Final Smash Direct Dated: December 15th!

It is finally upon us. Tuesday, December 15th is the day and 2 PM PST (5 PM EST) is the time. It is then that we will get the next and final video for Super Smash Bros. Many speculate that this event will reveal information about the results of the official Fighter Ballot. What characters (if any) have they decided to include as playable characters in the final DLC? I know many of you are waiting to decide to buy or ignore this game based on that alone (just play the game, you'll love it, trust me). Either way, I will be watching closely. Let's do another chat when it happens. I will set up another chatroom as the date draws closer.
Thanks to LucasJG1994 for the heads up.
yeah finaly.
I’m hoping that this Direct is worth it. Either Krystal or Wolf is fine by me. Don’t get me wrong. I love both of these characters and it’d be awesome for both of them to finally make it in. But there is a very good chance that we’ll get at least 1 Starfox character for DLC in this Direct especially with Zero coming out next year making the series relevant once again. If by this moment Sakurai still doesn’t consider bringing Wolf back(a heavily requested veteran people want to see come back) or include Krystal(a highly requested Starfox newcomer who people wanted since Brawl), I will be shocked and appalled by his decision.
I haven’t got this game yet, I probably not buy the dlcs anyway, since link is still in there as a standard. for the upcoming smash direct, I probably watch it the day after it, because I’ll get on the computer early in the morning and do my things. for the upcoming dlcs that the fans vote, I wouldn’t be surprise if any rare ltd. character from the Nintendo/Rareware days made the final cut.
I would prefer to hope in stages. For example, if Krystal does not win, perhaps she would be a major runner-up, suggesting her fandom has grown and her popularity may make her a candidate in the future. Personally, I expect nothing more than an honorary mention like that, but who knows?
I’m think we’ll see one of them in the direct. It’s probably Wolf cause of the request of his return and SF Zero coming soon (which is an irony without Krystal). Krystal I could see when the ballot is announce, 1 problem there is a big competition between Krystal and a lot of other video game characters (not including the more ridiculous ones like Shrek or Goku since they’re not video game characters).
some characters I don’t see as possible character DLC options…
Freddy Fazbear: Scott Cawthon stated he loathes the idea of paid DLC and for the time being, doesn’t want his characters outside of PC and mobile gaming. (What would his moveset be anyhow? Jumpscares alone don’t fit.)
King K. Rool: There’s some controversy as to weather or not Mii costumes deconfirm a character, but even outside of that there’s some evidence. Retro Studios stated they don’t think King K. Rool fits in their modern interpretation of the Donkey Kong Country franchise, so that Mii costume might be the closest we get for him.
Ridley: On many different occasions, Sakurai stated to the point of overkill that he personally thinks Ridley’s character would have to change drastically if he ever became playable. In size and behavior. Meaning if Ridley did become playable, he wouldn’t be Ridley anymore. That and he’s already a stage hazard in the Wii U stage Pyrosphere. Once your a stage hazard, you remain that way.
Shrek: 4th party. Out of gaming origins and therefore out of mind. Same applies for Goku and Brittany Spears.
Daisy: Miyamoto stated she doesn’t make any appearances outside of Mario spinoff titles because she and Wario were originally just Mario land exclusives. But Miyamoto grew on Wario and excused him for it. And most people say she could use mainly Mario spinoff equipment for a moveset. With that logic so can Toadette and all other Mario spinoff characters so…
Some of you will probaly hate me for this but… Wolf: I know, he’s a heavily requested veteran and has that whole “freewolf” movement, but Sakurai says otherwise. He feels as if Wolf is a one-time, lucky inclusion rushed at the last minutes of Brawl. Besides, he’s yet another fox copy. How’s about someone original this time? I also know I was pro-wolf a while back, but THAT was before I saw the interview.
All Pokemon: Game Freak controls which pokemon make it. Sakurai literally has no say in this. Currently they have no intention for pokemon related DLC. So that means no pichu, ivysaur, squirtle and any potential pokemon newcomers.
Geno: For many years, Sakurai stated he is against the idea of Geno in smash. He even went as far as to delay Brawl for it. Now we have a Square-Enix character playable, but even then Cloud Strife was chosen over. So Geno’s chances in smash in next to none.
Waluigi: Everyone by now should know that Waluigi in SSB4 is an assist trophy. Unfortunately assist trophies in SSB4 can’t become playable in SSB4. So the same principles apply to Lyn, Magnus, Takamaru, Ashley, Starfy, etc. Better luck in SSB5 (assuming there is one)
Remember, this is just opinionated based off of what I’ve seen. If you don’t like it that’s fine. But don’t shoot the messenger.
Dang it i got school of that day!! I hate School soo much! But its no choice.
Rats!! I have school too!!!
Aw well! :(
@earth being
Why do you think Wolf won’t appear as a returning DLC? I mean, there is a reason why he might return due to the fan request and SF Zero. But what about Krystal, well the problem is SF Zero is in the 64 timeline again and could hurt her chance on getting in. Yes I’m aware there’s reinforcement to back Krystal up like the trophies of Tricky, Panther, and other Star Fox Assault models, the Brawl cast in Lylat Cruise’s easter egg, The Orbital Gate stage, and the game mentions of Adventures and Assault in trophy description.
@StarDog Smasher
To be fair recent appearances don’t have any effect. Cloud Strife proves that. Besides, you can’t use SF Zero as a scapegoat. Mainly because smash updates would be long done with by the time SF Zero launches. That and I’m starting to get the vibe the ballot’s not a popularity cast but rather a suggestion poll. If it truely was on popularity, Shovel Knight probably would of been chosen before Cloud Strife, if he even was. Cloud wasn’t confirmed or denied to be a part of the ballot, but I can only assume he was Sakurai’s personal pick. Don’t shoot the messenger.
@Krystalloves19 and Lily
School’s important kids! Well, I mean, it sorta is. Now that the sum total of the human race’s knowledge is on the internet, school seems less necessary now. Hmm.
well i am a kind of boy who hates school when i was young, Im was screaming everyday when i get school but now im just thinking i need to go but its soo boring for me unless is someting cool like a reward a free time period every Friday or Thursday at the 4th period (last period of the day) or 2nd period its just perfect for me. That how my teacher gave us a free time period. Its that cool for you? For me its is.
can you stop saying a kid im not a kid i am a teenager its just i dont like this? my mom was saying my little boy.
sorry Mr.Krystal. (sad face)
No problem, Krystalloves19.
Thx Mr.Krystal it was my life from before and now
@earth being
Well to be fair in Cloud’s case, Square Enix does have a history with Nintendo in the past with other games besides the minor Kingdom Hearts official titles. So, what you’re saying is that the ballot is based on what possibilities could a character use in a fight (correct me if I’m wrong)? If that’s true, then I could see some possibilities in store for the direct (not gonna include Wolf since we all know that he’ll make a return at some point)
Krystal, (which I have been waiting from the start) should have a chance to get her own moment of glory as a new comer, since I believe Sakurai wanted to put her in (then why haven’t you done it yet, you idiot?). That and Krystal can have something 100% different and unique for not just the Star Fox characters, but the roster like her magic staff and telepath powers (which we don’t know much) could be use to call Tricky for a final smash.
Sora, with Cloud in SSB4 and the upcoming release of KH3, it would be a killer idea to not have that in the game as Square Enix’s second 3rd character (like Namco did with Ryu) and a way to celebrate KH3.
(This may get you questioned) last but not least Tails or Knuckles; I can’t decide between the 2. Anyway, I think it would be fair to have Sega get a second 3rd party character in the action, so why not include another Sonic character? Another reason, to celebrate the unknown, yet upcoming 25th anniversary titled game (not the Mario and Sonic Rio olympic games or Sonic Boom) Tails could have his ‘tails’ (ha!) tech, and plane as a moveset and final smash. Knuckles, well… Make him like Sonic, but more Sonic Battle style.
@StarDog Smasher
I wish if Krystal could be in smash one day?
@Mr.Krystal and LucasJG1994
if i got some answer form you 2 when i will be in school i can answer when i will be back home i need to prepare to go in school i will answer at 5:00 PM that is my time to come back home. If that is ok for you its no problem.
I’d like to make a few points first cloud is from the ballot cause if you recall after roy and ryu sakurai said “from now no its all fan service” proof that cloud is from the ballot.
Second as many of you said Wolf is a better possibiliy due to SF Z but krystal still has a chance since she and KK Roll are the top votes in japan.
No prob I’ll be waiting. :)
Well for one thing there have been many rumors that Nintendo would not include Final Fantasy characters because of some disagreement between them and Square Enix. So I think Cloud was put into smash to show the resolve between them. Concerning Wolf we don’t know why he was not put into Smash from the beginning but I think Krystal has a far better chance of getting in because she will not appear in SF Zero. They might put her in to up ease the fans.
Just got some info on Wolf and if he’s returning to Smash.
Meh, believe what you want but sora’s half owned by Disney. So he has no chance. Tails and knuckles are possible, but I’m uncomfortable with another sonic fighter. First, sonic boom has to go. Yes, cloud has Nintendo history. That’s what most people forget. No you don’t get it. Wolf is still looked down upon by Sakurai. He hasn’t fixed his words, so he hasn’t changed his opinions. I didn’t say on moveset possibilites but rather a suggestion poll. If sakurai likes the idea, he’ll take it. That’s why we got cloud when not everyone expected him. Nobody can see Wolf, you can only guess. I saw he might not based on that interview. I know it makes you upset on the inside, but it also did for me (for about a minute or so) The Krystal moveset you’ve thought of is pretty good. School is important. Dispite what the internet may hold. Some sites I’m afraid to go to. according to our new arrivals, life is more than mere survival, and we all might live the good life yet.
@earth being
Thanks, I did thought up the moveset and final smash for Krystal and told about it in my vote on the ballot months ago.
I know that Sora is somewhat part of Disney, but here’s the thing, Square Enix made him and the other KH and FF characters. Here’s a poll that shows what people think who owns Sora and the other original KH characters.
@earth being
oh cmon i dont like to talk about school subjet i say to Mr.Krystal and now why?why?
could someone stop talking about school and past for this subjet please? (SAD FACE)
its makes me mad i know, i go there.
@StarDog Smasher
That’s a poll to let fans decide who they think would own the rights to Sora. Not an official interview. Sora himself is more than likely Square-Enix, but the kingdom hearts franchise is semi-owned by Disney. That’s what I meant to say.
That’s also a fan poll. Not official. And even at that, wolf is suggested NOT to return. Look before you leap. that and we know why he’s a brawl exclusive. We made a post a while back that I alerted Mr. K about. Wolf got in brawl because Krystal could not. That’s the short version.
@earth being
True but if wolf really did get into Smash 4 would they make another Fox clone? Because as Sakurai stated he was able to put Wolf in Brawl in time because he had a similar move set to Fox. So I personally think putting Krystal in will not only increase the amount of female characters but also bring a completely new character move set to Smash 4. What are your thoughts on this?
I think that’s why Krystal wasn’t in to begin with. In fear that they’d run out of time again and get another fox copy. You got to understand Sakurai rushed himself and even broke his hand to finish both versions of SSB4 before the end of 2014. He didn’t want to have another smash game delayed. Brawl suffered that, and everyone knows how brawl turned out. But the real reason why wolf ain’t in because Sakurai dubbed him as a “lucky inclusion” so I fear he’s not a shoe in. Not even close. Luckily he was persuaded to create the ballot. A suggestion poll for characters the team feels as if they either forgot or as a bonus surprise. Hopefully we won’t get leaked. So hopefully Krystal would be either confirmed as playable or a runner up. If you’re up to it, I have a Google+ post explaining why I think Krystal could make it:
@earth being
And there you have it! Case closed! Pretty good analysis there and the points you made show at every angle why Krystal should and will be in Smash 4
@earth being
your list has solid and bold reasons for Krystal’s inclusion. I just hope Nintendo could see that.
@StarDog Smasher
My idea for the power ups will be perfect in smash if Krystal will be in smash one day maybe for a final smash. No her final smash will be the Krazoa swords for example: Mario gets touch by Krystal he will be owned by Krystal. if Krystal miss her target she will sent them to attack all the opponent in the stage. That will be my idea for her final smash for one day.
What I think would be interesting is that if krystal happens to get in smash not only she’d have her staff for attacks but something like a counter move for the special b would also be cool but that’s just my imagination.
umm yeah sure she will have her staff for the attacks
for the side special attack she will trow her staff and the staff will do just like a boomerang that will be the staff attacks from super smash bros.
also the counter move and her gun also the final smash
What I would really like to see is Krystal getting unique specials that only she can do. I mean there are a lot of characters that counter, reflect, etc. I think paying attention to Krystal’s telepathic abilities when doing her specials can really make her standout from all the other characters.
Krystal is only in a fan game of super smash bros and that game is super smash bros crusade. I plays a lot i like it but if you want to see Krystal in action i will subject you to play super smash bros crusade.
Well, here’s a little news on Krystal being in a fan game. I’m working on a game where Star Fox and Sonic team up and fight the villains, and a Star Fox fan game alone. I do have a teaser trailer of the crossover on youtube if you’re interested to see.
Now if you’re saying they will announce the most voted characters on Smash Bros Ballot and it is the final DLC for Super Smash Bros, I’m very nervous Krystal may not make it. I know there is still hope, but it’s confusing sometimes.
@StarDog Smasher
ok you have made a trailer of the game.?
@Jeremy Lohr
The ballot’s a suggestion poll. Not a popularity cast. If it was based on popularity, we probably would of seen shovel knight picked over cloud strife.
There is a lot of move possibilitys for krystal but all in all we will see what happens in the direct when it go live this tuesday.
Was sitting around and thinking about universe connections, got me thinking of a funny scenario. If Krystal isn’t in smash or zero, what if she appeared on the next F-zero game, racing along side James Mccloud XD I wouldn’t even be mad.
Because I have been extremely depressed lately, my school has excused me to take a break from school for a week, so I will be able to watch the direct with you guys. :)
I will just saying zzzz because my class group is soo annoying its beep me up i say beep because i want to say bad words but i cant. Someone give me a advice to help me. My class is the worst. i will listen to the music then LucasJG1994 sent to me, i will be relaxe please help me!? I know school again i will explain my class talks always when the teachers speak its soo bad. Soo its makes me soo mad and beep up. I have the worst class ever!!.
this message is for everybody on this site en Mr.Krystal.
even not en again keyboards mess up
Well I know from experience that school sucks. Where I live teachers don’t teach or they only teach students they liked. Sadly I wasn’t one of them, plus the bullying I think it’s safe to say I hated school. But, that didn’t stop me from doing my own studying, in fact I enjoyed studying by myself to the point where I didn’t need schoolmates. So Krystalloves19, you can stop yourself from feeling hurt if you want too. The path I chose was a lonely one but I’m happy because of it. I’m not saying ignore the world around you, but if things keep going bad you need to think positively and don’t blame yourself. Also ask your mother or sister for help, that is what family is for right?
You need to talk to your parents about your problems. They are the ones most able to help you. I highly recommend homeschooling because of the greater academic potential and more focused study, without all the problems with bullying and school administration.
@Mr. Krystal
Funny you said homeschooling because that’s what I’m doing, lol.
If you need help looking for sites that do online homeschooling then try these sites:
I already say this from my mom. She just dont help me in my opinion.
Yeah you are right i wish to stop it but the students in my class talks even before class time. I will try my best. Krystalloves19 will forget the bad things during my school. For real.
my sister has the same problem. Whit my problem.
@Mr Krystal and LucasJG1994
Me and my sister saying that problem to our mom but she says (that school i cant switch your classes) its hurting me but i go to school is that important for teenagers like me and my sister.
im not american the groupon. com is only english let me tell you. Im canadian from Québec is that possible a french and english site?
and is let me typing every codes to pass but is not working.
Well, if the class is doing something wrong that’s their decision, the only thing you need to focus on is yourself. If you try to speak to them about it you might get bullied by them. Always remember this saying “be cautious as snakes and yet innocent as doves” this means help when the need arises, but, if the situation ends in a result of you getting hurt then don’t do it. The same applies to your class problem. If the students are behaving badly then leave them to their own devices. Just make sure you set a good example.
Concerning you need to be signed in, plus you can select which country you want.
With you also need to be signed in, then just search for your course. If your trying to get a discount the black friday discount already ended. Hopefully there will be a discount this Christmas holiday.
oh on groupon. com i can select my country.
For the world i will remember of that. I will focus on myself on my works i will do that tomorrow.
Like Mr. K said, I’d ask your parents for assistance if I were you. And by the way, I am a teenager too! Glad to see a fellow teenage Star Fox fan!! ;)
And I am having some issues at my school as well. So know you are not alone. :)
And so it begins. I think i’ll try joining the chat this time instead of just lurking about. I feel fairly confident about Krystal’s chances, despite the intense back and forth possibilities of her versus Wolf due to what I’ve read about on Sakurai and the theories that we’ve all come up with.
Even if she doesn’t I know Sakurai and his team will have some fun characters in store for us.