Another Krystal Charm

This Krystal charm is one of several that feature different Star Fox characters by Saraba Tikyuuyo. It's fairly rare to see a physical item like this for Krystal, even an unofficial fanmade one. Unfortunately, according to the charm item listing, the charm is sold out. Fortunately, the item is listed as an "on-demand" product. In theory, more of these could be made. The charm costs 800 yen, or just over $7.
As for other items, there's this Krystal and Fox card holder by Kabe Tea Shop.
Thanks to Smokey for the heads up.
thats a new one. not bad kinda plasic pop art style.
I like it. I prefer this metal charm rather than a figurine. I imagine myself buying one of those and put in on my sack and wander around the campus trying to scoop out any Krystal/ Starfox fans (if any exists).
Ah I like figures give me the figure anyday.
I actually tried to get multiple and I didn’t realize why it wouldn’t let me update the quantities until after. I thought they would have had more in stock. :(
here’s a picture of some of my SF/Krystal merchandise on my desk for the time being.
@Smokey lucky you got krystal figures I don’t why did my 3d printer had to die before I could perfect a printable krystal.
That is just too cute! I really like the art style for the eyes.
Nice art style you have here. It’s very cute. It’s like Krystal is pouting over something. Lol.
As for news update on my current situation. Seems i’m not out of the game just yet. Crazy as it sounds my Wii U has become the coding machine I need. Code like JavaScript. Though I’ve lost all my data in the past, it’s kind of nice to start fresh with a clean slate and see where I can go from here on out.
I’ll keep you guys updated on my new project, don’t know the details yet but it will be for a web browser. Maybe a game or something, I don’t know but I hope I can get this finished this time. All the best to you guys and to the KA.
On a side note. Tell me about your projects. How’s the fan stuff coming along. And if finished (If it’s on a browser that I can play) I’ll play your game.
Now that I think about it. I can’t rearrange Star Fox music withouth a PC. I need one quick!!!
@ LucasJG1994
As far a Star Fox goes, I working on a short Krystal/Kursed comic called “Not all can be Lost.” I want to show despite Kursed having a dark personality, she still has some of the kindness from when she was Krystal. Also good news, my other “Home site” the Lego Gallery is back! I’m hopefully going to get back on my Lego blog and finish building some trains I was commissioned to build. One of them is an NYC Commodore Hudson.
Just found something pretty interesting on the SF-Reddit:
It’s been too long since I’ve read the power comic or digged deeper into the lore. It was definitely fun to read this, especially the part that explains from where SF probably borrowed some of its ideas regarding Venom.
I think the lost tribe and ancient ruins on Venom would be perfect to bring Cerinia into play. This would explain a lot of things. I mean, Andross discovering telekinetic technology, while Cerinia was probably a nation full of telepaths. It shouldn’t be too hard to combine this. This shows just how much potential the SF lore truly has. Now use it, Miyamoto!
By the way, wouldn’t it be nice if Krystal could expand her telepathy and develop telekinetic abilities? Would be pretty OP. With a stronger telepathy she could even manipulate the enemies’ minds, provided that it’s not against her morals or anything like that.
Anyways, I thought I’d share this so that we might have another theory discussion, as things are a little dull at the moment.
@Mr. Brownstone
Even if your theory stands out, I don’t believe that it will happen. From the way I read it, it almost reminds me of Star Wars, if we add all of the telepathy aspects (da Force). So I believe Nintendo might be into legal issues. I read that SF64 what renamed into Lylat Wars in the European market because George Lucas thought it reminded the name of his movies, plus they had a deal for some exclusive Star Wars games for the N64, so they didn’t want to ruin their deal.
But it would be cool to see all of this in the next Starfox game.
I also doubt that Krystal will ever have da Force xD. After Command, I’ll be happy if they bring back her basic telepathy at all in the future. That’s pretty much her trademark as well as her role on the team.
It would be so cool if the Cerinians turned out to be the lost tribe Cornerus. It would all make perfect sense, as it says that the tribe, at some point, started looking for a new home world (Cerinia). Did you get some Cerinia vibes as well while reading it? ;)
I think I will dive into the lore once again. Even though I’ve already read the comics not so long ago, I tend to forget a lot of it. They contain important details and interesting information that you will never know of by simply playing the games.
The SF franchise should be more popular. It certainly has the potential to be. Miyamoto has to come to his senses and accept, that by telling the same story over and over again, it will only get worse. I for one want something NEW. They could still combine it with the information from the comics or the older games, no problem, as long as we get some story-progression (hasn’t happened in 11 years!). The current state of the franchise is ‘stagnation’.
Another question regarding SF 2: When does this game even take place in the time line, now that it’s (probably) canon? When SF 64 came out it replaced SF 1 & 2 (at that time unreleased, ofc) in the canon and is therefore the first game in the time line (as far as I know). Now that SF 2 will be released, where to put it? I’d say between SF 64 and ‘Farewell, Beloved Falco’ as they are all younger, Peppy is still an active pilot and Falco hasn’t left (yet). It’d still require an explanation why Miyu and Fay left the team, though. Thoughts?
Hi! Mind if I join the discussion?
OK! Krystal learning “Force Powers” would be cool, but maybe not just not to rip-off Star Wars… Maybe just for for a brief seen, Krystal can go full-power mode and telekinetically move things and control minds and the flow of time, but then she almost dies and when she recovers she has no memory of what happened.
I read the article and it ha some great in site to Star Fox lore and inspiration. I don’t think the Cornerus and the Cerinians are one in the same, but that is a fun speculation and there is some info to back it up, and I’d love to see more history and legends to the Star Fox world.
SF2 is a mystery all to it’s self… Yeah, I get that Nintendo’s happy the the Super F.X. patent expired. (Trust me, I happy to! I don’t need to hunt an original SNES and carts! I’m sure they’ll have them on V.C. soon.) Just, flipping Star Fox flipping 2… Are SF1 and SF2 cannon? Fay and Miyu are real characters? Was Fara a thing to? When It comes to Fara, I side with the Reflections Sires of fan fictions. That Fara was a love interest of Fox in their teenage years. After the defeat of Andross, Fara was put in an extreme “Witness Protection”. She was put into hyper sleep, erased from history, and the only people who remembered her was Fox, Falco, and slippy. When Fox returned from war, it was all said and done and was told by General Pepper she was gone. It’s not until many many years later that Fara is released preserved at the age of 19, she accidentally meet’s Fox and Krystal’s son when he is trying to start Star Fox again, but he is 22 years old! Aint’ nothing like that going to happen the Fay and Miyu, something a lot more simple and a lot less dark.
When it comes to the SF canon it’s hard to tell sometimes. We know that Miyamoto probably doesn’t care about it as much as we do (gameplay first…). SF 1 as well as the power comic are not canon due to the release of SF 64. However, some hints of the tribe on Venom were still seen in SF 64 with the ruins. The player’s guide also addresses the ancient monuments. The strategy guide (Lylat Datalink) even mentions Cornerus and the fact that they probably moved to another home world. So that stuff was carried over from the ’93 power comic and is therefore canon.
Now that SF 2 will be released it should actually be canon. However, it is possible that they’ll just release it but never refer to these events in future games. It’s really hard to tell. Miyu and Fay are official canon characters now (at least they should be). I know I once said that Fara is canon and could return, but after learning that the power comic is not canon, I think that Fara is not canon either. That doesn’t mean she can’t show up in future games, though.
The Cerinians being the lost tribe is a crazy theory, I know, but think of it: When Andross was defeated on Titania after being revived by Shears he became a floating spirit being. He knew that an ancient tribe once inhabited Venom. Their telekinetic technology gave him his powers in the first place. So he decided to look for them and eventually found them on Cerinia. He hoped that they still obtained these powers, which they did (at least to some degree). He maybe fooled them by making himself look like a good guy in order to get access to their power source. When he used these powers to revive himself, the planet blew up. If you remember my other theory, he already had a plan B. That’s why he made sure that one of them (Krystal) will survive if something goes wrong, so that he can later use her abilities to revive himself using the Krazoa on Sauria.
One last thing regarding the canon: Don’t be fooled by the people that tell you SF Zero negated everything post 64. It’s been made very clear that the game is neither a reboot nor a prequel or sequel. That (probably) means it doesn’t even influence the canon at all. It’s a reimagining of 64, an alternate version if you will (similar to the 3DS remake, sort of…). I’m not saying they won’t make a direct sequel to Zero. It’s certainly possible. At the moment, though, we have to go by the things that were said. Maybe the next game will be a sequel to Command, who knows? What I’m trying to say is: Don’t believe these people. They just wish it was true because they hate all the games post 64. That’s why they spread all these lies based on nothing. Some of them are doing it again by saying that SF 2 will replace all the games post 64, which is very unlikely. I don’t think Nintendo is going to throw away the majority of the story just because they are about to release a 22 year old game. It would make more sense to put the game between 64 and the Falco comic. They can still come up with an explanation or even a comeback regarding Miyu and Fay in future games. At the moment we don’t know what SF 2 will do to the canon. We’ll have to wait for an official statement by Nintendo, provided they’ll ever make one…
Well Star Fox was one of the only Nintendo games to have a consistent time line, but with S.F.Z. in the mix it’s hard to tell. S.F.Z. could be an alternate universe with similar happenings to S.F.64. The ruin’s statues to my memory resemble apes and gorillas, not foxes… Maybe Andross changed a few things? I really need to read that comic!
S.F.2 has a lot it can add to the series besides just new characters, the all range missions remind me of STAR RAIDERS for Atari XL with it’s open range game play and strategic map. (STAR RAIDERS for the Atari XL is a good game and is a cheap $8 on ebay. The systems are about $60 or above…) The “Unofficial females” (As I like to call Fay, Miyu, and Fara) Might see a come back in later games. Miyu and Fay are the most likely to return to the canon, as S.F.2 is under way. Fara can be a good character, but it could divide the fan base so much, that Nintendo WILL end Star Fox just to get people to be quiet. But that will never happen… Right?
Yeah, it’s a bit crazy, but not as crazy as this. He’s just trying to mock Game Theory in the most cringe-worthy way. He’s actual theory’s are a lot beater, trust me. I sort of thin the same thing when it came to Andross’s plan. It makes a lot of scene that he would do that and the out come explains a lot, one other thing is why he chose Krystal for her “Pure Heart”. He wanted her out of all Cerinians of be the one to bring him back.
Not to be overly offensive, but all those guys sound like cry babies that never grow up. Jon Tron, Mat Pat, and the others I’m don’t know the names of, in general sound like that about EVERYTHING! I mean EVERYTHING! New Mario games after Sun Shine, Zeldas after OoT, Motion Control, Kids in commercials, GWAAAAAAFIX!!!!! The list goes on… sad. oh look, I ranted… Sorry… I just proved I’m no beater that the haters… I am very, very sorry.
Who said that Cerinia’s population only consisted of foxes? I know where you’re coming from, though. One thing’s for certain: This whole Venom, Cornerus and possibly Cerinia connection is super exciting. Remember: Cornerus IS canon!
I hope that we will see all the girls in one game, like in SF EH. As long as it’s not too focused on romance it certainly works and probably wouldn’t divide the fanbase that much. I mean, how much more divided can it actually get? Can’t get much worse, imo. If they, however, focus too much on romance it can get really bad. Imagine having a double-love-triangle thing with Fox, Krystal, Panther and Fara. We certainly don’t need something like that. As I said once, I like romance, as long as it’s not overdone. I think it worked perfectly in Assault with the little flirts every now and then. It was not overdone and didn’t interfere with the actual story. Just some cute little moments. And please no more romance gone bad, like SFC did. If it’s romance it has to be romance in a good way as the bad romance undoubtedly interfered with the story in SFC.
As far as the ‘cry babies’ go, I have nothing else to say except: Do yourself a favor and don’t watch their videos. You will simply waste your precious time. I still regret watching JonTron’s video on SFA. 17 and a half minutes of my life wasted!‘
Just found another theory on Cornerus. Well, it’s actually two. The second one suggests that the lost tribe are the Krazoa! Didn’t think of that yet. Maybe Andross merely destroyed Cerinia to get Krystal, since he needed her to actually use the Krazoa. Maybe that’s it and there’s no deeper connection between Andross and the Cerinians. I doubt that, though. Why the monkey statues? Well, that’s actually explained in the first theory.
Your right! Cerinia could have had tons of different spices of inhabitants, not just foxes. Apes and other primates could have been some of them which could be a reason they “helped” Andross. This could get deep… And I love it! I’ll remember the Cornerus are cannon from now on!
I hope to see them all together too! We could use an even amount of male and female characters. Yeah… there is such a thing as too much romance… If they just keep the cheesy one-liners and add a bit of romance. (Maybe also just a bit cheesy) Like you said, the Sauria seen is one of the best examples of romance is the series, and I’d like to see some more. It shouldn’t get in the way of story too much, but I can see what you mean. Wonder in they can add some J.R.P.G. style character development as a game-play mechanic with how well your team mates do… No, too much drama, way too much drama.
On average, I can’t last passed the intro. Wait, how long did I last, Oh yeah! The first time he said (Bad language was interrupted by the SNES Dog Bark sound effect).
Wow-wee-zowie… After reading that you start to questioning a lot of what society is like on Corneria, dealing with racism any ways. In the 1992-1993 comic, there were lots of different animals in the army, not just dogs but cheetahs, horses, pigs, rats, bears, and the list goes on and on. Maybe it was only dogs and cats just so they could reuse sprites and character models. There is always the theory that the Cornerus, the Cerinians, and the Krazoa could all be connected. This needs to be discovered… Big time!
I hope Miyamoto has not forgotten about Cornerus and all that stuff. Back when they introduced it they probably didn’t want to go any further with it, so that there is kind of a mystery vibe going on. Now, though, the canon has expanded and contains lots of new things (Krazoa, Cerinia etc.) that can be used to put it all together in a way that would still make sense. I mean, why did they even mention Cerinia in SFA’s manual? They didn’t really have to do it. They even gave the planet a name (a cool one, btw) but decided to never mention it again. It’s time that we (and Krystal) get some answers :D
Found a new Krystal speed drawing (a pretty sexy one ;D):
I like the details on this one, even though the markings on her staff and armor as well as her arm tattoos are missing. The combination of being sexy and a warrior is right on point here. I like drawings that cover both aspects instead of focusing on just one (sexiness in many cases), so that some hint of her actual character is somewhat recognizable.
Yeah, let’s hope not. He may need to do just as much research as we do to brush up on Star Fox lore. He may go off of S.F.Z. and rewrite the lore and Krystal might end up being a different person, but still keep her abilities, kindness, and good looks if ya know what i mean. Cerinia is a strange mater, I hope it’s cannon but with it only being in the manual things could be weird. (Most games don’t even have manuals these days, just some legal paper work.) That’s not that Cerinia might not be cannon but that is a very very strange thing you pointed out… Yeah, Cerinia is a cool name.
Haha right, a certain ‘something’ decided to show itself. That’s the only thing about this drawing that I don’t really like but it’s not that big of a deal either. At least Krystal’s facial expression is that of a determined warrior instead of the ‘bedroom eyes’.
Cerinia is certainly canon. Back then, manuals were a common thing that contained additional information. If things from the player’s guide and strategy guide are canon, I don’t see a reason why stuff from the game’s manual shouldn’t. Even the SF-wiki considers Cerinia canon. I know that it’s not the most trustful source, though. At the end of the day, it’s up to Miyamoto and Nintendo to decide…
EDIT: ‘trustworthy’, not ‘trustful’. Yep, English is not my native language…
Okay, I guess… I still stand by my word when it comes to that art peace. Krystal has fur, it shouldn’t be a problem for her to begin with.
Thanks for confirming. Instruction books most have been a big deal then. My first console was the Wii, and it was the first console my family had since the Atari 2,600 and 7,800… My Dad was in to PC’s since the Commodore64, Atari 800XL, the Apple II, and the Z.X. Spectrum. So when I was a kid with a Windows 98′ machine, instruction books weren’t all that to me. So when the Wii came around and I took an interest in reading, the institution book didn’t have a ton to add… Just some cool art and concept drawings now and then.
I agree, the whole fur aspect was pretty much ignored on this one. It rather looks like blue body painting, doesn’t it? I still like this artist’s style. Krystal’s eyes look amazing. Same goes for her hair and the jewelry. Now add some actual fur as well as the markings on her staff and armor. Finally add the arm tattoos and some details to her hand and fingers. They look kind of blank. Oh and remove the…well, you know what :D
If you want to take a look at SFA’s manual, here it is:
@Mr. Brownstone
Do you know if there’s any scan of the Nintendo power featuring SFA (issue 161)? I can’t find it. Reading the manual, it gives you the impression that Krystal has a more important role and that is like the alternative character in the game. AKA, you have more gameplay with her. I want to see if the magazine says the same.
Also about the artwork, yeah…
Looks somebody put krystal’s clothes into a washer with a high heat cycle XD.
I can’t find any scans of it either. I just bought a physical copy on eBay. Couldn’t resist. They are still available, if you’re interested. As soon as it arrives I’ll send the scans to Mr. K. It’ll take a while, though, as it’s shipped from the US.
@ Mr. Brownstone
Thanks, that instruction book is some cool beans yo! (Just an expression.) I always try to add fur on my characters unless they’re human or don’t have fur…? Just did a cool drawing of Fox today. I might post it on GAB if you want to see. Well, being in the US and having a scanner I could send some things to the site if you have ideas. Just I don’t make much having a part time job…
@ Jimaki
“Heat cycle” LOL!!!
No problem. A friend of mine has the official player/strategy guides for both, SFA & Assault. He bought them many years ago on eBay and now wants to give them to me! Combined with that Nintendo Power Issue, I might start a collection ;)
I’d like to see that Fox drawing, ofc. Remember my ‘commission’ a while back? About Krystal fleeing in her ship from a doomed Cerinia? Do you think you could draw that? I already have an idea on how the finished thing should look like. You’d be the first person to bring this scene/event to life. I have yet to find a drawing showing this particular moment. Pretty sad if you think about it. A lot of artists have so much talent, and they’d rather draw Krystal doing all sorts of weird stuff instead of showing us who she really is and what she’s been through. If there was more fanart like that, people who don’t even know about Cerinia (and I think there are many) would maybe start to sympathize with Krystal and acknowledge her mental strength to get over such a traumatic experience. And even the people who do know about it would probably start to realize what it really means to lose everything and everyone. A drawing expresses it much better than a mere sentence from the manual.
@ Mr. Brownstone
OK! I have the picture up! It didn’t scan well, but it’s alright I guess.
Wow-wee! I nearly forgot that request, I’ll get to it some time after my short comic. I need to get back to drawing ships, planets I think I can do… I just thought of the perfect hair cut for Krystal, She’ll look so awesome! Just what should she where? I’m not a fan of her Adventures “clothing”, I like how she looks in Event Horizon, but I want to make my own style. Maybe based off of Dinosaur Planet…
Nice drawing. I like your style. You don’t try to copy anyone else’s style and that’s always a good thing, having originality. Just like you said on GAB, the pose is a little too feminine. Fox for Lylat’s next top-model? ;D
It would be so nice if you could actually draw it. It’s totally fine if you want to focus on your comic first. When it comes to the drawing I don’t want Krystal to be a kid. If we assume that it was Andross (already a spirit), it probably happened between the Falco comic and SFA. That means Krystal was 15 to 19 years old when it happened. As far as the outfit goes, I agree that it shouldn’t be her outfit from SFA. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that she got that outfit on Sauria by the CloudRunner(s) shortly after her arrival since the symbols appear on the planet as well. Have you seen the SFA comic by Abby Davis yet? In that version Krystal and her parents crash land on the planet when she is a kid. Her parents don’t survive and the CloudRunners adopt her. Check out the outfit she’s wearing when they find her on the ship. I think that kind of style would be cool. The outfit itself is not that special but combined with some jewelry it could be quite interesting. Well, I’m not saying you should copy that exact outfit but rather use it as a template to design your own. Here’s the comic:
For now, focus on your comic and inform us when it’s done. I’d like to see that one as well. After that, we can discuss our respective ideas for my request. I think this drawing would make many Krystal fans happy, don’t you agree? ;)
Thank you! I always try to be original, especially with characters I didn’t create. Oh my gosh! That’s funny! You might notice Fox has robotic legs, the reason for that is he was in a vehicle crash and his legs were amputated. Like I say, Game Theory lost ALL CREDIT as a theorist a long time ago.
I will try to capture that moment best I can, at least share a design for Krystal. I was thinking that age for her too, 13-18 years old is a good range for me. I have seen that comic! It’s so well done and the art work is incredible! Baby Krystal is such CUTE!!! Also the out fit for Krystal is kinda nice, it look’s like something a teen Krystal would where telling little cloud-runners of her adventures. I think I’ll use it as some inspiration for the outfit I want to put her in. (That sounded kinda wrong.) I’ll find a time to sketch some ideas and maybe decide on one.
As far as the comic goes the first page is done being sketched. I started work on the second page and laid out the panels. I’m just having some trouble drawing in a 3D space with how close and how far characters should be. Just having a No.3 pencil and a pink eraser on printer paper is hard work.
Wait, which outfit are we talking now? I mean, I like the one she is wearing while telling her story to the baby CloudRunners. It’s a less sexualized version of the SFA outfit. However, I was actually talking about the outfit that ‘Baby Krystal’ is wearing. I know it’s kind of a plain one but I like it. The shoes look cool, too. It is a mix of tribal/old-fashioned and modern clothing, pretty much how I imagine Cerinian culture and technology in general.
If you use that outfit (again, the Baby Krystal one) as an inspiration and add some more features (like jewelry), it could end up being awesome.
About your comic: You said it’s about Kursed. Will Fox (and probably the others) appear in it as well?
@ Mr. Brownstone
Yeah, I was talking about the outfit teen Krystal was wearing with the young Cloud Runners. I like how it looks primitive, but not too attention grabbing. Oh, that outfit that lil’ K was in. I guess I could base it off of that. It might be hard, but I’m up for the challenge! Maybe since Krystal is a princess or some form of royalty, casual clothing that still shows her high stature would be perfect! Yeah, the shoes are a bit cool. I imagine Cerinia being similar to Atlantis from the Disney film. An ancient civilization with technology beyond imagination being done with a magic-like power that is a science almost beyond under standing. A lot of things look like stone at first glance, but it’s really a super metal stronger than any known material.
Okay! I’ll keep that in mind when I start sketching. My younger sister said some thing like Ray’s outfit from Star Wars VII would work. How do you feel about that?
Yes, it is a short three to four paged Kursed comic called “Not All Can Be Lost”. Sadly the Star Fox team won’t make an appearance. Maybe next comic! I remember a long time time ago, I made a Valentine’s day drawing of Fox X Krystal/Kursed. It’s kinda cute.
P.S. Thought of another comic idea, and that is Fox going through a Final Fantasy IX “You Are Not Alone” moment. Do you think that would be a positive effect or negative effect on his character? Here is a link to the seen from the game (SPOILERS)
Zidane is one of those people who help others no matter what with out asking for a “thank you” or saying “your welcome”. He helped so many people overcome their flaws not knowing he was wearing himself out. When he needs to overcome his own flaws and finds out a dark secret about his past, he becomes very sad and depressed and he wants to do things alone. But all those people he helped came to save him, not because he saved them, but because he was their best friend…
Cerinia and Atlantis is a great comparison. A mix of technology, magic and ancient civilization. Even if the Cerinians had technology (which I’m pretty sure of), I can totally see them having these tribal rituals and even hunting their food. That’s actually a pretty cool contrast. Maybe they were kind of like ‘in touch’ with nature and used their technology only if necessary. Some of their technology might have used magic instead of fuel or stuff that isn’t good for the environment.
Yeah, so the outfit from Baby Krystal would be awesome. Maybe you can combine it with Ray’s outfit a little, thus designing your own. That’s certainly how I imagine pre-Sauria Krystal.
I think a Zidane moment should have happened in SFC as the real ending. So far there is not even a real one. No one knows what’s really going on in terms of SFC and the canon. Is Nintendo afraid to continue the story, and that’s why they made Zero? I know, in an interview it was said that SFC is the last game of the time line, but it was certainly not an ending on a high note. Not even an ending at all.
I think a comic that retells the whole thing from Fox’s perspective would certainly be good. I mean, Fox is all alone at the beginning of SFC (if we exclude ROB). So your comic could be a reimagining of SFC. You could also explain why exactly Fox is alone, since the prologue only says that he wanted to think about the course his life had taken, or something like that. He kicked Krystal off the team while it still existed, so I think the team’s disbandment possibly had something to do with her as well, since Fox realized that he actually needed her and that it was a mistake to let her go. Bottom of the line: If you want to do that comic, do it! I don’t think it would be negative for Fox as a character, as long as there is some believability and Fox, Krystal and the others come to their senses in the end, ofc :D
@ Mr. Brownstone
I thought it was a good comparison too. At least beater than Falco’s comparison between enemy fighters and “Over cooked noodles”. Star Fox: Event Horizon inspired most of my ideas for the Cerinians, look at the Cerinia levels and it’s pretty awesome. Remember that cool bow and arrow that was is the teaser to LoZ BotW? I can totally see a Cerinian hunter using something like that. In most fan-fictions I read, Krystal’s diet mainly consists of fruit, veggies, sea food, and rice. That sounds like typical tribal food if you ask me, I could be wrong. Cerinia could have nature and high technology, like one thing that comes to mind are the carved-stone flying machines like those from the Atlantis Disney movie I mentioned. Also Corneria has been striving for environment-friendly power sources for a long time. The cities are built above ground on giant table-like structures to let nature grow around it. (At least on my Corneria… I need to write some of this down.)
I have some sketches of the design I want to use for Krystal. Some ideas are keepers, some not. The only keepers I have are making her eyes slightly bigger, give her a shorter, wind-swept hair-cut, (Trust me, it’s cute!) and a bit of jewelry and decorative light armor.
That would have been awesome if it was a true ending! If Fox going dark for a short time and his friends helping him come back to his senses brings everyone back to their true character, I’m all for it! Nintendo has almost always been kinda wired with time lines. This gnoggin video on Mario speculates on it. Link Yeah, S.F.C. was not a good way to end, and S.F.Z. hasn’t helped much. There are some “Mega Endings” that combine some endings together, and also some positive spins on negative endings. Also, the Final Fantasy IX Dub by Aaron Rodrick is a super good sires! I really recommend watching episode one! Link:
That’s a good way to do it! I’ll jot-down some notes for the script sometime! Maybe I can use one of the old story elements of SF:EH where James McCloud is still alive but a villain. This is no longer in SF:EH, but an interesting idea. Zidane was put in the room after he found out his true father was evil and he was artificially created out of dark magic to destroy the world that became his home after he lost his memory. Fox need’s a hardship he can’t over come alone, he’s been very independent and that’s a good thing. But for Fox to develop as a character he need’s to fully realize team work and friendship. He can can still be independent at times, but he needs to know his friends are always with him. One last thing, Krystal will be the one that gets Fox back to reality. =;)
This is getting strange… My comments aren’t showing up. Help?
Did these comments contain more than one link? If so, they won’t show up. I had the same problem a while back. I wrote an e-mail to Mr. K and he ‘approved’ my comments to be visible. So, you can either do that or use only one link per comment. If you want to use several links, I think it helps to use quotation marks, so that they are not rated as links. I’m not a hundred percent sure about this one, though.
@ Mr. Brownstone
Thanks for the tips! I’ll have it so there it one link.
@ Mr. Brownstone
I thought it was a good comparison too. At least beater than Falco’s comparison between enemy fighters and “Over cooked noodles”. Star Fox: Event Horizon inspired most of my ideas for the Cerinians, look at the Cerinia levels and it’s pretty awesome. Remember that cool bow and arrow that was is the teaser to LoZ BotW? I can totally see a Cerinian hunter using something like that. In most fan-fictions I read, Krystal’s diet mainly consists of fruit, veggies, sea food, and rice. That sounds like typical tribal food if you ask me, I could be wrong. Cerinia could have nature and high technology, like one thing that comes to mind are the carved-stone flying machines like those from the Atlantis Disney movie I mentioned. Also Corneria has been striving for environment-friendly power sources for a long time. The cities are built above ground on giant table-like structures to let nature grow around it. (At least on my Corneria… I need to write some of this down.)
I have some sketches of the design I want to use for Krystal. Some ideas are keepers, some not. The only keepers I have are making her eyes slightly bigger, give her a shorter, wind-swept hair-cut, (Trust me, it’s cute!) and a bit of jewelry and decorative light armor.
That would have been awesome if it was a true ending! If Fox going dark for a short time and his friends helping him come back to his senses brings everyone back to their true character, I’m all for it! Nintendo has almost always been kinda wired with time lines. This gnoggin video on Mario speculates on it. Link Yeah, S.F.C. was not a good way to end, and S.F.Z. hasn’t helped much. There are some “Mega Endings” that combine some endings together, and also some positive spins on the more negative endings.
That’s a good way to do it! I’ll jot-down some notes for the script sometime! Maybe I can use one of the old story elements of SF:EH where James McCloud is still alive but a villain. This is no longer in SF:EH, but an interesting idea. Zidane was put in the room after he found out his true father was evil and he was artificially created out of dark magic to destroy the world that became his home after he lost his memory. Fox need’s a hardship he can’t over come alone, he’s been very independent and that’s a good thing. But for Fox to develop as a character he need’s to fully realize team work and friendship. He can can still be independent at times, but he needs to know his friends are always with him. One last thing, Krystal will be the one that gets Fox back to reality. =;)
Also, the Final Fantasy IX Dub by Aaron Rodrick is a super good sires! I really recommend watching episode one! Link:
Your ideas from the sketches sound promising. Remember that this is a very emotional moment. So Krystal has to cry on that drawing, no way around it. The thing is, I still want her to look strong, similar to Fox when Peppy ‘sacrificed’ himself prior to the final mission in Assault. Fox was fighting the tears, but in Krystal’s case they have to run down her face while she still looks strong. I’m sure you can come up with something. Here’s my idea: Her Cerinian ship is flying towards ‘the camera’. It’s already quite close, so that she can be drawn pretty detailed in her cockpit. In the background you see the planet burning/blowing up.
I still ask myself, what’s the point of making a game that is supposed to end the time line, and at the same time saying that none of the endings is the real one?! SFC caused so much chaos and confusion. Another problem I have with this game is that a lot of crucial things happen but no reason is given for those events. It already starts with the prologue (SF team disbanding, for instance). I really hope that we’ll see the day when it’s officially confirmed non-canon. Best thing they can do, honestly. That should happen before the next game comes out, so that this next game can be a PROPER sequel to Assault. This should have actually happened on the Wii. Things would be a lot different now. Skipping the Wii was the biggest mistake, especially after SFC flopped. And 10 years later, we get another Lylat Wars with SFZ. Another thing that probably wouldn’t have happened if there was a decent SF game for the Wii. SFZ might have been a true sequel instead of a reimagining. It feels like SFZ is the new SFC. The situation is similar. Both games flopped and the next console was/is a success. Let’s hope they won’t skip the Switch as well. That’s not how Fox becomes more popular, Miyamoto!
I didn’t expect someone else than Krystal (and Peppy, maybe) to help Fox getting back to sanity, provided she’s not insanse herself :D Nah, I think you’ll come up with something to make them both realize that they’ve made mistakes, without being out of character (unlike SFC). She can maybe use her telepathy as well, to kind of ease his mind. The whole being a team and friends at the same time thing is pretty much what SF stands for. While playing SFC I just didn’t ‘feel’ it. When they reunite, it feels kind of forced, because there’s a threat. What if it wasn’t for that? Had Fox never contacted the others again without a new war approaching? Anyways, you should focus on that Kursed comic first, before moving on to my request and the other comic :D
@ Mr. Brownstone
Thank you! I will remember that, in most of my test drawings Krystal is crying or at least very sad. If you want I can post some to GAB so you can preview what I have in mind. Krystal is a strong young woman, I have no doubts that she can handle her self after lousing everyone she once loved, her home, her history as well as her culture… Gone… I want to show an expression of strength in her sanity, but her emotions truly show what happened. One idea that just came to mind is she left with a team of other ships, but she was the only one that made it. I think that pose is perfect! Almost what I was thinking! I’ll try to draw of designs for her ship, but I’m very polygonal with my ships as of recently. So it my look like something out of the first Star Fox game.
I know, that’s just crazy. To end an incredible sires that could be what Nintendo is doing with new I.P.’s, taking a style of game that is not seen as “Kid Friendly” and innovating a new style of game play that is “Kid Friendly”. Splatoon = FPS, ARMS = Fighter, LoZ BotW = Skyrim. I sometimes hear Star Fox can become the “Kid Friendly” Halo or SW:BF. The story of Command is nonsensical on so many levels, that’s why I’m most likely never going buy it over the Wii U E-shop for that reason! Yes, the next game should be a followup to Assault. For people who never played the other games, there will be flash-backs and quotes to get them up to date. (Maybe a comic book in the game case like how Zelda had a poster.) Skipping the Wii (except for V.C.) was not a good move… Me and my brother had a mega-ton of fun with the Wii Sports Resort dog fight game, would of been more fun if it was Star Fox… That’s a way to do motion controls!
Don’t worry, even when my version Krystal is Kursed she’s not insane, she is a bit dark but she still has a surprising amount of her kindness and compassion she tries to hide. Krystal will be in character as possible when I get around to that comic, so will as many as the other characters like Falco, Peppy (NOT A BARREL-ROLE MANIAC), and Slippy. Krystal knows how to talk to Fox, Peppy too, but Krystal being a telepath can tell Fox is not in a right frame of mind. (Krystal will play the same role as Dagger in F.F.IX for that moment. I still recommend watching that series by Aaron Rodrick, it’s so good and I love the voice there gave Steiner.) That just got me thinking, If Star Fox characters were going to cost-play Final Fantasy characters, who would they be? (I see Wolf doing Cloud because he can lift the 6ft long stone sword, or Sephiroth with long white hair.) I guess you have a point there. A lot of the characters come of as jerks. Falco was always a bit of a jerk, but a lovable jerk. With everyone kinda on that boat, even the least likely of people, (Krystal,) is not right! Also, the getting back together thing is a bit forced, worse than Ghost Busters 2, I hear it’s BAD. You’re right, I’m just going to let all that go and focus on my comic. Progress on it has really slowed down due to not drawing constantly… So I’m just practicing some drawing techniques so I can do the rest of it.
I’d like to see those test drawings on GAB. You should definitely take your time on this one. We’ll figure it out as we go. The idea of having other ships fleeing sounds interesting. However, it must be clearly visible that those ships won’t make it and that Krystal is aware that she will be the only survivor. Maybe you can somehow show her sensing their cries as well. When it comes to ship designs, I like the one she has in SFA. I still think that it’s actually hers. The one she probably used to travel through space and that eventually brought her to Sauria. In SF EH this ship is considered a SharpClaw ship, which is totally fine, but I think it also makes a cool Cerinian ship. It kind of has this ancient-and-modern-at-the-same-time vibe, just like Cerinia.
When they re-released SFC about 2 years ago, they had the chance to finally reveal the true ending as well as the game’s status in terms of being canon or not, but they didn’t. I don’t think they ever will. The next game will (hopefully) tell us more. It will be a very important game that could even decide the series’ entire future. I’m certainly optimistic that Krystal will appear in this next game, hopefully as a telepath again. Another thing SFC totally ruined. Taking the most important thing away from her without giving an explanation, as usual. I think they removed her telepathy to actually make the plot work. With her abilities, this whole drama wouldn’t have happened, at least not the way it did. She would have sensed Fox’s good intentions as well as his feelings for her. I actually had an idea to explain the loss of her powers: Between Assault and SFC she was shot down in her Arwing on a smaller mission. She had to undergo brain surgery and lost her powers. The crash also made Fox concerned about her safety. Kinda cheesy but still better than not giving an explanation at all, a.k.a SFC-style.
Good to hear that. Keeping everyone in character is a must. Kursed offers the opportunity to try out new things as well, but her kindness should always come through, at least a bit. Well, I guess you’ll be busy with those comics and my request, so take as much time as you need and post some of the progress on GAB.
@ Mr. Brownstone
OK! I have them up right now! =:D Thank you, I’ll be drawing as soon as I’m finished typing this comment. Well to get that meaning across I’ll just have some of the ships burning up or being shot. I don’t want to be too violent though… Poor Cerinians… Those other pilots gave their lives for Krystal to escape, she must of been a very loved/important person for them to do that. There is always the possibility Krystal was a princess. Yeah, SF:EH does classify it as one of those ships. I will use it as a reference also some of SF:EH real Cerinian ships, so it will a mix of those two styles.
Well that’s disappointing and kinda lazy. I’m actually mildly mad at how Nintendo has treated Star Fox lately. It’s almost like they re-released Command to mock Krystal fans trying to make S.F.Z. and the SF64 fans look good. (But that a real stretch, I don’t think that’s true.) I look forward to Krystal coming back too as well as Fay, Miyu, and some new and original characters! (Maybe Fara… I’m usually fine with her…) Krystal’s powers are never really explained, it’s always said she is telepathic but with out much detail. I know I might get some flack for this, but there was a YouTube fan-fiction that Krystal leaving the team did happen with her being a telepath because she didn’t want to pry on Fox’s thoughts and they got in to an argument due to her stubbornness not wanting to leave. It was mainly of Fox’s part not being in a right frame of mind after the Aparoids and directly telling her to leave. There’s also this thing with imagery causing Krystal to have horrifying flashbacks to when her best friend, Serena (A pure white vixen with long hair that went to her waist and carried two jeweled knifes.), was murdered the day her planet was lost. Not much beater, at all. That’s not too bad of an idea, I think it could almost work. I had a post Command post Kursed idea that Fox has a crash causing him to lose his lower legs and a part of his knee, he then gets the classic metal legs you saw him with in the drawing.
Yep, it is a big must for me. I hope I do a good job at it. With the the inspiration I for Kursed, I try to have her be different enough from Krystal to show the changes in her life, but still show that she was once Krystal. Also, even though she’s a bounty hunter she keeps some Star Fox like ideals, like her desire to only except missions that result in good.
Both designs look interesting. The robe is too long I think, but certainly has a princess vibe to it. The left one was inspired by the SFA comic’s Baby Krystal, it seems. It’s hard to decide really. I tend to the left one, though. Maybe you could combine the two by giving the left design a smaller and transparent robe. I think I need some more designs to make my decision, but they are both good. Keep it up and we’ll find the perfect design soon.
Assault gave us the best look into Krystal’s powers. It wasn’t very detailed but we learned that she is able to sense thought patterns, emotions (Aparoid Queen) and enemy presences. She could find weak points and, just like in SFA, receive distress calls. There is still much more she could do with those powers in the future. There are almost no boundaries. On SFA’s official japanese website (the one that shows Krystal’s age) her telepathy is already mentioned. I used several translators and they all displayed the word ‘telepathy’ regarding that S.O.S. signal. SFA itself merely hinted at her telepathy but never mentioned it directly. The only game that mentioned it was Assault. In SFC, her powers are not mentioned once. She’s not even introduced as a telepath anymore. Not in the game and not in the manual. Like I said, they just removed those powers without a word, only to make the plot work. They probably hoped that people had forgotten about her powers, but I hadn’t and I never will. Her telepathy is actually the first thing that comes to mind when I think about her. Pretty much like Slippy’s mechanical skills. If you remove those what will remain? If they had at least kept her powers in SFC it might have been kind of okay. Yeah, there still wouldn’t have been any bit of believability about her change in character, but at least she would be more interesting.
Well, I think that’s enough SFC bashing. Dwelling on the past won’t help us. We have to look forward to the future. Now that SFZ is done, it’s almost impossible to avoid Krystal any longer. On the smashboards thread someone (I think it even was Falemirous) sent a pretty long letter to Nintendo in Japan, listing reasons to bring Krystal back. The package was successfully delivered a little while ago. So let’s hope it’ll have some impact as well.
@ Mr. Brownstone
Yea Falemirous sent a letter to miyamoto about Star Fox, Krystal and her inclusion in smash. He’s been talking with Dylan Cuthbert via twitter and got some pretty insightful responses from him about how best to talk to Nintendo and a hand-written letter was the best way he pretty much said. Falemirous and I have been pretty active on the smash boards, but lately it’s kinda died down after e3 and all the hype that went with it when smash wasn’t announced.
*I also agree with you that she doesn’t feel like much of a character without her powers. I don’t understand why she would be without them in command anyways as it just causes confusion for people that already knew and liked the character.*
@ Mr. Brownstone
And there’s a few reasons of why it might, it’s addressed to Miyamoto, Though Imamura may have been better as he manages the SF characters according to Cuthbert, and there’s several images that prove her large popularity, it also has my commentary on them aswell as it having to have been signed for I think it’s a notch above other letters they get, there’s also a hand-written and printed copy of my letter. I didn’t get a picture of them, what I do have is an imgur album of images I sent with it.
@ Mr. Brownstone
Thank you! Maybe I can shorten it a bit on the skirt and sleeves, but to make up for that I’ll and some pants or something. I think my main plan is to use the anatomy (aka body proportions) as the one one the right, and some of the clothing as the one on the left. I’ll post a drawing when I do that, but for now I’ll start working on my comic again and other random art work. (I just now know how to draw Sonic emojis… And samurai Jack even though I never watched that show… WHY CANT I TEACH MYSELF TO DRAW HANDS CORRECTLY!!!)
That is why I really want to one day play Star Fox Assault! If I play that game, I’ll go nuts finding new ways to look at Star Fox lore! Do you know any ways to hack a Wii U to play Game Cube games? Also I want to play it to see Krystal in action as I have yet to play one of the games she appeared in. (I don’t want to share my story of how I learned of/fell in love with Krystal the same time I was upset by SF:Z again.) I think Telepathy is a huge part of who Krystal is, and the characters having sills based of of their personality could have just as much impact as it did on the characters of… Wait for it… FINAL FANTASY IX! Zidane, a lighthearted thief that looks see the best in people. (That was before the “You are not alone” seen.) Princess Garnet/Dagger, a girl with a clouded past that just wants to end a war and restore peace to the land. Vivi, a small black mage afraid of hurting others and longing to live life. Steiner, a noble knight considering whether he should fallow the law, or do the right thing. And so on. The characters of Star Fox could be like that, but if Krystal just stays the kind, caring, strong-willed woman she is, I’m fine. Telepathy is preferred, big time.
Yeah, complaining does nothing good in the end. I mean, we all know what all the FS64 fans got for complaining about SF:AV and SF:AS… Star Fox Zero! PFFUUUUU! HU! HU! HU! HU! HU! (Fake laugh) At least they aren’t bashing Krystal as much anymore, Shigeru Miyamoto is the new scapegoat which is almost more sad saying “HE RUINED GAMING WITH THE WII AND MOTION GIMMICKS!” I can not disagree more with that fake quote. From now on, I’ll do my best to never talk about them again. Oh yeah! I remember that! That’s good!
@ Smokey and Falemirous
Thanks for joining the now dubbed “Krystal Achieve Discussion Group”! I was starting to feel lonely!
Umm… Guys… I just accidentally found this. I was browsing Deviant Art for inspiration. You know, just trying to avoid the weird side. Well… In this video for Star Fox Ventures, (Link: and you pause it at the 8:07 mark, look behind Falco’s head. You will see some thing, you thought you didn’t see it because you didn’t want to see it, but you saw it. I’m so sorry… I ruined Fox.
Nice job! These images prove that she is still popular, even after all these years of being absent. I hope the smashboards thread comes back to life soon. When SFA turns 15 in 2 months, I think it would be a great idea to give the game and Krystal some love on twitter. I’m sure Sweeto will be all for it.
Want to play Assault? You could try an emulator, like Dolphin, on your PC. I think it is possible to play GameCube games on the Wii U but it’s complicated to get it done. I’ve never tried it myself since I have a GameCube as well as a Wii. Here’s what I found:
You mean that poster/calendar on the Great Fox? Well, I can’t blame Fox. After travelling through space for eight years, with only the Titania Incident (Falco Comic) as a mission, it’s kinda reasonable that he wants to look at something else sometimes ;) In Assault it’s no longer there, and I think we all know why ;D I hope this won’t start another ‘Is Fox a pervert?’ discussion…
Dude, You can see the calendar (or poster?) even in the main menu, when you are going to peppy. I found it kinda funny, because it reminds me the fighter pilot having a picture of their wife or their crush or else.
Now the fact that she’s wearing tribal clothes kinda worries me, but we should not start talking about this again, as Mr. Brownstone said.
Also I don’t think that fox is into girls this moment. The only thing that he cares in the game is MONEY!
Okay, he might want to help, but all in all, what is important to the crew is a big fat paycheck, because they are broke. Also if they were in a better financial situation, possible slippy, peppy and falco could be playable (I’m not sure about falco because I don’t know how he left, I need to read the comic).
Do you have a link to the article with krystal on the cloudrunner? Is pretty awesome!
@ Mr. Brownstone
Well I do use an emulator called e.PSX.e for PS1 games off of the original discs. I guess I could get Dolphin some time and download my self a ROM for SF:AS some time. The Wii U mod is beyond my speed. I do find Game Cubes at thrift stores for an average of $20-$50, but it’s near impossible to find the power and video cords… Worst of all, they only have… EA SPORTS GAMES!!!
@ Mr. Brownstone & Jimaki
I kinda understand now but I didn’t see Fox as the kind of guy how would want a girl-I mean, “Foxy Lady” calendar. Fox needed a love, and it was a calendar… Maybe It reminded him of a previous friend (Fara..? No, just no.), or it’s a strange way to stay sane while of a ship for a long time. OH! I know! It was Falco’s. Just kidding. How I found it on DA was some one was doing drawings of that very same vixen in similar poses and clothing. I saw a bit of funny comment on from it and I got a bit of a laugh out of it. Krystal-“Stop looking at me like you never seen a woman before. There is a poster right there!” =:D If you want the comic here it is! Link: Best of all, it’s voice acted!
This comic man, just whoa!!!
I imagine this comic either as SF64 dlc (if they existed) or an early 2000 version of Stafox Zero: The Battle begins.
Also, if you’re gonna try playing with emulators, make sure to get a controller ASAP. You’ll definitely need some analog controls (and rumble) and it will give you that couch gaming experience.
Also, FIFA rules!!!
(Even though I’m more of a PES person :P)
@ Jimaki
Pretty cool, right? Comic dubs are awesome!
That would be cool! Like if you sent some thing to Nintendo you would get this comic with an audio CD for music and character voices as you were reading! Just one thing is some of the characters swear due to fan translation.
I have an old Wing-Man Rumble controller. It is a duel stick, but has 6 face buttons, and 2 non-analog triggers (Shoulder buttons). PS1 games can be played with just a keyboard easily to my experience. I’ll find something.
I’m going to be a weirdo and say I like REAL soccer, but I do find some good PS2 games some what often! I found the first ever Ratchet and Clank game for I think $12. It was a lot big-gun fun!
One last thing about SFC: According to the SF-wiki, there is a Nintendo Power Issue from 2010 (I think it’s 261), stating that the default ending is the real one! I just found that out. Did any of you guys know about this? Here’s what I found:
Did they have confirmation from Miyamoto/Cuthbert/Imamura? Based on the interviews from 2006 it was assumable that none of the endings matter at all. Cuthbert confirmed that again on reddit not so long ago, but it was rather referring to whether SFC ended the overall time line. Some of the endings could end the time line but not necessarily the default one. A sequel to that ending is certainly possible…with Krystal as a member of Star Wolf. I hope Nintendo is aware that pretty much no one liked this ending. IMO, it was the worst.
The keyboard sucks for PS1/PS2/GCN emulation
I play REAL football (Because Europe) as a goalkeeper because my dribble is not the best, but I have a long shot like an artillery, and the reflexes of cat. But I’m not into it. I know the rules, but if you ask me what did L. Messi ate for breakfast, or who will go the X team, yeah I know absolutely nothing.
PS1/PS2 was my childhood!
If you want any recommendations, I’m here. Also all of my controllers are broken because quality and me.
So I might build a PC, buy a pair of dualshock 4 controllers and play the games by disc.
Here’s what Cuthbert said on reddit about 3 months ago:
The statement on that article has no basis and is false, Imamura more or less stated there isn’t a canon ending and that they’re irrelevant for a sequel. IGN: Which do you consider to be the one definite ending?
Cuthbert: The canon ending. Hehe. I think if the game continues it won’t pick up where the game ends, but start more in the middle.
Imamura: This storyline, ends here, and if there’s a continuation it would start from the middle, so it wouldn’t depend on any of the endings.
Cuthbert and Imamura are friends so his word on Imamura is rather meaningful. Also anyone in their right mind knows that Krystal is a liked character in starfox no matter ho they feel about her, I saw a theory earlier that they ejected Krystal from the team to make you chase other endings, and it makes more sense than a pointless vendetta against a fictional character. Considering Krystal receives plenty of endings more or less directly about her this makes more sense. that’s the 2006 interview which i imagine takes more precedence than that vague statement.
Update: Found an image showing what the magazine says:
It shows Fox’s career path and uses the default ending at the end. However, at the bottom it still says that his ‘life can have wildly different outcomes thanks to this game’s multiple endings.’ I’d say this doesn’t confirm anything, especially considering all the things that were said by the people who actually worked on this game. Again, Cuthbert said it recently. I must admit, though, I was a little shocked since this whole thing with the magazine was totally new to me. At first, I thought it actually included an official statement or something like that. Then again, why would they do that 4 years after the game’s release? It’s possible they merely chose ending 3 in the graph because it’s the default one. I’m not sure if there is actually more to it than this double page, though. It’s, however, likely that this is what the SF-wiki is referring to. What do you guys think? Am I overreacting? I probably am…
Mr. Brownstone
(Does a Skeletor voice for no reason) “WHAT?!?!?!” That’s it? That’s the end? Krystal joins Star Wolf, AND PANTHER!?!?!? NO! Krystal hates Panther! Well… Maybe strongly dislikes is a more accurate term. Just why? Krystal is too nice a person! But… Command… She’s kinda cold and mean… What happened to her that shifted her personality? Was it losing her telepathy that made her upset? Why would someone go from a kind, loving, merciful, and strong to a cold, mean, rude, and a bit of a wimp? We may never know… Let’s just drop Command. It’s bad. It has just as much worth as a politician’s promise. (Here in America, it’s basically worth nothing.)
@ Jimaki
Actually, just for PS1 games like F.F.IX it’s not too bad since it doesn’t need fast button pushes. PS2 and G.C. would otherwise stink.
Well, I don’t play for a team, but some times neighborhood kids come over and ask my younger brother to play and I some times tag along and have a bit of fun.
I found my PS2 model FAT at a Savers Thrift store with a good controller, Pac-Man World2, (Over time I acquired The Legend of Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, and Atari Anthology.) and most of the cables I needed to use it. Sadly, it’s disc player is a bit “Iffy”. It can play all my of PS2 games fine, it’s kinda choosy when it comes to DVDs, and it can not play music CD’s or PS1 at all, which is why I have e.PSX.e to play some of those games.
Sorry, my comment was two posts old.
@Mr. Brownstone
Oh no! We can’t ship Fox and Krystal anymore :/
In all seriousness though, all of this would only imply if the next Starfox game is a sequel to Command. So, the only way to fix this is either to convince Nintendo to make up their mind and listen the fans or to say: “Screw the characters, screw the game, screw the timeline, let’s start from scratch again!” (P.S. don’t make Lylat Wars again…)
Also, we need to see what Starfox 2 offers to the table and if they’re gonna use something at all.
Back to us. I had the privilege to own both the PS1 fat and the PS2 slim (with an eye toy camera, and the games work really well with it). Mine had the issue that the lid from opening and closing, got loose and didn’t pressed the all of the 3 switches needed to spin the disc (is a common issue with this model). I opened in, put some duct tape on some of the switche, add a dash of magic and friendship and boom! It works!
As for games, find micro machines v4 (is ma favorite), is a great party game and you can play 4 player with 2 controllers shared Although you need to progress the sigle player if you want to unlock cars and tracks faster. If you want any other, just tell me.
My issue though is the darn controllers. You can’t find today new dualshock 2 controllers, only some third party ones which sucks. So emulation is a choice.
I don’t think this career graph confirms anything. It rather looks like a joke, since Assault is not even included and all the events are described VERY vaguely. Saying the default ending is the one ‘that Nintendo would run with for future games’ just based on this career graph is a pretty big assumption. When did they ever say that? Not to mention this is from 2010. Since then, some other things have happened, including SF2. I’m actually relieved that the magazine didn’t contain an actual interview or statement. Even the SF-wiki still says it’s currently unknown how SFC affected the time line. And most importantly, 3 months ago Cuthbert confirmed again what was said in 2006: None of the endings is the actual one. Let’s wrap this up and keep the FxK shipping comin’!
the 2006 interview said that a sequel would rewrite command from the middle so the endings are irrelevant, the game should be considered at most a placeholder in terms of canon
I hope they have changed their minds about this during these past 11 years. If the sequel really starts somewhere in the middle, it probably means the prologue will be canon and Krystal won’t be a telepath. Not to mention the whole get-her-back drama would start all over. The best thing they can do is scrap the whole thing and continue the story post-Assault. That would make many people happy. Most people like SFC due to its gameplay, not the story. Jimaki is the perfect example. As your letter to Nintendo shows, many people like Assault and that includes me. Been playing it a lot lately and I must say: The more I play it, the more I love it. It’s certainly a good formula to use in future games. They have to expand the gameplay, especially if they want to get new people to jump on the SF train. Let’s hope and pray that your letter was some kind of wake-up call for Nintendo ;)
@Mr. Brownstone
I feel like a lab-rat in the way you said it. But speaking off SFC, once you complete the game 100%, there’s not something that keeps me from coming back. Going online would be cool, but the servers are down (there’s fan servers, among for other ds games, but is too messy to work it out) and apparently you only play as Fox, so theres goes my chance to troll/pwne people as Krystal. Reseting the game is an option, but I’m not the guy who is willing to start games again from scratch.
In sort, I’m just waiting to see what the Big N will announce for Starfox.
Oops, that was certainly NOT my intention, and I agree: At this point we just have to wait. It’s not like we’re not used to it by now. We should, however, continue to show our support for Krystal whenever there’s an opportunity to do so.
So I just had a thought… What if Nintendo does not go off of Command for a sequel, but off of Star Fox 2? Making the next game Star Fox III? Fay and Miyu return, as well new revision of Krystal? (Still a telepath I hope.) Fara might come back too? With Krystal? No, just no…
Here’s some cool soundtrack!
@ Mr. Brownstone
That chart was more a joke than the joke I just said. (Sorry for it being political humor btw.) Not to mention, Krystal is NOT “Saucy” in the slightest. I don’t know why they would say that unless they are trying to ruin her more. I think Krystal’s more on the “Spunky” side. Dylan is a good man when it comes to Star Fox. I’m sure he’ll sort the matters out. =;) If they start from Assault, that might be the best choice. I was hoping that’s what Zero was going to be… They can keep some stuff from Command like new ships, new characters such as Lucy Hare and Dash Bowman, the new enemy, the Anglars, and some of the happenings that took place like Peppy becoming General. Things NOT to keep would include Krystal losing her powers. Unless done well like explaining how she lost them, and possibly her getting them back at some point. Falco leaving again is just, well… It’s been a single year with out a mission, dude, get a hobby. There are some more things I can name, but I don’t want to focus on Command too much. I swear, if Nintendo makes an other SF64 remake, it WILL FAIL! Even the SF64 fans will hate it just because it’s not SF64.
I personally think in some ways Nintendo is focusing on their older audience too much. Like how Super Mario Galaxy is, by Nintendo, not a TRUE 3D Mario game. It’s one of the best 3D Mario’s in my opinion. Now they are acting like Super Mario Odyssey is the first 3D in 15 years! I do NOT dislike S.M.O. I just find this annoying. I actually want a Switch just for that game! I just want to mention that… Just think… If they aim to their old fans, what will happen to new fans? Only time can tell… never mind what I said…
@ Jimaki
You lucky dog, I just have the fat. It’s under my 14” LCD 1080p TV which it’s why like it has a tray rather than a pop-up and it keeps the TV and a comfortable angle. I’ve opened my PS2 multiple times to clean it and test functionality, sometimes just for fun and it’s still alright for the most part. I’ve been thinking about getting a new disc player for it but held off because I don’t need a cheap DVD player…
I’ll look for that game, sounds fun! Turns out I’ve got a third-party multitap for $3! I can do true 4 players! Is it a Hot Wheels style racing game? I think I might of heard of it! At a Goodwill, I once found a First-party transparent green Duel-shock2 for $5, and it was in good shape and had all of it’s prongs, just a little dusty. I didn’t get it, but some time’s you just get lucky!
Also, don’t worry. We can still ship Fox and Krystal all we want! Just look at all the art of the Fox and Fara. If they can do that, then we can still sail the Fox and Krystal “Love boat. Toot! Toot!” =:D
You have a multitap. I’m so jelly right now. The slim is not good as a DVD because it has a noisy blower fan (it might have gathered dust). Instead I have a Sony DVD player and all are hooked up to a 21″ Sony Bravia LCD
( imagine the setup, the only thing left is a Sony Hi-Fi and I’m a fanboy :P )
About the game: imagine hot wheels like cars racing in your house, backyard, whenever you want with weapons and the goal is to outrun the others. The last remaining gets a point while the others lose one. then the race starts again from that point If you Max your points you win.
Is so fun but my friends would rather play sports games. Is fun for a couple of matches or one tournament, but we can’t play those freaking games every time. Even at my friends houses they still play again the same games. Even when I show them other games, they shake their heads, play the game for a bit and then,put back FIFA and here we go again.
I wish I had a GameCube with Assault, I could introduce them to krystal…
@Mr. Brownstone
It’s largely up to Miyamoto where they decide to start from, also Krystal was telepathic in Command, her going into combat dialogue had it, and smash 4 mentions the drama and her telepathy. It was just not used properly. Infact i’d say there was a bigger powerdrop from Adventures to Assault, she could arguably channel dark matter on top of spirit energy in adventures, even fire spiritual energy blasts from her body. The common direction in the community now is to continue from Assault, though there are detractors still toting 64, fortunately that’s very unlikely all things considered.
@Jimaki why did you get rid of your gamecube? I still have mine and it still works.
I never owned a GameCube.
You think I’ll throw one even if its broken. I would used it to store lunch or punch people with it :P .
For me dolphin=GameCube.
Well, Smash 4 merely hinted at a potential drama in a rather jokingly way while Brawl mentioned it directly, referring to the events of SFC. Panther’s trophy in Smash 4 is the only one that even features SFC which is certainly a good sign. Then again, the game was re-released in 2015, so it’s really hard to tell if Nintendo takes the game seriously or not.
Krystal’s telepathy being mentioned in Brawl and Smash 4 is also a good thing, but I can’t really remember when it was mentioned in SFC. When exactly was it mentioned? Do you even have the exact quote? I’m really interested now.
Her powers in SFA were amazing. As a kid I thought the CloudRunner is shooting the blue blasts but it is undoubtedly her. At least Assault gave us a closer look at what she can do with the actual telepathy. I’m not too sure if the shooting blasts or channeling spirits had so much to do with it. I would rather consider these magical powers. In terms of telepathy, she could sense a distress call, just like in Assault. Apart from that, we didn’t get much. Assault showed us that she can find weak points, sense enemies and even emotions (like the Aparoid Queen being afraid of the team). For future games I had the idea that if you play as Krystal, your radar would be extended by a ‘telepathic overlay’. That would allow you to see the enemies earlier than the others can on their radar. Would be a nice little feature to highlight her abilities. As a drawback they could make this feature dependent on her health. The more her health drops, the less focused her mind is, and thus the extended radar shrinks. These powers (both, telepathic and magical) have so much potential. No boundaries. We need those back, but this time it has to be done properly!
Well that’s your fault, you’ve had plenty of time to get one lol.
@ Mr. Brownstone
She says it when her ship goes over an enemy
it has no function, despite there being a very obvious way they could have implemented it.
My command copy has some significant water damage, since it’s been through the washing machine atleast twice, maybe even three times.
Yes the shot emanates from her, likely was supposed to come from her staff but for obvious reasons she didn’t get to use it, instead that means she can shoot energy blasts from her body lol.
She was likely able to use that power at a cost without her staff and her staff channeled her power more efficiently.
Thanks, I totally missed this! Nonetheless, we can’t deny that SFC didn’t want people to think of Krystal as a telepath anymore. Assault did, though. Assault highlighted her powers (not to their full extent ofc) and also introduced her as a telepath (even in the manual).
They also used it for the plot when she sensed the distress call from Sauria. Without that, the team would have probably never headed there. These lines from SFC seem more like an Easter Egg to me, to show us that they have not forgotten about those powers. Well, at least they mentioned them. On the other hand, though, it makes the plot even more ridiculous. She is still telepathic but not able to sense Fox’s good intentions or his ‘complicated feelings’ in the default ending? Or did she always shut her telepathy because she didn’t even want to know what he thinks/feels? The fact that they were aware of her powers, and even mentioned them, but still decided to give us this plot and characterization, is disturbing. Anyways, thanks again for the images and I hope you highlighted her telepathy in your letter as well ;p
@Mr. Brownstone
I’m pretty fond of her power potential but they weren’t really focused on in the letter, I did refer to her treatment in command as “undesirable” which is a pretty soft way to state it. The letter focuses on how important and special she is to people like us and how powerful the desire for her for Smash is. As far as character management that was Takaya Imamura so he’s the person to hate for it, originally Imamura was just an artist for the games but they gave him control over the characters for this title aswell as artistic leverage, which unsurprisingly was another low point of the game. While I’d like think it was malicious I think it’s more accurate to theorize that Krystal is an object of desire for many and just like adventures can be used as a plot device, taking that concept they make a primary story focus of deciding what to do about getting her back. I can’t say the way she acts makes that a very appealing idea however and it doesn’t really make up for the ridiculously poor character management and unhealthy drama. The only character really themselves is Falco amusingly. Of all the decisions the one I understand the least is Katt, she’s like a different race of cat now, I tend to suppress it because I simply can’t process it. In any case the article addressing competitive smash interest via ZeRo highlights her powers in a way, despite the fact they mention lightning manipulation, which isn’t something that happens lol.