Nintendo Code Leaks

For those of you unaware, Nintendo has suffered its second asset leak this year. The first one in May contained mostly Pokémon games, 3DS games, and the development documents and files for the Nintendo Wii console. Then, a few days ago, there was a second, much larger leak.
I'm just becoming aware of the nature and extent of this large-scale leak. I'm told it contains a tremendous amount of information and outright source code for N64 games, including Star Fox 64, as well as prototypes and development assets for Star Fox 2, which was in development just prior to the N64. From what people are telling me, numerous unused Star Fox 2 characters and sprites are being discovered. And from Star Fox 64, the source code apparently has the original, full-quality audio clips from all the voice acting. Many hackers and fans are pouring over the data right now, looking for secrets.
This would all be very exciting if the data was discovered in legitimately obtained games, like what is done with Star Fox Adventures. However, this code and data is literally stolen. The situation is changing very quickly, and there can be no doubt that those responsible for the leak will be charged if they haven't been charged already. I suspect that other people who download the leaked files, analyze them, and post confidential content might also be subject to legal risk. As a result, the Krystal Archive will not be covering ongoing news of the leak or the data obtained from it for the time being.
Stay safe, don't break the law. Who knows, maybe Nintendo will officially release their source code for ancient games in the spirit of historical preservation, as they sometimes do with development artwork and design sketches.
Picture by Pexels
yeah i heard alot of it.
but i doubt nintendo would release their source code but release art work and etc.