Official European Nintendo Website Does a Barrel Roll

When a you try to access a page that doesn't exist on a website, servers send back a 404 error. Optionally, they can send back a page explaining the situation, and many sites use this space to be creative. In fact, the Krystal Archive 404 page does just that!
Anyway, Reddit user NicoDarunia discovered that the official European Nintendo website features a Peppy Hare-themed 404 page, complete with a button that makes the website do a barrel roll.
Try it yourself: Go to the official Krystal Smash Bros Announcement page.
There’s also a little Easter egg if you right click the page and click “View page source”! ;)
Its kinda pointless but its still fun, flip the screan I never knew such a thing was possible.
Google does something similar I believe or I know it did a while ago. Type in “do a barrel roll” or “zergling rush” and hit I feel lucky I think? It may have changed by now I just remember google doing similar things.
at least countries doing something to their site, american sites are boring.
it still works.