Custom Krystal Guitar

DeviantArt user jaeha2714 recently posted the rockin' result of a two month project. He made a custom Krystal guitar, complete with custom art from chibi-oneechan. Unfortunately, she has not yet posted the art to a her gallery, though she may in the future. jaeha2714 used the Storm Guitar service to do the printing and creation of the custom pickguard.
Hopefully we'll get to see more of this project in the future. Thanks to Mr. Brownstone for letting me know about this.
That person who mode that is a pure artist.
Hi guys its been a while.
Now thats one way to rock starfox.
@Samuel I know happy to have you back.
Feels Great to be here again.
Awesome art. If that pic would be in Deviantart, I would definitely fave it. Do you know other links that she did uploaded that Krystal pic?
Like I said in the post, she hasn’t posted it yet.