Star Fox Developers Streaming Original Star Fox Play Tonight!

Dylan Cuthbert of Q-Games and Giles Goddard of Vitei, two of the original developers of Star Fox for the SNES, will be streaming a playthrough of the game for the first time ever! Check out the stream on Twitch. The gaming begins tonight, July 4th, at 7PM PST. I won't be around, thanks to July 4th festivities, but some of you might be able to see it. I have already asked on the original announcement post if they will be keeping a copy of the stream for later viewers. If so, I'll get a link to it for you all.
Thanks to Falemirous for the heads up.
The video was saved as a recording, though I don't know how long it will stay up. If you missed it, you can watch it now. Be warned, they use some adult language. I really liked the technical details they provided, but if you're looking to get some insight into the story of Star Fox, you're going to be disappointed. These guys have forgotten most of those types of elements, and they were largely responsible for the technical aspects, not the story aspects.
they also said they’d stream Starfox 2 aswell whenever they get their hands on it.
I came to the stream late because of a block-party in my neighborhood. I saw a comment about Krystal near the end, but they didn’t answer it. I also saw some comments from someone I thought i saw once… Shocktress. A Fara cost-player almost on-par Ayano. I had a funny thought, how would they react to each other? Would they get a long or not?
P.S. I have some fan art on my GAB that needs some critique.
I saw your pics.
Not bad Codym512 needs a tutch of toneing but other wise pritty good.
Reminds me of when I started out.
I wasn’t able to watch the stream because it was on too early in the morning for me. If amyone managed to watch oit fully be nice to know if there was any information regarding Krystal.
Couldn’t watch it either.
Nintendo posted the official transcript of the Q&A from the shareholder meeting. Ayano was right. Even the question was referring to past content. However, Miyamoto is interested in developing video content in the future (not necessarily SF content but video content in general). So another SF Anime is still possible in the (distant) future ;D (Question 7)
I couldn’t find it I’ve been watching SF1 and 2 video walk throughs but its not the same as playing it your self.
I need the feeling of playing a game it needs that feeling or it just seems flat.
I need to play those games.
Thank you, I’m not very good at shading or coloring yet. I will practice and post my progress.
Aw man! I missed it! Oh well!