Dinosaur Planet Fan Animated Series Project

A fan-created episodic series based on the pre-Star Fox transition Dinosaur Planet is in the works. The team plans to recreate the story of Dinosaur Planet as closely as they can, since the game isn't going to come out. It's going to be a lot of work, but they have some basic animations already. They are looking for more "Animators, Artists, Sound Tech, and Voice Actors." If you want to help out, check out their sites.
Thanks to Fire Yoshi for the heads up.
Okay, this is awesome :) ! I’m one of those hopeless guys who keeps hoping that someone at Rare currently or a former employee will leak the old Dinosaur Planet ROM XD
the game was still being made but it already late in the n64 life cycle and Nintendo told them to convert into a star fox game. anyway lets see what the animation of “dinosaur planet” going to be like.
it looks interesting I havn’t played the emulater for dinosour planet but its basicly the same as starfox adventures so I think I’ll enjoy it.
There’s an emulator for it! Where XD. Either way thought I’m excited to see more fan creations coming out, it’s great to see there’s still a large community out there
I guess it’s kinda alright to see Dinosaur Planet getting a fan made episodic (comic series?) But, I don’t know… Maybe I like things the way they are in Adventures.
@NJ Fox
I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I do have a video of a game idea of Krystal’s backstory on Cerinia.
Hey guys, I’m the director behind the Dinosaur Planet animated fanseries. I just wanted to thank you guys for mentioning us. We’d like to get some more people to help us out, so please keep spreading the word.
@StarDog Smasher I’m with you. Partly because I don’t think there is that much difference between the games. At least not gameplay wise. Storyline and visually there will be differences. I always view Dinosaur Planet as beta version of Star Fox Adventures. Another reason is the potential of bringing the two together. I would love to see Star Fox Adventures as a spin off series with each on a different planet. Be nice to get to know more about the planets we save. My first choice of developer would be Monolith Soft. It’s great to see some love for Dinosaur Planet though.
I’d love to see this!
@Stardog Smasher
Great ideas for the gameplay the voice actres will maybe came. I like Krystal`s voice in starfox assault and adventure. Nice animated for the firts time a dinosaur planet animated is soo cool.
Thanks for the compliment on my game idea of Krystal’s Planet. I do have other ideas and artwork in my channel and deviantart page.
interesting theary as for arwing sequinces I dou’t the cloudrunner would be there but if any awrings would be there they’d probably belong to James, peppy and pigma.
And knowing andross he may have been turned hands and brain through the cernians power then destroyed there planet in the prossess. this is just my opinion of course either way I say andross blow up krystals planet.
It’s an ambitious project, but how different is Dinosaur Planet from Starfox Adventures anyway? I thought Rare basically swapped out Sabre for Fox and gave the game a facelift.
Known differences, just off the top of my head:
Sabre and Krystal shared approximately 50% of the gameplay time, with certain areas or puzzles apparently requiring one or the other to proceed (that’s why the ‘Warpstone’ was once called the ‘Swapstone’).
In addition to Tricky, there was a second companion, a Baby Cloudrunner named Kyte, with different abilities.
There were at least 2 whole areas (probably more) that were simply cut or replaced in the transition. I believe one was called Discovery Falls.
Sabre used a sword, Krystal used a staff.
The game was designed to be a combination racing and adventure game, which is why there are a couple of jetbike races in Star Fox Adventures. The original game had a much larger racing focus (because of previous experiences making Diddy Kong Racing).
Check out many more facts here:
@Stardog Smasher
I have a idea maybe if you look it cool maybe in my idea for the power up. Krystal can get a potion to clone herself to wondering wich Krystal is the real. can get many combos and hits the bosses easely how that? It was my idea fot power ups.
for not fot. dang it the keyboards mess me up!
yup, i already applied
Cool idea for a power up idea.
@Stardog Smasher
Thanks the game will be easely if we have many Krystals. Team Krystal will be real.