Mikiel2171’s Krystal Rig for Blender

Mikiel2171 has been working on a Krystal model off and on since 2011. It looks like this rig was visually inspired by (or perhaps was built from) the Little_Dragon/CharleyFox Rig. Unlike that rig, however, this one is built in Blender, a free 3D graphics and animation program.
As of a few days ago, he released his New Years Download Pack, which includes version 2.7 of Krystal, Renamon, and Lola Bunny. Included with these self-contained Blender files are the models, textures, alternate clothes, rigging, and post-processing settings for a high quality render of Krystal (or those other characters). From what I can tell, the Krystal model comes with both her Assault and Adventures clothing, a Staff, and the scouter you can see in the render above.
This pack can be downloaded and used for free, just be sure to let Mikiel2171 know. He wants to see what you create.
that explains the improvment on her snout I’m actualy temped to use this mod myself. but I’m bussy right now with zyphoid and waiting for my steam profile to clear so I can sell stuff there.
So, if it uses blender does that mean it would be usable with 3d printers?
In theory, any 3D model can be used for 3D printing. Blender is just free.
next krystal project is just an experiment with assult mechanics by the way were do I download this mod I can’t find it on steam.
Wait hold on, does this have an upgraded or else have littledragon’s staff? i’ve been trying to get that to work for ages. It’s the only one with an animateable head.
That Lola Bunny model is really high quality.
Hey Mr K can you please in form Mikiel2171 about my pet project I havn’t put the models from the new years pack in yet but I have to of my G mods in there all ready heres an image from it.