Star Fox: Lylat Legacy Reposted and “Finished”

Back at the end of 2015, Layeyes abruptly discontinued this much-loved and amazingly well made comic Star Fox: Lylat Legacy. After a few weeks, he reposted all of the that he had finished, as well as finished up the last bits so he could get it to a good stopping point. Unfortunately, the comic is cancelled, probably never to be resumed. But at least we get to see it again as it is. All three chapters have been posted to Pixiv. You can read the comic without an account, just keep closing the popup messages.
We wish Layeyes well, hoping he will get the rest and work he needs and wants. Thank you for reposting your art for us fans!
This comic was one of my favorite Star fox fan projects beside Event Horizon! It’s to bad he didn’t work on it more, and Event Horizon is slowing down to… I think Undying has been a bit discouraged since A Fox in Space came out. I do think A Fox in Space is a little bit cool, but it look’s more like an adult cartoon than a Saturday morning kid’s show.
It is seems like most Star Fox fan projects get dropped eventually.
A shame. It was a great webcomic. Sad to say, but a lot of webcomics I have read have either gone on indefinite hiatus or stopped updating completely. Far too many, in fact. I know of one webcomic that centered around cats, and it would go on hiatus extremely often before the artist announced that they would stop updating the comic altogether. If that wasn’t bad enough, they also deleted the old archives from before the comic’s reboot, so some of my favorite arcs, like the Oblivion arc, will be forever lost.
Other webcomics have also been on long hiatuses before coming back briefly, then going on hiatus again. And even when they say they will return, they never do. Now, it’s not my intention to sound like a jerk here, but as a writer, I hate it when stories end abruptly with no conclusion. It is one of my biggest pet peeves. Don’t get me wrong: I love Layeyes’ work and I wish him well in the future. It is my hope (however slim it might be) that he returns to this comic someday and do the story of Star Fox justice.
this kind of remind me of the official star fox adventures manga, it’s probably the art style.