Exclusive: Star Fox: Event Horizon Krystal Alt. Revealed

UndyingNephalim sent me some renders of a new alternate costume for Krystal in Star Fox: Event Horizon. I've unofficially dubbed this reimagined Star Fox Adventures outfit as "Warpaint Krystal". Click the image for the full resolution. It's from the part of the game that re-imagines the story of Star Fox Adventures. In it, Krystal is NOT captive for the entire story arc, but is instead released early and assists the Star Fox team against General Scales.
i dont have enough words to describe this but i can only say she is gorgeous and amazing.
the eye paint, I don’t feel it really remind me of falco.
I must say… her model is well done. She looks gorgeous in this outfit. I really want to play this though i don’t have Freespace 2. I need to get that just so i can play this! This game seriously looks incredibly fun.
You actually don’t need Freespace 2 to the play the game. It’s standalone.
Well thanks for the info! I assumed it wasn’t standalone since it was in a mod section for Freespace 2. Thanks!
Very nice work UndyingNephalim !
She looks good that way.