back in the new game. After all, she has already established herself in the series which she is now officially part of and that Nintendo officially owns her just like any of the other female Nintendo characters like Samus, Peach, Zelda and Daisy to say the least. I doubt that they would get rid if her. Because she has appeared in 3 games so far in the series just like Wolf has.
I’m just excited that there could be a new StarFox game, my late brother would have too. On the topic of Krystal, I hope she appears in the game as a playable character, or at least a frequent character, but i’m not going to be upset if they don’t put her in. We won’t know until they actually confirm the game and character. Who knows they could keep her a secret for near or on release, to surprise the fans.