Merry Krystmas!

We here at the Krystal Archive wish you and yours a Happy Christmas. Spend time with your family and friends, appreciating what you have and looking forward to the new year. We have quite a few things coming early in 2016. Ayano will appear at Further Confusion in her Star Fox Command suit. I'm also planning a new podcast for the 10th anniversary of the Krystal Archive. Plus, lots of site changes are coming.
Ayano posted some festive photos on her Twitter. Don't forget to follow her for the latest.
Merry kryst-mas XD
I commented that pun on her Twitter before you posted this. XD
Also guys, I actually had a dream about the Krystal Archive going through major changes a month or two ago. There were little animations, more pages, and even a Star Fox OC creator! :o
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2016. 2015 is a year that goes fast like a rocket even the others years like 2000 2001 etc… For Everyone on this website and also Ayano Krystal a merry Christmas and a happy new year 2016.
i dont have a twitter account i will follow her in my heart to be better the ever. I wish the year 2016 will be better for a long time to come.
I have crazy dreams. Like the time I dreamed meeting Krystal then when I looked on my shoulder and saw fur. I was surprised and when I touched it, I actually felt like i had fur. Then Krystal smiles at me, I look down and more of my body is covered in fur. After that confusion saw a bright glow emitting from my furred arm and the glow look like the symbol she had on her body.
Pretty crazy huh?
@LucasJG1994 and Lily
bah Krystal i just saw her i little time on my dream but i wish to see her long time. I wamt to see her, Krystal will make me a nice smille and a i know in French if Mr.Krystal wants to, after that we will having a gameplay on my Starfox Assault i just got today. i just need to say and you guys can translate what did i say. Ok the word i need to translate is clin doeil help me translate that word please.
want not wamt sorry for the erreurs
@LucasJG1994 and Lily and Mr.Krystal
a wimp i finally know that one.
sorry i just dont know the word but only in my language
sorry guys (sad face) its happing for people to dont know their words but only in their language.
It’s perfectly fine! :)
Whoa! Cool dream!! :o
I once had a dream where I actually met Fox and Krystal. I wanted to kiss Fox’s face, but for some reason I nearly kissed Krystal instead! :/ (Sometimes we do really weird things in dreams)…
I never dream about things I actually really care about. My dreams are always about things I rarely think about in my waking life.
Wow you wanted to kiss Fox! But you nearly kiss Krystal! I guess in the dream you were worried that she might attack you if you got too close to Fox. Lol. In fact, I had another dream quite awhile ago. It start with me looking out my front door late in the night. The color of the scenery was green for some reason, not to mention that the sky was also a greenish color. I looked into the sky and weird planets started to appear! The planets were from the Lylat System. When I looked and inspected them they slowly span around within the greenish sky. Plus, there was a full moon too, but the color was red.
@Mr Krystal
Yea, I rarely dream about Star Fox, only those to dreams I have. Well, I have another one but that one is not appropriate to share. But, I mostly dream about weird things, like weird horrific monsters. If you want me too I could share them. I always like speaking about my dreams. :)
WHAT!? man i want to say lol its soo funny you was kissing Krystal but you want to kiss Fox? Its makes me laugh soo hard but not dying to laugh but its funny LOL nice dream to see Fox and Krystal but the kissing part was fail.
bah like me but its rare for me to seeing Krystal in my dreams i wish tonight i will seeing Krystal for real.
let me guess in the dream whit Krystal are turning into Krystal? Your body got fur allover you whit the glowing marks like Krystal are you her or its just me. In the second dream the skies was green,the ground was green you saw the lylat System did you see Sauria? the moon did you saw was red is that mean the Solar System was changing or again its was me. So LucasJG1994 what happen the next part of the dreams? Did you know all the parts or no?
@Mr.Krystal, LucasJG1994 and Lily
let me tell you something a Christmas night maybe 2007 or 2008, I was sleeping in my bedroom but suddenly i heard some reindeer and a voice up the sky so i wake up and looking to the window i was surprising i wasa just saw Santa Claus in person saying ho ho ho merry Christmas for real i was whit my family it was special to see Santa for real im not jocking it was real. Is Santa for real or it just me? Im not lying is real.
one thing he was saying in French i make some writing erreurs for the story.
No my fur color was orange forgot to put that in. And everything that I wrote was all that I dreamed. I woke up after these events. No I didn’t see Sauria but I did see Corneria and Venom and others too, can’t remember their names though.
ok i see your fur was orange and you d indt see Sauria did you see the sectors x y z? I love asking you questions but its me. Know i want to explain my dream whit Krystal she was not for long in my dream she gave me some advice whit the Staff if i know. no i dont know what happing in this dream but i know she was not longer here. Boring.
No I didn’t see sector X or Y, I only saw planets.
Why is it every time I see Ayano in her Krystal outfit (or a variation thereof), my heart just melts? I just want to give her a big hug. She’s so kawaii! XD
You make a erreurs is not Krystallover19 is Krystalloves19 sorry to warning you.
You just seeing the planets even Aquas?
erreurs erreurs Krystallovier19 and Krystallover19? dang why?
Sorry about that. Yea Aquas too since I saw a Beautiful blue planet.
Sorry got it wrong again. :P
Its alright chil like a freindly wolf its my way to say.
All the planets of the Lylat system is on your dream?
I think yea!
Well i need to sleep its 24h19min i know its not on this subjet but lets talk tomorrow ok good night LucasJG1994.
Ok good night.
Here are the list of dreams that I remember. (Warning!) Some are a bit scary so be careful.
Zombie Dreams
Dream 1
I was running, it was a cloudy day as I ran as hard as I could on the road. I looked behind me to see horrifying zombies chasing me. How many? I’d say about a thousand.
I was destrauted beyond belief, my mind filled with fright. Suddenly, a glimmar of hope flashed through my mind and heart as I saw a church. I ran through the gate
while the humanoid monsters tried to catch me, I was inches from their grasp when I finally made it into the door. Quickly dashing behind a wooden bench I peeked
around the corner of it to see them standing still not moving an inch. A voice came from outside saying “GO!! Get him!!” But the zombies didn’t move and they
continued to stare. I began to analyze them from a distance, to see their form. As I analyzed I saw pieces of skin peeling off and small visible sections of bone
showing from the missing patches of skin. And then I woke up!!!
Dream 2
It was a dark night as I drove through the streets with a speed of over a hundred M/Hr. Again I was chased by zombies but the quantity was a lot larger than the last
dream. This time they were thousands and they were closing on me very quickly. Focusing on the road ahead I was drastically looking for an exit. Suddenly, I heard a
loud bang on the top on my car, keeping my foot on the peddle I looked out the window to see a zombie on my car. I climbed out the window steadying my footing on the
moving car that began to lose it’s speed. With a swift kick to the neck I managed to make contact only to get my foot trapped in the claws of the monster. The car
slowed down Below one hundred M/Hr and I knew I had to get off and start running, building up force within my cought leg I kicked with all my might freeing myself
from the monster’s grasp and begun running. After a few min I came across a cross roads, the street ahead was blocked by a herd of zombies. Looking to my left that
was also blocked, so I ran to the right only to meet a huge wall boxing me completely in. up ahead stood a man covered in a greenish skin who faced the wall, looking
around frantically I soon found a ladder which lead to the higher levels of the building. Dashing toward it I began climbing, but the mysterious man began to grow with
each step I took on the ladder but I kept climbing. Once I reached the top I suddenly realized, there was no platform for me to set my footing. The ladder was a death
trap! Looking at the greenish stranger he now stood with a hight about half of the buildings that surrounded him, he suddenly began to move as every step he took shook the ground. I felt trapped and about to accept my death when I felt a sudden erge for courage. I jumped from the ladder and looked up to find myself surrounded by zombies
who jumped from the high places of the buildings. Landing one of my feet upon the head of the nearest monster I pushed with all my strength helping me to climb higher
into the air. And then I woke UP!!!
Humanoid Eating Plants
It was very late into the night, I was again running but this time against humanoid eating plants. Their features were almost human, but they had green skin and when
eating their bodies would split apart engulfing anything in their path. Not only do they eat, but they can also infect others turning them into their allies. I ran hard through the door of an abandoned building with plant eating monsters hot on my trail. Dashing though pathways and cutting around corners I finally came face to face with a metal door. Grabbing the knob I twisted and pulled opening the door and closing it behind me locking it in the process. Taking time to catch my breath I looked around the room to find a professor typing away on his computer, he turned to me and said “Looks like you got it too.” I looked down to see my hands green and my vision also began to see greenish colors. But my mind was still intact, I didn’t pass out like the other victims of those monster. Coming up with an idea I turned toward the professor and said.
“You stay here and work on the cure. Once I leave lock the door.” As I turned around walking to the door. And then I woke UP!!!
Naruto Shippuden
The scenery was dark, I stood within a building that had only steps and no windows. As I began walking to the platform below I turned to the next set of stairs to see
Sakura standing on the platform below me at the bottom of the stairs. she looked up to me and snarled as she spoke “You’ve been causing us a lot of problems Lucas.”
She took out a poisoned konai from her weapon pack as she continued “We’re gonna have to do something about that.” I too took out my konai believing it to be soaked
in poison as well. We charged towards each other weapons in hand, I slashed but missed my target while she caught me cutting me from the stomach to the back of my shoulder.
I fell to the ground on the flat platform and began to hallucinate because of the poison. I felt my mind going insane as I saw Deidara lying on the floor, blood oozing out from his back. I stood up, my mind filled with insanity as I yelled towards Sakura.
“I’ll Get You!! I’ll Get You!!” I raised my left arm to see my hand missing. And I awoke with cold sweat!!!
Marriage Engagement
I stood near to an old wooden house, the day had a beautiful blue sky with white clouds that slowly passed by. The grass was also beautiful with their glowing green color,
they weren’t long or too short. A memory shot through my head as I looked into the distance, the memory of my engagement to my lovely wife. “Oh-No!!” I shouted,
“I have to go!!” I was about to leave to the arranged wedding when a lustful red haired women blocked my path. Her hair was tied to form a long pony tail that fell to her hips along with beautiful bangs that slightly covered her right side of her face.
“Do you really think she can satisfy your needs?” She questioned. I was shocked, Why was this women asking me this question? she continues “Come with me. I think I could do
a better job.” My inner self got cut in half, completely stuck on what I should say. But then the image of my wife to be came to mind, with courage I stood firmly and said.
“Sorry, but I have someone important waiting for me.” I dashed passed her feeling sorry for her feeling but brushed it aside. I finally arrived at the scene to see my
Fiance folding her arms enraged with my tardiness.
“Where were you!!” She spoke. She wore a brown coat that covered her shoulders and began to split apart as it fell upon her body. Underneath was a white buttoned top
and her skirt was also brown. Her hair was bright yellow and slightly short, her bangs cut across her eyebrows and her eyes were a beautiful bright blue.
I couldn’t tell her about that woman, I knew she would be enraged and so I hid it from her.
“So Sorry!! I Swear!!!” I replied quickly.
“I was waiting for you for a long time!” She turned her back towards me, her voice becoming choked from the sobs she held back. I couldn’t stand to see her in this state,
I quickly felt my guilt engulf me. Until one thought came through my mind, I came closer to her and rapped my arms around her, Her shoulders were completely covered by
my arms.
“How can I make it up to you?” I sincerely asked. She quickly turned towards me, our eyes met as she spoke.
“Kiss me.” she ordered. I was completely stunned by here order as emotions flew through me, but after what happened with me and that woman I felt this was the only way
to ask her for forgiveness. My left hand laid upon her shoulder while my right hand held her chin as I came closer to her beautiful face, and with one touch our lips met.
And I WOKE UP!!!!
The woman who turned into a monster
I stood looking around to find myself in a living room seeing a woman who wore what you call normal clothing, and a baby who sat next to her. I looked at the two but
they failed to notice me. After a few min a another woman came walking into the room, she too wore normal clothing. But, my mind remembered her from a dark memory that
I could not bring to mind. She sat next to the mother and began conversing with her, when my mind was struck with a memory as it came to me. Remembering the look in her
eyes as tears of blood ran down her cheeks, her eyes were the eyes of a monster, completely lifeless. I tried to speak but my throat became choked with fear. My memory
were as clear as day, if you pressure the woman into doing something she didn’t want, her belly would swell and she would begin to spit out green solid balls from her mouth.
Looking again at the two woman I saw in shock the woman who had her baby sitting peacefully on the coach, forcing a milk bottle to the other woman. She resisted vigorously
and just like my memories, her belly began to swell and she spat out green solid balls from her mouth. The mother carried the women to the next room placing her upon her
bed when something strange took place. Her belly began to take the shape of a glass bottle as she yelled in pain. The mother lifted up her top to see a literal glass
bottle with a strange substance that looked like water. The mother drank from it and spoke out of surprise “I’ve had this before!” As the woman sat up her transformation
began, splitting apart her joints from the jaw to her shoulders to her elbows. I tried to speak again but this time, it wasn’t from my lips but instead within my mind.
As if I was speaking to my dream-self. I spoke.
“Do not look!! Look at the shadows on the wall!” And instantly I turned my head to the shadows that came from the mother and the monster. A Loud Roar came from behind
as the shadows displayed the monster eating the mother’s face. As soon as the monster had finished her meal I knew she the monster would come for me next. I again spoke
to my dream-self saying “Wake Up!!!” Right then and there I awoke from my dream and my first words were.
“This is just like The Matrix!”
Merry christmas guys especialy to ayano and krystal.
Only just the other day, I had a dream that Krystal was an announced character in a Dragon Ball Z game of all things. It’s a rare I even have dreams, but when I do, it tends to be that completely unrelated things get mixed up together. I think my brain was trying to dream of Smash Bros, but got a bit lost along the way or somethin’. xD
i dont see Krystal in my dream last night dang nit also the zombies dreams what are you making makes me a little SCARE. So you got many dreams to tell us if im right.
Well the dreams I wrote here are the ones I remember throughout. There are others but not appropriate to share.
Ok i see the the dreams you wrote was the dreams do you remember but yeah the others dreams will maybe scares people out and dont to share.
Those dreams are the most scary dreams I had. The ones I don’t want to share are kind of personal if you know what I mean.
OMG!!! Too adorable! If I wanted to hug her before, now I want to hug her and never let go.
@Axl Rose
You know I forgot to mention one dream and it was actually about dragon ball z. After looking at the Death Battle between Superman and Goku I had a dream about this topic. I dreamed that the power levels they described Goku super saiyan 4 as having were the same level that Pan had in Dragon Ball GT. Straight away I saw the connection . But then I woke up.
i know what you saying the dreams you dont want to share are personal for you just like me some dreams i was dreaming are just for me one dream did i had is everybody in my school hates me even my teacher so their are trying to kill me i was trying to escape my school before them its awkward for me. Bad dreams are horrible and stupide.
If i remember the next part.
I see, I guess your problems with school were on your mind before you slept. Well, I dream a lot of random stuff. I don’t look at zombie movies or play zombie games. So, no idea why I dreamed those freaky dreams.
a good dream was i was whit my class and some reason i saw Fox Falco and Krystal i know that my friend Xavier was trying to return whit me i know that Fox and Falco is on my friends group but Krystal i dont know maybe whit me or whit Xavier. My best girlfriend Camille was looking for Xavier to be return on his group the morning i was woke up. when i was waiting for the bus to arrive im asking him for Krystal will be on my group. so now Krystal is on my group after this day. Good dreams are perfect and pretty nice for people on Earth.
I hate School i dont know why they want to kill me so i escape from school and having a peaceful day relax and calm i dont feeling the bad things on this dream.
what is a siept? im just asking what is that.
oh slept the sleeps ok i know but i dont know were maybe in my bedroom.
That was cool. Seeing Fox, Falco and Krystal in your class. You know you should try writing down your dreams right after you wake up, it’s good practice for remembering your dreams. One time I was writing a fanfic about Star Fox and I was writing about the battle on Venom. One night I awoke at 12 O’clock in the night and began writing. You won’t believe that as I wrote in my book I actually was dreaming about the battle on Venom! It was amazing! I looked left and right and I saw Bill Grey standing on the bridge of a Battle Cornerian ship and when I looked out the window screen I saw the Arwings in action. All those explosions and lasers flying around the place. I have no idea how I wrote everything down!
Slept is the past-tense of sleep. Meaning you were talking about the past.
Awesome dream dude.
talking about my past. before i slept.
Ya, sometimes we do things in dreams that we normally wouldn’t do in real life… XD
Yes you can make mistake in dreams also in real life.
Well, ironically that Krystal isn’t in SSB4 or SF Zero, at least she won’t be gone in the games (I hope) and is looking nice in that santa dress. Strange thing is like Lilly, I had a dream of being with Star Fox, doing a crossover series with Star Fox (which may surprise you, since I’m doing a fan made series on Deviantart on that dream) having not only them, but also a lot of characters from a bunch of stuff I grown to love like Sonic, Jak and Daxter, Aladdin, Lion King, and many more.
@StarDog Smasher
I wish for Krystal to be in the next Starfox games and in the next super smash bros.
Krystal is in one fan made game of super smash bros
Super smash bros Crusade she is in the characters roster.
I heard and checked out videos of it, it’s cool. I’m trying to do the same thing that SSBC did for it’s online game.
@Stardog smasher
cool you play some super smash bros crusade the only female character im choosing is always Krystal i wish we playing a battle one day i will challenge you in a battle. are you got the game?
@Stardog Smasher
dude whats happing to me you heard it and you seeing it i got the game i dont know on my mind. I never play online battle.
and i forgot the S not this s.
I have just purchased Star Fox Command on my Wii U 2 days ago, After I beat the game I was gonna do like a “Pod People Conspiracy” Video (I thought that by playing the game it would help me get some perspectives)
@ Mr. Krystal
What was the first Star Fox you ever played? (Sorry to get off topic here)