Nintendo Switch Plans

The time is almost upon us! Nintendo will officially reveal pricing, technical capabilities, and launch games for the Nintendo Switch on Thursday, January 12th at 8PM PT. I will do a watching party chatroom, as usual for these kind of Nintendo announcements. I don't expect any specific Star Fox reveals, but even if none are shown, it should be a very interesting presentation!
As soon as the stream is over, I will have to leave, however. I am planning to get up extremely early (like 4AM early) to go wait in line for a Nintendo Switch pre-order at GameStop. GameStop will be taking preorders the morning of the 13th, I have learned. I did the same thing to get a Wii preorder, and I'm glad I did. By 6AM there were enough people in line to overwhelm their allotments. I don't think the hype for the Switch is quite as big as the Wii, but it's close. I have also heard that GameStop will be getting relatively few initial shipments. So if you are interested in getting a Nintendo Switch day one, I recommend you prepare accordingly.
I’m gona watch that on friday I wana see it all.
specs, games, future plans.
I hope the Switch price will be low.
Because I can pre-order it online from my local Big-box store for the ultra low price of 399.99€ plus free shipping!!!
Yeah… I hope is around 250-300€
i probably watch on their site and any gaming site.
i probably get the “switch” whenever the next smash bros. (not the wii u and 3ds imported) or legend of zelda (not breath of the wild) comes out.
I’m hoping to get a N Switch by release date. Need to start saving.
Looking forward to seeing the Switch presentation even if it is on at 4AM my time.
The Switch looks fully awesome. Wish I could buy it. Got priorities first.
wait what that’s today holy shit, where’s that chat room? lmao
Course I’ll be watching it tomarrow morning.
I wana see if we get a new metroid no offence.
We’ll get a new starfox once miyomoto figures out were to go with the series.
I’m playing FF9 till my computers fixed then I can fix some things on starfox adventures 2.
It seems that the stream hasn’t started yet, and they’re have been 3 hours AFTER the scheduled time