Krystal GAB Account and Updates

In the spirit of the Official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter Account, and having a larger social media presence, I thought I'd try my hand with the same sort of thing with Krystal.
Introducing the "Official" Krystal Account on GAB! I reply to various world events from Krystal's perspective (as best I can), and post at least one Krystal fan art piece every day. For those of you wanting to see some great Krystal fan art showcased, this is the place for you. I don't know how well this project will go, but I'm trying to have fun with it. :)
On the subject of GAB, I have also obtained the StarFox account. Nothing is there yet, but eventually it will hook up to my Star Fox focused website, a more general companion to the Krystal Archive.
What's GAB? It's like Twitter, but you can type longer posts and it has a strong focus on free speech. I think there is still a waiting list to get onto GAB, but I have some invites if you want to jump the line. Send me an email with the email you wish to use to sign up, and I'll send you an invite until I run out of them.
Sorry I have not been updating. I had a bunch of time-sensitive projects that took up my time the last couple weeks. Looking forward to a more regular post schedule now.
I approve of this idea and hope really hope it takes off. :)
Derp… I really hope it takes off. Thanks phone! Haha
its been awhile since we got a new post here.
I don’t know about this idea we’ll see how it gose.
UPDATE: starfox adventures 2 has been tested for x box controls and theres still some issues but the games still playable,
General scales gallian has been added I plan to fill it with sharp claw and put in general scales as an overworld boss, as well as princess Kite as a prisoner you have to rescue for a special reward.
Ayano will most likely appear in her underwear again, just like in FC ’16.
‘Gab’ huh? I’ll go and check it out…. :) I too have been a little busy myself since ‘New Years’, and some of them could/are ‘time-sensitive’ as well…. (Shrugs)
I already made an account, sadly I have to wait about a week…