Star Fox Zero Media Released

They're showing off high quality images of characters, screenshots, and the vehicles. See these and many more on Nintendo's E3 page!
They're showing off high quality images of characters, screenshots, and the vehicles. See these and many more on Nintendo's E3 page!
Hmm….. While no pilot is visible other than Fox, the letters above your wingmen’s ships indicate Falco, Peppy and Slippy will be present. No sign of Krystal – a bad omen. Let’s hope Nintendo haven’t forgotten about our favourite vixen.
Am I the only one a little put off by that render of Fox? Dude looks scary…
Glitcher, you shut up and respect our favorite blue fox, or get lost.
@StarDog Smasher
Glitcher is a Krystal fan. He is sad as much as the next Krystal fan. Why are you attacking him?
StarDog i dont think he was talkin shit about Krystal, I belive he;s trying to say somethings wrong because there’s no krystal. I just think she’s gone because it’s to early in the time line. Look, Peppy’s back in an arwing. It must be in between StarFox 64 and adventures… She doesn’t exist yet D’=… My hopes, since it’s a common thing now, is that she will be brought in as DLC. Also i hope for a multiplayer mode for dog fights, including online. Maybe a build your own ship feature. Long shot but maybe your own furry fighter as well =D. Plus for DLC how about we get Miyu and Fay
Here’s hoping that if there’s multilayer that we’ll be able to choose different aircrafts and/or pilots, nobody want’s to be relegated to slippy.
^ This guy gets it XD
It should be noted that this is a complete reboot (yes, again). That does give them total freedom to put whatever they want into the game, but at the same time, if they’re retreading the plot of 64 one more time, it’s likely Krystal won’t be in there.
Hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but don’t hold your breath.
I agree and understand… But I’ll probably continue holding my breath until I drowned =]
A reboot is the very worst thing Nintendo could do. They already rebooted the first game when Star Fox 64 came out, now they want to reboot it AGAIN with this game? What is the point of that? SF64 was already as good as it can get, there’s no point retreading old ground. Why not give us a proper sequel that explains which way the story progresses after Command? If Nintendo are going back to square one again, I’ve suddenly lost all interest in this game. I’m not kidding.
at lease the render look better than the video, hopefully they’ll tweek some more. the last 4 images shoud have been a 1080p wallpaper.
I knew the storyline would be going backwards and not forward as soon as I learned of Shigeru Miyamoto’s heavy involvement with this game. He’s never cared about moving storylines forward and continuity. As Mr. Krystal said in a previous post, Miyamoto does not like to be restrained by timelines….that’s why pretty much every Zelda game is a reboot, where Link and Zelda meet for the first time, and Link first discovers he’s the “hero of legend”. I knew there was just no way Miyamoto was going to continue the story from Assault or Command…that’s just not his style. It was a guarantee that he was going to go back to square one: Andross declares war on the Lylat System, and the Star Fox team must make their way to Venom and stop him.
I’m not sure how you postulate that “every Zelda game is a reboot” based on Miyamoto’s involvement. Miyamoto hasn’t directed a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time; Eiji Aonuma is the head honcho of the series. At any rate, apart from Star Fox 64 and its 3DS remake, how many times can Nintendo revisit the same plot? Don’t they think that fans care about things like ‘continuity progression’ and ‘character development’ among other things? It’s what made the story of Command so engaging.
I think many fans, including Aaron here, are considering a game with a similar plot and play structure to be a remake. It is true that almost every Mario and Zelda (and Star Fox and Metroid) game follows more or less the same core structure. For Mario, it’s Bowser captures Princess, Mario rescues Princess. Similar to Zelda, except there are also sages and triforce things involved. However, Miyamoto (and the rest of Nintendo) are very focused on gameplay first, story second. And for any game that’s not a JRPG, they’re probably right to do so. This is the well known correct way to make video games, as I was taught in my game design class. As such, you can expect all games by Nintendo, now and in the future, to focus on innovating gameplay ideas. Any story innovations or processions are secondary at best.
On that note, even Nintendo’s most famous JRPG doesn’t iterate its stories. Pokemon always starts you off as a 10 year old boy or girl starting off on his Pokemon journey, getting his starting Pokemon from a kind professor with the goal of catching all the Pokemon and becoming the very best, like no-one ever was (except for the last game where you did the exact same thing).
@Mr. K.
I’m perfectly happy with the “Gameplay first, story second” philosophy….. if Nintendo even considered the story at all! Rehashing the same plot once again doesn’t strike me as following that doctrine. Nintendo needs to understand this: It doesn’t matter how good a game you create, I’m not going to bother with it if I don’t care about what it presents. I’m a fan artist, and I only draw pictures of series and characters that I like. How am I supposed to care about the characters in this game if they’ve got the same plot stuck on repeat?
You have a surprising number of Sonic and Mega Man artworks in your gallery for such an opinion. It’s only through the comics (not their games) that the Sonic and Mega Man series really proceed in any meaningful sense. Otherwise, their stories are virtually identical across all their games.
Star Fox Zero is not Star Fox 64, this was made very clear. Reimagining == Different Story, though some characters and scenarios may be shared, it will not be the same story.
Regardless, and this may be mean to say, but it may well be that you are simply not Nintendo’s intended audience. If you cannot find it in your heart to play a game that doesn’t fit your story needs, regardless of its actual quality, I don’t think they made any games for your recently, considering their lack of story focus.
@ Mr. K.
For the record, I don’t care much for the repetitive plots in the Sonic games. I don’t play them as much as you think and I openly denounce Sega’s poor writing. I’m more a fan of the cartoon and comic, which is where my fan art comes from. As for Mega Man, there’s more story there than you might think. Yes, the series has its recurring villains like Wily and Sigma, but there is a sense of progression concerning the development of robots over the centuries that appeals to a reader of Isaac Asimov novels like me. You just need to probe deeper.
But you’re right, I don’t think this is going to appeal to me. And moreover, this lack of focus on game stories has affected many series I grew up with. Aaron mentioned the Zelda series, which I find is becoming stale. I’ve said a thousand times that the series needs to have voice acting and better cinematics. While the graphics have improved, the presentation hasn’t advanced one step beyond Ocarina of Time! I’ve already stated that Sega have lost the plot, and Capcom are no better. They’ve dumped whatever mythos they built up with Mega Man or Darkstalkers or Ghosts n’ Goblins, purely to focus on yet ANOTHER Street Fighter game. Heck, most of the characters are still doing the same thing as when they were first introduced. Ryu seriously needs to get a girlfriend or something. Sheesh!
Personally, I hope to see Krystal, Fara, Miyu, and Faye. As well as seeing returning appearances from Bill and Katt. I’m not going to count anyone or anything out just by what they showed at E3 because more often than not, E3 demos just show off gameplay and game mechanics. I’m also hoping they throw Command completely out of Star Fox series canon, worst game of the series. And no, I don’t think Adventures or Assault were bad, I thought they were awesome!