Miiverse Scrape Progress

Thanks to the heroic efforts of Falemirous, GoldenFox51, and Angel Fox Dreamer, we now have around 1241 Krystal-related posts and replies. Not all of them are images, but most of them are. I'd guess over 900 Krystal related drawings, screenshots, and edits.
We're nearing the end of known artists who post Krystal. We found these to be some of the primary posters of Krystal related posts on the Miiverse. If you know any others, please tell us.
- 4evernintrndo
- 907825
- AdmiralAlfore
- andrescasasbjj
- AngelFox
- AngelLord399
- Aurora-Sparkle
- aw3some
- Beinke
- Dash1138
- foxyvixen94
- GoldenFox51
- gonzarez
- gumiyanumber2
- hamu612
- itsanandito
- Jesse21
- Jordan.K
- Jujuvinyl2
- kaetien_katrine
- Kaphonie
- Luphy9
- Lylatroid
- MaxesDude
- Mr.Ness2.0
- Poke-Ina2009
- Richi-Ray
- RustyOwl
- ShadowEspurr
- ShadowMario90
- Shroom32
- Sylveon_Girl100
- TeraSmyte
- toristeele2011
- TwilightWolf9012
- Viacka
- wafflemania
- xNightDreamx
- zebra10045
As of tonight, I've updated the data file to contain all known posts I've processed. If you find any Krystal Miiverse posts, please check their IDs against the list here first, so you won't submit things we already found.
I have already downloaded the initial 1241 posts and all their associated resources. It amounts to around 160MB of files. Not too bad. What's left is a few hundred more from today to categorize, then I need to find a way to download additional replies when more than a certain number of comments are on a post. After that, we'll keep adding more art as we find it. I will focus on formatting the data for display somewhere, and make it easy for you guys to browse.
Images by Alfore, JujuVinyl2, and Alfore, respectively.
thats alot of posts we’ll have our own krystal gallery in no time.
I may have a few Krystal-related posts on my Miiverse page, but they’re mostly just posts in the Super Smash Bros. community requesting that Krystal be a playable character in Smash. I can’t draw to save my life, so there’s no drawings on my Miiverse page, just text-based posts.
I have requested Nintendo to have my Miiverse posts downloaded to my computer once the service shuts down, so if you want, I can send any Krystal-related posts your way, Mr. Krystal.
Go ahead and send me an email with those posts, ok? I’ll integrate them from the links.
Inb4 Tera gets mad over being mentioned here that he pretends to be “depressed” for the sake of pity partying or what have you.
Yeah, dont think I dont know you so well Tera boy, you dont know who you’re up against.
@N J FOX and Mr. Brownstone
I’m here on behalf of Mr. Krystal. He says that he doesn’t know if you two have joined in at the discord server, or if you’re under different usernames. And since you two are from Europe (just like me), he put me in charge on inviting you to join to the server. In other words, your welcome to join to the discord server.
how to downloader it?
I haven’t made it available yet.