Smash Direct coming December
With the surprise reveal of one new character for Super Smash Bros., Cloud from Final Fantasy, Nintendo has teased a special presentation focused exclusively on Smash Bros. It's scheduled for next month. I expect we'll hear more about changes and DLC stuff (and probably even more stuff we aren't expecting) there. I'm excited.
Cloud is an interesting choice for sure. Definitely a popular and iconic character. I'm interested to see how he plays. He also represents new ground being the first Smash Bros. character never to previously grace a Nintendo platform.
Fan Speculation: START! Please try not to kill each other. :)
I saw the stars in the Sm4sh trailer and for just one brief second I was thinking, “Yes, Krystal!” But then my brain caught up and recognized the music =/ . Well, hopefully this isn’t the last Smash Ballot to be hosted or runners-up will have their chance. People were clamoring for Krystal and Shovel Knight in the live feed during the Direct.
I’m gonna main cloud. He is best swordsman! As for fan speculation, I don’t feel like it right now. I’ll come back later.
I still think Krystal has a good chance of being in Smash bros. I want her to be in Smash so it doesn’t say a right lot.
After searching for results for the ballot these past weeks i did not see Cloud as the top voted character, so Krystal still has a chance.
I am a bit disappointed with Cloud’s inclusion. Never heard of the character until today.
Realistically, would Sakurai include Krystal? I’m starting to lose some hope here.
i wish if Krystal will be in smash one day?
Cloud? Really? Cool! It’s nice to see characters we thought were Sony-exclusive come over to play with Nintendo characters. I know FF debuted on the NES, and the first several games were on Nintendo consoles (even if not exclusively), but it certainly feels like SquareSoft deserted us when they took FF7 to the PlayStation and never looked back after that.
(I know nothing about FF, I’m just commenting on how pleasantly weird it is. It’s a bit like if Mario ended up on some mega crossover game made by Sony or Microsoft.)
Actually, come to think of it, it’s not all that weird, nor did they really desert us so much – right off the top of my head I remember there are GBA FF games. Still, no full-size FF games on Nintendo consoles that I’m aware of. And they’ve also dabbled on the Xbox. Still, I think most people know FF only for being on Sony consoles (case in point: me until a few moments ago).
There was apparently a huge rift that developed between Square and Nintendo at the time for business reasons. Square vowed to not work with Nintendo again. It’s taken nearly this long since they’ve started working things out, apparently.
Wait. Isn’t Nintendo going to reveal more DLC characters?
@Mr. Krystal
On top of a final fantasy game being released on the 3DS I’d have to agree that they’re back together and that introducing Cloud to Sm4sh was just a way to emphasize this. I’d also speculate that this was rushed as his kit looked fairly uninspired as it was clearly recognized of it’s similarity with existing swordsman which is something that Sakurai has already been stated to distaste very similar characters. I’d also have to say that this was done for marketing reasons to bring FF fans over to Nintendo consoles for new releases, including the upcoming one. This said I’d also have to say that Cloud has nothing to do with the Smash Ballot and something that should be considered a surprise treat; because there isn’t been much support for him recently as far as I’ve gathered. I’d say that this new Sm4sh dedicated announcement in December is definitely going to have something to do with the Ballot. It’s amusing to me because I feel like it’s actually possible for them to have 2 Starfox representatives due to Wolf already being made which would require much less work than a brand new character and would absolutely sell and with Sakurai already having some form of interest and knowledge of Krystal’s potential and popularity, Could help sell future Starfox titles AND the present one. Of course, Palutena may have discouraged her in some way of reappearing and her competition will be fierce but depending on the amount of characters they intend to make, I’d say she stands a considerable chance of making it in. Also, this takes up only one of the current fighter slots, I wonder what they already have in store for us, because I feel that Wolf will be here sooner rather than later. In closing, I will be purchasing all of the DLC fighters and stages regardless of who’s released and look forward to what’s next.
I guess it would make sense, Considering that the FF games started out as NES Games. But I’m sure Krystal will be a DLC Character one way or the other, remember it’s always darkest just before Dawn.
I feel there will be 2-3 more new dlc characters. I imagined up some categories. Here’s my thought on what I see for runners in each. Please add any other big ideas I could’ve missed. Most likely veterans: Snake or Wolf. 3rd party/indie: Shovel Knight or Shantee (misspelled). Nintendo characters: Krystal and … Not sure actually… King k rool might still be up there.. What other Nintendo characters are still running well?
Dixie Kong, Inklings, Paper Mario, Ridley (though it’s a long shot), and maybe Isaac