Krystal Holding Things

Ayano has continued in the tradition of Krystal holding things when she posted some photos recently. The two things this time are the two Star Fox Amiibo and that infernal sandwich which she so rarely can enjoy.
Ayano has continued in the tradition of Krystal holding things when she posted some photos recently. The two things this time are the two Star Fox Amiibo and that infernal sandwich which she so rarely can enjoy.
AW! That’s just adorable XD
And so, mortal enemies sandwich and Krystal duel once more. Forever locked in and enternal fight. (Like Peter Griffin and the chicken man) neither side seems to win. But Krystal swore that one day, the sandwich will fullfill it’s life-long meaning of being eaten.
She probably got interrupted while she was trying to eat the sandwich by having her picture taken. The conspiracy goes a lot deeper than most people know.
Ayano I havn’t seen a pick of her in months.
It’s great to see more of our favorite cosplayer here. That’s cute. ^^
She does an awesome Job Cosplaying Krystal. It’s just so Amazing!
Now she can’t eat her sandwich… because her face is molded plastic… when will the onslaught end?
First off its the principle of the thing second google pluse says there’ll be a big announcment tomarrow on monday fingers crosed for smash news.
Can you give us the source for the announcement?
I heard about it on google+ you do have a google account right? if so look for nintendo news in he search users menu.
one day she will enjoy her sandwich and how lovely to see Krystal holding the starfox amiibo.
Krystal i will give a advice eat that sandwich the fastest just for time to eat.