Star Fox Adventures is 15 Years Old Today

Star Fox Adventures released on this day, September 23rd, 15 whole years ago in 2002! America got it first, followed by Japan on the 27th of September, Australia on the 15th of November, and finally Europe on the 22nd of November 2002. I remember it well. I had just gotten my driver's license a few weeks prior, and I was able to drive myself (and my siblings who I was transporting somewhere) to the local Circuit City to pick up my reserved copy along with my amazing pre-order bonus:
On this day, that lovely blue vixen sauntered into our lives, forever changing them in small and sometimes surprising ways. It was the first time that Star Fox was anything beyond a mere on-rails shooter, and introduced a lot more lore and characters than previous entries. The game is perhaps one of the most controversial games in the Star Fox series, but I, for one, and very glad that it happened.
happy 15th b-day.
I woke this morning sensing something unusual about today, now I finally got what it was. Cool, 15 years – awesome sauce.
a preorder bonus? that’s actually a decent amount of memorabilia, You know i never actually knew that anniversary date. And now my sister had a baby on this date. Pretty funny news.
I too am very glad the game happened, there’s not a chance i’d have met the vixen otherwise. I hope Starfox doesn’t end up like Circuit City.
happy sweet 15 guys hey mr k how you feeling any better?
Now it’s entered its rebellious phase. It’s on the verge of being able to get its own learner’s permit. Watch out. ;)
Happy 15th! I played the game from start to finish yesterday. Took me about 7 and a half hours :D I tried some glitches to save time, and surprisingly, I was able to get most of them with first try. I didn’t do air swim, though. That one seems pretty risky and complicated.
Nintendo turned 128 as well! I didn’t know that SFA and Nintendo share the same anniversary. Quite interesting…
UPDATE Snowhorn hint mechanic is a tremendis success and the second half of the story will soon follow.
Also I’m planing to add a lightfoot side quest for the golden root and 4 mini games that are part of another side quest called the spell stone side quest.
The scarrub and shop keeper side quest has been cut unfortunetly.
Seriously? Wow, it feels like your 10 year anniversary post was only yesterday. I hope your hands are feeling better.
How yah feeling Mr K.
UPDATE: Lightfoot side quests and minigames are in and a success, from now on the change skin will be locked you have to unlock it though a specific side quest and a new compass feacher has been added.
Coming soon the second half of the story.
3 New bosses.
2 New endings.
And a new move for Krystal.
Wow, 15 years. And the graphics STILL look good!
Hey Mr K you feeling any better?
New video just uploaded it.
you can now see the upgraded Star Fox Adventures 2 first hand