Nintendo Switch Watching Party

As a reminder: In about 9 hours, Nintendo will be streaming details on the Nintendo Switch games, pricing, release date, and possibly specs. The stream officially starts at January 12th at 8PM PT (in America anyway) and can be watched on Twitch, on YouTube, or
We have a chatroom that is open right now! Just go to the chatroom page, pick a username, and type the password 'vixen'. I am already online and will be for the rest of the day. This evening, I will not be available in the chatroom until just before the presentation, so you guys will have to chat amongst yourselves until I get back. I'm sure you'll find some hype to talk about!
I doubt that there will be any Star Fox related news, but I’m gonna try and stay positive. :)
That’s the spirit! I’m quite confident about some Super Smash Bros. related news at least. I still hope that one day Krystal will be a playable character even though I know that her chances have probably never been as low as they are right now. But who knows… …Nintendo is gonna Nintendo! :D
I didn’t make it to the stream. I woke up early in the morning, only to find out that we had a blackout!
I’m so unlucky at this events.
Oh my jo I watched the whole thing this morning mario was awsome, splatoon was epic, zelda just blew me away. theres so much to talk about and so much to expect.
I predict metroid and starfox.
and oh my zelda has never been so dramatic like this.
Guys the hype is real try and hold out till the 3rd cause you could explode
it was okay, didn’t sell me on it but i’ll wait for e3 2017 for newer “switch” games, still planing to buy when zelda (not breath of the wild) or smash bros. “switch” (not the wii u or 3ds version reimported) comes out.
The official Nintendo Switch sites and in particular the Japanese one lists more games. Also Treehouse Live is on right now.
Is there no way that Krystal will return in the future StarFox games?
@J.T. Gillin
I think her chances for a return in the next Star Fox game(s) are actually higher than her chances of making It into Super Smash Bros. at this point (based on that Hashimoto tweet from 2015). Let’s hope that Platinum will develop the next Star Fox game as well. If she has a comeback in SF her chances for a Smash Bros. appearance will rise again. At this point It wouldn’t make much sense to add her to the Smash Bros. roster since she hasn’t been relevant for so long. During the ‘Brawl’ days It was much different.
To sum up: I’m optimistic for a Krystal return in the next SF game(s). As far as Smash Bros. goes, I think the only way for her to get in is to have a comeback in SF first, or maybe another DLC vote by the fans.
what vote we voted for nothing in that ballot remember.
And I agree krystals geting back in starfox faster than shes geting in smash thats for sure.
Speaking of the vote, have they ever published the full results of It? I can’t find anything. The only thing It says is that Bayonetta won (being number 1 in Europe; Top 5 in North America). I’m interested in seeing where Krystal was ranked and how many votes she received in the different regions.
@Mr BrownStone. news flash I live in europe (england technicaly we’re leaveing europe don’t ask) and last time I checked no body voted for beyoneta it was all a lie. I voted for krystal several voted for kk rool, shadow, young link, but none if not only one or two voted beyoneta.
Which only gose to proove the ballot was fixed and Sakurai was too lazy to care.
I also live in Europe, Germany to be exact. I know that there are many Krystal fans living here who voted for her. I have even seen some german people who said they didn’t buy SF Zero due to the lack of Krystal.
The thing is, we cannot change the results of that vote (whether It was rigged or not). It is what It is. Being angry about It will not reverse It. All we can do is continue to be creative so that the word spreads and hope that Krystal will one day make that comeback she undoubtedly deserves.
thanks atleast germany has krystal’s back.
Good thing about having the Wii U is that in case you don’t want to get the Switch at launch you can get Zelda breath of the wild on Wii U. I’m hoping to save up to get the switch, but in case of anything I can still get it for Wii U. So a win is a win.
I’m geting a switch and breath of the wild on the switch for extra performence. no frame drops unlike my starfox game which is plagued with them. once I get my computer fixed tomarrow I’ll try and fix that.
I saw the images of your game, looks pretty neat. Sadly my project hasn’t even left the ground yet, there’s a lot to do.
you’ll get there in the mean time I still have to fix the teaving problems.
Whats your project like?
It’s basically a Text Adventure game. I’ve been thinking a lot of how this could work and I’ve come to some ideas. But the programming is a nightmare, so much stuff to do it’s tedious. But I enjoy doing it.
Programing is always tedious. never saw the appeal of text adventures though tomuch text not enough pictures or motion its one of the reasons I work with 3d. I also plan to solve some issues with my game by putting in the staff upgrades.
Believe me if I could make a game with pictures and animation I would’ve done that a long time ago. We all have to start somewhere I guess. I’m the type of guy that needs a strong foundation of the basics before getting into technical stuff. Text adventures are actually pretty technical in their own way. Sure they don’t have images but if you count the amount of objects that you have to create along with NPCs and enemies it’s really something, not to mention creating a battle system for the game as well as creating maps for the rooms and interlocking them together. I’m just sweating here lol
For education, text adventures are a perfect start if you want to get into complex game design from scratch in programming.
@N J FOX, Mr. Brownstone
Sorry for jumping like this
That conversation of you two about Krystal’s supporters, intrigued me to find out if I have any in my country (I’m from Europe too).
First, I know for a fact that the majority of gamers (from personal experience and looking at the internet) are Xbox/Sony fanboys (console speaking). I’m putting a bet that the only thing they know about Nintendo Is Mario and Pokémon so the chances that they ever heard Starfox are slim to none, yet alone if they know Krystal.
But, there’s still hope. There are Nintendo fans or people who try everything (like me), but my only source right now is da interweb!
Instead of trying to find if there’s Krystal fans, all I need to find is starfox fans (or at least people who played the games).
So, I went to the most popular Nintendo related forum in my country. There was an another one run by our older distributor. When they terminated their deal with Nintendo, (IDK why I’m certain is financial :P). Anyhow, they shut down the forum, since I can’t find it, but I remember a post about SFA showing a dislike to the game and linking to a video mentioning Fox and Krystal first encounter. Anyway, I managed to find a thread where users would post their library of Gamecube games.
To my surprise, a lot of people had either Starfox adventures either assault or both, whether was owned or was in a wishlist. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that everyone is a starfox fan or if they love the blue vixen. Since it was a list and not everybody’s opinion.
So I tried to do a search with keywords but the search is broken since it showed of topic posts. No results.
After that I decided to find switch news and I found an other thread about which game they would want on the console (Aka, do you want Nintendo exclusives only or 3rd party titles?). Everyone started mentioning different Nintendo series and few 3rd party titles. Pretty much everyone here wanted Nintendo exclusives and the 3rd party games, they would rather be playing on the consoles or PC (the original poster was pissed, but I agree with him,
IN SHORT ex: no FIFA on the go=bye bye Nintendo)
Ok let’s cut to the case, out of luck, I found people who wanted a proper starfox game (no motion controls BS) and then I think I found one fan!
An person was asking for an another starfox adventures like game for the switch! Then it caught the attention of an other one asking more info about the Game. And he replied that he loves the game and he still remembers how great the graphics was and gazing one of the fox characters. I couldn’t make sense in the way he wrote it, but I think he’s mentioning Krystal. (if it was fox, he would say fox right?).
Now, does that mean there’s a Krystal fanbase. I’m Absolutely NOT certain! I only scratched the surface of the site. I could find even more information but pretty much this blows my mind because starfox adventures is popular in one way or an other.
At least it was fun doing it.
Man I typed a lot, I hope I didn’t killed anyone from boredom.
No Jimaki I read your post in its entirety and I’m sure several other people on here did as well. I don’t normally post on here much but I think something had to be said. It’s good to know that people do still want another adventures style game as it’s personally my favourite entry in the franchise. I love the world building that games like that do for franchises similarly to the metroid prime games. It’s always refreshing to see people actually thinking about this relic of a game and Krystal’s involvement with it! ^_^
I read it, it took awhile but I read it didn’t know there was a web site dedicated to the gamecube starfox games, or a forum that got torn down.
Hereing that europe was in to sony and microsoft makes me feel betrayed.
Thank you down much for reading it. I didn’t find out what I wanted (maybe I need to change my perspective) but, in return, I confirmed my fears about the success of the switch, which is more important because then who will make the next starfox game or any other of Nintendo’s great games?
Pretty much if it doesn’t has a decent amount of 3rd party line in the first years (more likely until the end of 2017) in order to attract non-Nintendo gamers, it would flop exactly like the Wii U. There’s also other factors like, price, games and if you own other consoles or A PC
(I think the PC gamers are interested in Nintendo), but I don’t want to start writing another long comment.
Personally, I think starfox adventures is a great game,
I didn’t finish it yet but I can see that it was rushed and with a little more time it might have been even better.
Actually Is a Nintendo/gaming forum. And yes, I know a few people who grew with Nintendo consoles. In fact, I grew up with the playstation 1&2 and my I had a gba and a ds mostly for Pokemon (also I had a psp). In the the last years I started playing more Nintendo ds games, because I bought a flashcard. And yet I still I didn’t got my hands on any consoles (I played only once on a N64 )
my first concele was a sega mega drive and I eventualy got a nintendo 64 but I truly grew up with the game cube and fell in love with starfox adventures imedietly as well as metroid prime.
I still remember starfox adventures even today.
@jimaki no problem dude! I’m going to be honest here, I really do hope the switch does well, but after the conference I felt like, “that was it?” Basically we have to like Zelda or the third party stuff ATM or we won’t get a switch. also it surprised me that nothing was said about smash as that’s one of their major console sellers. Reggie saying that metroid will continue on switch a few days back was a little reassuring to me as a fan of the franchise, and miyamoto saying that star fox will continue as well. But until there is an announcement for any of the games I’ve mentioned in this post I will not be getting the switch. I don’t doubt Zelda is a great game but it’s also coming out on Wii U, so yeah. And yeah I am a PC gamer as well/love Nintendo, but was really disappointed in the conference. I am eagerly awaiting e3 for now. =p
@ N J Fox
Lol N J Fox your life/game Tastes are pretty much identical to mine hahaha. My first owned console was a sega as well! I also did get an n64 and grew up on GameCube! I also played Nintendo games when their slogan was “Nintendo hard”. Metroid Prime games and Star Fox Adventures remain my favorite games to this day.
thanks smokey my computers in today so I can get back to work on starfox adventures 2 this after noon or tomarrow once all the programs are reinstaled.
I won’t buy the Switch at launch either. I’ll wait until summer to buy it. If it disappoints me, I’ll probably build a gaming pc or buy a playstation or something (preferably a ps3, I’m gonna jailbreak it in order to play ps2/ps1 isos, ahh nolstagia…).
I hate windows 10 everythings a mess on top of that it won’t load unity ARRRRH I HATE THIS UPDATE!
What does Windows 10 have to do with this?
it dosen’t let me use unity which lets me make games my modeling program works though I made a DP model for krystal I suppose I can change the run and jump animations while I wait for my brother to attempt to fix it.
we’re geting off topic here.
I’m working on the sharpclaw model now it’ll be ready in a few days but you won’t see it or the new magic caves and other models till unitys fixed.
not unless you want renders from the modeling program.
I’m back working with unity again and what better way to celebrate but with not 1 not 2 but 3 new screen shots.
These show off the new Magic caves and the Rocket Booster Upgrade, you’ll need it to travers the land and get out of tight spots, more updates to follow check the link below to see for your self.