Krystal Archive 18th Anniversary!

Can you believe it's been 18 years since this humble little fansite joined the internet? I can't.
So you've probably noticed there hasn't been much posting here. That's putting it lightly. There hasn't been a post for over 6 months! There were only 17 total posts all year. It's a real shame. I apologize for that.
The reason is still the same: my job. I've been put in charge of a whole team and tasked with building an entire software solution (two of them!) in a little less than a year. In addition to my normal work as a front end developer, I've also now been tasked with being a backend programmer, a manager of other programmers, a software engineering instructor and mentor, code librarian, and advisor on design and deployment. It's a lot.
Also, I got a girlfriend recently.
Anyway, I'll keep it short. In 2024, I hope to return to a normal schedule with regular posts. Yes, I see you guys when you email me or message me on Discord. I just haven't had time to respond. I plan to get back to you. Thank you so much for your patience! We're going to make 2024 a great year!
It’s good seeing a fan site online for 18 years, by the i’m making a Star Fox Doom WAD or Mod for Doom (1993) and Doom II.
I meant by the way. excuse me for my grammar.
Yay Mr. Krystal! Welcome back! (And congrats on the gf <3) I've been lurking here for YEARS (like, to almost the start of the Krystal Archive, lol) But finally posting. Good to see you back, and hope all is well! Here's to an awesome 2024! :D
Holy cow, dude! That is a lot. Congratulations to 18 years online, AND to you and your GF! I hope and pray all goes well for you two.
I’ve got some really bad light-sensitivity so posting this is already difficult, but I’ve been working on some Krystal and Starfox stuff that I want to eventually share with the archive – including a recreation of the landing in Thorntail Hollow scene from Adventures in real life! I’m sorry that I can’t give an ETA on when that will release due to in-climate weather interrupting the filming and other setbacks (not wearing sunglasses in the sun is very painful), but I’ll keep you posted as soon as it’s ready!
Jacob out.