Krystal Not in Smash. Ayano Cries.

It was a long shot... and she didn't make it after all. At least the new characters they did show (Corrin and Bayonetta) look like interesting characters to play. Sorry, Krystal fans. Take heart that Nintendo has a very hard job here. No matter who was chosen, many people would be disappointed. They're trying to make the best games they know how.
Ayano reacted as one might expect: "SSBB race was lost. 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 "
True I feel sad about this as well, I got so hyped at the end when Palutena said “It looks like wings” and straight away I though, could it be the cloudrunner. My point is yes Krystal didn’t get into Smash 4 but that doesn’t stop us from supporting her for the upcoming Star Fox games. We can help Krystal with our determination to create fan made projects that could get Krystal realized by Nintendo. So don’t kick the bucket!
i have to agree with lucas, this encourages me to work harder on me and my friend’s fanmade project aswell
KRYSTAL NOOOOOO!! im upset. im not happy the others people pick other characters i hate them!!!!.
And it gives me hope to finish the screenplay for my fanfilm detailing Krystal’s backstory.
We have failed the battle (crying face)
See? It was all in vain, why did we even bother?
Noooo don’t cry Krystal T_T. Next stop, star fox zero, and beyond. Back to the actual star fox games and hoping for more info on those…. Still sad though .
I feel the same. I am sad Krystal has still not joined Smash as a playable character. Are only hope now is for someone to hack/mod her into the game.
Krystal may not have gotten in smash but with the ballot it was worth the shot oh well maybe she’ll be in the next starfox games and if it’s a possibility for smash 5 then she will probably make it in. just the inklings and shovel knight and a few other characters being saved for the next one but the direct was awesome and nintendo adds what the they add.
Listen you guys. I know you’re upset but remember negativity is contagious, the only way to get Krystal on stage is if we do something about it. Leaving it and thinking or hoping for her return is not enough to bring her back.
What we need to do is to build up her fan base with our work, to the point where Nintendo cannot ignore her.
We have done all we can, and yet she still didn’t win. What are we supposed to do now?
At least Shovel Knight didn’t win.
Let’s just face the facts…if Krystal had been one of the 2 new characters announced today, we would have seen much more outrage on the internet than celebration. Yes, she definitely has a fan following…but in the grand scheme of things, she’s really not that popular. I doubt she even made it into the top 10 of the Smash ballot. Wolf is way more popular and in demand than Krystal ever was. Unless Krystal gets a boost in her popularity by coming back in a future Star Fox game and playing a major role…her chances of ever being playable in a Smash game are next to 0%.
Oh, then what do you suggest? We just give up?
Yeah, I have to agree with Aaron right here. Krystal’s fanbase might best be described as a “cult following” – there aren’t many of us but we’re intensely devoted. It would take one hell of a role for her to come back into public consciousness. Right now, her popularity’s a little south of disco’s right now, and we here & there can’t really change that. It’s on Nintendo to do so.
Then what should we do?
Let’s all be reminded that Just because Krystal didn’t make it into Smash Bros. because of the Ballot doesn’t mean she would be added at all. Heck, when it was announced back in June that Lucas would be added, Roy and Ryu were added in the Mix later on. My point is, Krystal will be a Smash Bros. DLC or be a Vital Character in Upcoming Star Fox games one way or the other.
Welp, I personally didn’t over-react. Bayonetta is in and that’s good enough. That and I’ll say it now, the starfox franchise was doomed from the start. Mainly because of it’s fanbase. Besides, they’re just games. Not a life or death situation. This site’s gonna go to heck, so sayonara. Don’t know when I’ll be back (if I am) but for now, THIS BIRD BE LEAVING THE NEST. SAYONARA SUCKERS! :)
What Craig meant to type was, just Because Krystal didn’t make it doesn’t mean she won’t be added at all. Of course here’s a suggestion, why don’t someone start a Petition?
@ChickyBoy37 How do we know for sure though? Isn’t 58 characters the no. we’re at right now?
It’s just like Lucas said, We need to make Nintendo Realize that Krystal will never be forgotten, not as long as we keep her alive.
I haven’t given up hope, either.
Sure, the Ballot was a golden opportunity, but given the amount of characters we got from it, it’s clear that most characters had a very slim chance of winning anyways. There’s still other ways of both increasing Krystal’s popularity AND getting Nintendo to notice it. As people have already mentioned, fan projects, petitions, even something as simple as common word of mouth.
Heck, who knows, maybe the amount of ballot votes Krystal got will help towards getting Nintendo’s attention too. Sure, we can’t know how well she did on the ballot, but I’m willing to bet it was at the very least reasonably well.
Now is a better time than any to NOT give up hope and unite in thinking of new ways to get our favourite vixen the recognition she deserves, so chin up everyone. ;)
How could this happing to me. I make my mistake. got no where to run the nights goes on is im fading away im sick of this life i just wanna scream!! How could this happing to me?
Krystal, im also feeling sad but don t worries maybe one game you will be return im sure of that.
all of your fans will cheering on you and the best luck ever. My deer friend Krystal you are my best starfox character in the world. The song did you make is how could this happing to me? it is a very sad song to our defeat. If Mr.Krystal knows how sad i am for you but i cant explain all.
@Axl Rose
Exactly, I enjoyed Star Fox and Krystal before I knew about the Ballot. I even made a Fan-Fic (Still in Progress) Called Krystal’s Dream Quest. and This whole thing has given me the Motivation I needed to go forward.
Welp, looks like Nintendo has no interest in Krystal anymore. (Not even a mii costume? Geez)
So, fangames are the future for the blue vixen? Guess I need to invest in a better computer…
This is how I exactly feel right now. I’m just moaning and bitching of Krystal not making it in, AGAIN! Come on, I have been seeing Nintendo playing hell on me like a troll for about 2 years now. If I don’t see a Star Fox related thing new that involves Krystal next year from Nintendo and it’s directs of Smash, I will go all at RAGING OUT AT THE COMPANY ABOUT THE KRYSTAL FANS WANTING HER IN SMASH AND NEW STAR FOX SEQUELS!… I’ll place a reaction video, when I’m done with it.
However, if you want to know how I feel about this direct, much like that game SF Zero, here’s a link to prove my mood.
I don’t think that the DLC is over yet! Sakurai didn’t say that this is the FINAL DLC so there could be more coming up.
He clearly said in the direct that this is the final DLC.
So much for the year of Starfox.
But Sakurai has gone back on his word before, remember when he said Smash wouldn’t have clones, and we did have them, he said we wouldn’t get any Namco characters, and we got Pac-Man, so I am going to take what Sakurai said with a grain of salt, meaning it could be true, but it also couldn’t be
Yep, it was a lost cause, no more DLC
Guys, chill. It’s not even close to the end of the world. We’ve known from the beginning that she had a chance, but was not guaranteed in (like almost every other popular character). Getting upset won’t help anything. Nintendo DOES NOT spite its fans. They care about their fans. The fact that our favorite character was not picked from among the over 10,000 other characters to choose from does not mean that Nintendo wants to abandon, or outright hates, Krystal, Star Fox, Star Fox fans, money, OR anything else. Nintendo is all about keeping its IP around for as long as possible, almost as much as Disney. They are not in the business of destroying or abandoning their own IPs. The fact that certain characters don’t appear in certain games means almost nothing in terms of shelving future games and characters.
Now we need to ensure that we get Krystal to be playable in Smash 5
Remember what I said about the video of the final dlc of smash, here’s the video. If I don’t see Krystal next year as dlc for SSB4 or the new Star Fox sequel or Smash Bros 5 as playable, I am going to destroy Nintendo (not literally).
Read what Mr Krystal said.
Im just cheer Krystal up and the song how could this happing to me is the music of or defeat. Im Chiling up.
Im just encourage her imagine if you see Krystal crying what are you doing cheer her up and she will be better Im explain what i do if i see Krystal crying. Is this a good thing or not?
I have 3 things on my mind 1: I kinda knew all today before the direct started that Krystal was not going to be included in the roster. 2: as I look on the site there are 7 dlc characters I think adding one more would even it so I think Krystal still has a chance(maybe not).3: if no.2 is not true then I believe the ballot was a one time opportunity thing to get your favorite characters in smash because there is not going to be a ssb5.
@Mr Krystal
What makes you believe that Nintendo doesn’t spite it’s fans? Nintendo has spite me for 2 YEARS NOW WITH SMASH BROS AND SF ZERO WITH NO INCLUSION OF KRYSTAL BEING IN AS PLAYABLE AND IN STORY! Sorry, just really… Realllly frustrated and disappointed at Nintendo with what they did for a while now. If Nintendo cared about it’s IPs, then why haven’t they touch on Krystal enough? I feel like they just don’t care about her right now with SSB4 and Zero (it’s really insulting to Krystal).
Mr. Krystal is right! We must never give up!
@StarDog Smasher
Because I am a former game programmer. I made games. I know what it’s like to work at a game company. Very rarely, if ever, do they pay any attention whatsoever to individual fans (or even large groups of fans). The people actually making the game don’t interact with the community at all, usually. Only the marketers and project managers do, and then only sometimes. They are far more busy than you realize.
You’re being childish. You are saying, “If you love me, you’d give me what I want.” Then you don’t get what you want, and you say, “See, you don’t love me, you hate me and insult me!” That’s not how love (or anything else) works. They are not insulting you or Krystal. They honestly don’t have enough time in the day to insult you. They’re busy trying to come up with the games that will be announced in 2017.
@StarDog Smasher @all you other people =]
Just because she hasnt been put on display by Nintendo or even in any recent games doesn’t mean they dont care for her. They try to keep track of all of their IP’s. Nintendo are not trying to avoid her, they just have other things to do at the moment. Smash Ballot: they chose who was one of the most popular, would get sales, and not cause to much hatred from the fans. Star Fox Zero: Let’s admit it, she probably wont make it into this game either due to the time lines, unless as a character in say a multiplayer mode or something. Whe just got to stay patient, they will bring her back when they can. Would have been nice to see her in, but as some one in this mess of angry posts said, we are not a large fan community compared to others. Whe may be more determined to keep are characters going, but the ballot goes to the mass popularity. I suggest we just be patient. Supporting her and all is great, go right on ahead (im to lazy to do much). But, hating on Nintendo for not giving us what we want is not fair.
@Mr Krystal
I am not trying to say “If you love me, you’d give me what I want.” But this is suppose to be the return of Star Fox, not the overrated N64 timeline. Look, I really have my own anger issues and I don’t know what people would do in their life, whether it’s online on a account or a job. Don’t blame me, I mean some other fans are probably acting like me right now. I believe in Krystal and Nintendo, but I wish that Nintendo could do something after a decade without a proper new game (Command fails on that with the story and gameplay). I just wish they could do more games like Assault (it’s my favorite) Also, I wasn’t aware that you’re a former game programmer, I don’t know much about people.
@StarDog Smasher
Yes, I am also very disappointed that Krystal is not in SFZ or Smash, but Nintendo is giving us a new Star Fox game, and we should all be thankful. And honestly, it really isn’t a big deal that Krystal didn’t get in, because you know what? We had so much fun making support artwork for her on Miiverse, and cheering her on. And isn’t the purpose of games to HAVE FUN!? It does not matter if everything goes your way all the time (That would be boring!), what matters, is that we have fun. We did our best, and we had fun. So it’s all good. :)
Good to see another fan having similar feelings about Krystal. But let me tell you, Krystal is, well… She’s my childhood along with the other Star Fox members and Adventures and Assault. You may think it’s ok without her, but to me it’s just no fun without her in the story. I was really hoping things would happen to our expectations with her being in SSB4 and the new SF game after 10 years, but it’s all been crushed these past 2 years and made me a big complainer. Look, I believe in Nintendo and Krystal, but where’s the character?
I just don’t know what to do anymore, I give up. Why bother, Nintendo never listens. You did it Nintendo, you took Krystal’s last chance to be in a game and crushed into tiny pieces. You never gave a sh*t about Krystal or us Krystal fans. Nintendo you think it’s ok to stab us in the back because of Star Fox Command. That is absolutely the last straw, I’m done with you Nintendo. I’m going to get rid of my 3DS and Wii U. No matter how hard we try, we just can’t win. I fought for Krystal as hard as I can. Goodbye forever Krystal. I’m feeling sick right now and I won’t be able to sleep. I’m crying my eyes out.
@StarDog Smasher
I see. If my favorite character, Fox McCloud wasn’t in a Star Fox game (Which probably won’t happen), I would be shattered, and would complain as well. I really can’t blame you. Just trying to look on the positive side of things. :)
I know it’s possible that Krystal might be in a Star Fox game in the future but I’ll be in my 30’s by then.
@StarDog Smasher
“But this is suppose to be the return of Star Fox, not the overrated N64 timeline.”
Said who? Mr. Miyamoto’s “Year of Star Fox” was an off hand comment about the fact that he would probably be maining as Fox McCloud in Smash Bros. for Wii U. And anyway, that was in 2014.
@Jeremy Lohr
“I just don’t know what to do anymore, I give up. Why bother, Nintendo never listens.”
In one sense, yes, Nintendo doesn’t listen, just like every other company ever. They are doing what they can to please the vast majority of their customers the best way they can. The fact that they had a ballot, AT ALL, is unprecedented. While they value their characters and IP highly, more-so than Sega and the like, they do not make games based on characters. They make games based on gameplay. That’s why they are consistently innovative. The price we fans pay is not getting sequel after sequel of the same thing (Halo, Assassin’s Creed, Need for Speed, etc). I, for one, happily pay that price, even if I am not personally satisfied for long periods.
Some advice: it would be better to try and find your own path, rather than relying on others to fulfill your hopes and dreams. If Nintendo won’t make the game you want, see what it would take to make it yourself. I can tell you right now that, as far as game programming does, creating Arwing physics isn’t that hard. You should try your hand at it. (I’ve done all-range mode before in 2 days, corridor mode is even easier to program. Actually, here’s a tutorial series for exactly that.)
I’m really sad about Krystal not being in smash and there none of the characters I want to buy, so my wallet will be at least full XD. Well, if I want Krystal, I’ll wait for smash 5 or I’ll play super smash bros crusade.
On the bright side, it seems like those new voice lines from Pit and Palutena might mean that there will be new “Smash Taunt” voice exchanges added for the DLC characters now.
@Mr. Krystal
If you think fans pay the price just for the gameplay and not the story, then why would people not get invested into the story. I mean, from my experience growing up the big charm to video games other then the gameplay, would be the stories and characters. Take Jak and Daxter for example, the games evolve both the stories and gameplay in anyway, shape, or form and the games got great few backs. Another example; Halo, same thing evolve the stories and gameplay and got great reviews too. Those things alone can really get me into a video game, cause it’s like playing a movie in your actions.
Well, seeing the down side on Krystal in reality for a while, I feel like I’m going to have to do something that would get people’s attention, like making a fan made game. Now this may not sound important to you, but at least hear me out on what I have to say. If you recall sometime back in another post here on this site, I mentioned a fan made crossover game / movie mini series I plan on doing with Star Fox and Sonic. There’s a teaser on my channel, but it’s on hold due to what I’m going to have in it, the fact I don’t have a game maker, and my dell is old and slow and using a mac.
Thinking of it, if they added Krystal they could boost the sales of Starfox Zero. Let me put into this: Krystal get added in smash, we have great times, we get a amiibo of her. Starfox Zero comes out on April 22, Nintendo will make a April Fool’s that if you scan the Krystal amiibo, you’ll unlock a story with her in. Instead, when you scan her you will get trolled (something that I’ll kill Nintendo for fooling me up like this) or get a full copy of dinosaur planet straight from RARE!!! (only way to acquire it) Then tweak the story with some Starfox cameos (Instead of destroying a nearly completed game) and on the end the story with the crew finding Krystal wandering on space unconscious or something (fanfiction 101 :P) and then start the next Starfox game will start right after that event. What do you think?
@StarDog Smasher
Characters are important, but not as much as gameplay, at least as far as Nintendo’s design philosophy goes.
That’s completely unrealistic on many different levels.
I know but it worth the shot.
Anyways, why don’t we make a smash tournament for Christmas?
…. i mean…
What a splendid idea fine sir….
well, to be fair, now i dont regret using the money i saved for smash buying duke nukem forever, aliens colonials marines and killing floor, i mean, i was specting from the start that nintendo added a new starfox rep, but instead, they cut wolf, and changed the smart bomb into a kid ikarus item (and dont get me started with those characters occupying a slot when they only deserve to be an alternative costume) , but then they said that will be DLCs so i give them a second chance, but instead, they added MORE anime swordsmen, neglecting not only starfox, but a lot of other franchises, sorry nintendo, but for now on, i will look more into a company that REALLY listen their fan base, and even cooperate whit them (even if that company does not know how to count to 3 ) instead of a company that give what they think the fan base wants, instead of listening to them (ilustrated despotism? all for the people, but whitout the people) like we say in Spain, ” que tanta suerte tengas, como decepcion dejas” (can be translated as: have the same ammount of luck than the amount of dissapointment you left) and dont think im raging, or being childish, is just the law of offer and demand, you showme something i like and i want, i give you my money, you showme something that im not interested, ill save my money for something else that i like more
I can understand how @all of you guys feel I feel the same way but she didn’t make it and neither did wolf let’s all just calm down and put this behind us for the future content of games. We will see her in upcoming starfox titles after zero.
I don’t know guys, but something is fishy. We may get a surprise direct near Christmas, with the most popular characters (probably this was a troll direct). So, our hopes for our favorite characters are not dead yet.
P.S. I really hope we can make a smash tournament (even thought it will be online) for both 3ds and WiiU users. I have some ideas on how we will pull it of, i hope Mr. Krystal agrees.
Defeat… Is not the end. We fought long, we fought hard, we fought diligently. We faced a challenge that no man should have to face, and on the morning after, when dust had settled and the bombs stopped falling, we stood up and realized that we could still stand. We realized that there is a new console on the horizon, and with it a new Smash Bros, and a new hope. The battle, like I said, was lost, but not the war; and although Jesus weeps, his tears will dry. We will next time, because to quote Lord Tennyson, although much is taken, much abides; and though we are not now that strength which in the old days moved Heaven and Earth, we are one equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, and to find, but not to yield.
Sakurais a traiter KILL HIM FOR KILLING SMASH and our hope.
@Lylatroid and Mr. Krystal
Well guys, we did everything we could to do everything in our power to get Krystal into Smash 4. It was worth a shot. But you know what, I’m going to have to agree with both Mr. Krystal and Lylat rood on this that this isn’t the end of the world. I’m not giving up at all to one Krystal will show up in a future Smash game and more importantly in future SF entries after Zero. Besides, remember what the director of Bayonetta 2 and SF Zero (Yusuke Hashimoto) said in his tweet of Krystal not appearing in Zero? He also said in that same tweet that he will bring her back in the next Starfox game after Zero. That goes to show you that any post N64 SF character will not be removed from the series and Nintendo is aware of the fanbase around her regardless what people say.
It is pretty much the same thing with Wolf. Honestly, I think Corinn was a waste of a slot for Smash 4’s DLC and that they oversaturated the Fire Emblem roster. That slot should have been for Wolf instead. Anyway, getting back to my argument with Wolf, since we know that he is going to be in Zero, it also got me thinking that for Smash 5, I can see them basing Fox and Falco’s design based from Zero for sure and I can assure you that the demand for Wolf to come back will be even higher than you may think especially since Zero would have been out a few years after its release and of course, each Smash game will be based off on the franchise’s current game. Look what happened to Mewtwo and Dr. Mario. They skipped a generation there which they didn’t show up in Brawl from Melee and they came back for Smash 4. What’s to say that they’ll do the same for Wolf for Smash 5 and they can base him off from his Zero design.
For Krystal, I’m sure that she’ll be back in future Starfox entries after Zero. This makes me more determined than ever to see her again which her demand for her to be in a future Smash game along with any future SF game will be more stronger than ever. So let’s continue to spread the word of our favorite blue vixen (including for me since she is my favorite character from the series) So for now guys, let’s be happy that we’re getting a new Starfox game on the Wii U next year. After all, I have a feeling that it’ll do fine in sales. I mean come on, it’s Starfox and fans have been wanting a new game in the series for nearly a decade. What do you say, guys?
You know what i am talking about just cheers someone in their saddest feeling in heart.
I was expecting this to happen unfortunately. Nintendo are silly to have just one winner specially when the winner is someone I don’t recall seeing any demand for. I am certain Nintendo had fun messing with the results. From what I remember they never mention her Japanese results which possibly says a lot. However because I was expecting it it wasn’t that much of a disappointment. I just find it a weird choice.
@the Falcon
*wipes single manly tear from eye* such… Beautiful words. :,(
@ Some people including Mr. Krystal – Listen you guys, Nintendo DID listen to us, and don’t take it out on Nintendo or Sakurai! They did their best but there may be some problems and they had to scrap the idea. They also said that Krystal is not forgotten. So there is still hope for her. For now, let’s just celebrate for the final three. If you don’t like Corrin, don’t buy the character. Star Fox will shine and so will Krystal so please have faith. Nintendo cares about us fans and if you don’t agree with me, then you’re ungrateful.
@ Mr. Krystal
You’re right Mr. Krystal, I guess a part of me was just worried that Krystal would fall into the category of forgotten characters. Then I remembered That Tweet Mentioning how they would consider having Krystal after Star Fox Zero.
@Mr. Krystal
Even Ayano said that she’s making a suit based on Star Fox Command! She did the Tiara
I’m still steamed at my own contery for betraying me and voting for a striper to join smash. and with the amount of fire emblem characters we have now we can forget krystal geting in smash and say good bye to sakurai. smash is juat a mario and fire emblem cross over now.
Mr krystal lets just wait for zero I don’t wana here anything else concerning smash or sakurai EVER AGAIN.
I’m still steamed at my own contery for betraying me and voting for a striper to join smash. and with the amount of fire emblem characters we have now we can forget krystal geting in smash and say good bye to sakurai. smash is juat a mario and fire emblem cross over now.
Mr krystal lets just wait for zero I don’t wana here anything else concerning smash or sakurai.
I don’t mind the characters, while I feel there were better options. But, I didn’t really here about many people voting for bayoneta? I was very surprised when she was announced because I have not heard almost ANYTHING or anyone talking about trying to get her in. I will accept it for what it is, but im still curious of what the scores of the ballot show.
@Happylion18 Bayonetta was actually a competitive vote early on, about top 5-8 or so. Honestly though Bayonetta making it in is a blessing for Starfox fans even though none of them made it in from the ballot. Why? she’s a icon of platinum games, the people who are co-developing Starfox Zero, who have already expressed some interest in Krystal. Though amusingly, her interest dropped off pretty quick because they thought she was out of reach. Honestly I didn’t get to play the game despite it seeming to be quite fun, but she looked like she was one of the most unique options and a very profitable one for nintendo due to their current work with said company. Fire emblem? yea I started to play it because of smash, Sakurai and his team have a soft spot for them, Marth was apparently supposed to be in the original. Does another rep “deserve” at spot? not at all. Are they going to make money? oh yea definitely, Nintendo making money means more games, potentially another smash game, Hell, i’m sure Krystal would have been over Palutena if Sakurai wanted to do a Starfox game, but hey, it’s Miyamoto’s baby so he probably decided to just let him do it. As Mr. Krystal has observantly mentioned, Nintendo cares about playablity before characters. I can’t say any nintendo game I’ve played hasn’t had very good gameplay, solid controls, or fun gameplay mechanics.
just finish watching the final smash direct like 40 mins ago, damn that was exciting, but it’ll seem hard to peform those moves, how the wii u/3ds would play out but none the less is still great. I know there is a hard chance krystal might get in but I think Nintendo and Sora ltd. have to sort every vote out of all world wide. don’t cry ayano, maybe krystal might be in the next smash bros for the Nintendo nx, if Nintendo wants to do one (very likely they will) with sakurai or a different person.
Well beyonetta is an icon for zero since her second game ok I suppose I can let it slide but I’m not prowd of having a british striper like beyonetta in smash. even if theres a minisqule chance it supports starfox zero.
My point is that we can’t _do_ anything. There’s nothing we _can_ do. We’ve seen for ourselves how slim the chances of her ever making it into this game were. It’s nothing worth crying over, but regardless there’s nothing we can really do. Only Nintendo can fix this, and they’ve got a lotta other stuff that needs fixin’ – the F-Zero crowd have been waiting for another game for over 11 years now. And that would seem, to me, to be a more pressing problem than making Krystal relevant once again. (She, at least, has only been gone for about nine years now.)
If Nintendo dropped Krystal altogether, or kept putting her further & further down on the list of priorities, that’s nothing new at all. They have lots of intellectual property worth keeping but don’t use it. This wouldn’t be the first time.
Oh well. Life goes on. And besides, there’s always the NX…
It may be ultimately Nintendo who makes the call, but that doesn’t mean there’s absolutely nothing we can do. Sure there’s no guarantees that Nintendo will pay attention, but I firmly believe that making our voices heard about Krystal sure as heck increases her chances of returning sooner rather than later a lot more than just twiddling our thumbs hoping for the best.
Sure, we haven’t seen an F Zero game in what seems like way too long, but I’d like to think re-adding Krystal into the Star Fox game after Zero would be much less work than creating a full game. Platinum Games have already expressed interest in including her in a sequel, so let’s hope Zero does well and gets them on board for the next Star Fox game too.
We’re all aware about Krystal not being in Smash, so I made a tribute video to pay respect to her for this and Zero.
@Axl Rose
Hope SF zero does well… hmmm so how can we make it look good…
XD… but dont do that, unless you want to lol i cant tell you how to live your life =P
Let’s try to look on the positive side of things instead of complaining about the negative things. There is a new Star Fox game coming out, which is great! It may not live up to our expectations, but Nintendo gave us Star Fox game, and we should all be thankful for what we have. Plus, somebody from Platinum games said they would love to include Krystal if they make a sequel, and if we want a sequel, we’d best buy the game to support it, and even if the game isn’t that great, we are increasing the possibilities of a sequel. Not saying that you must buy the game, it’s up to you, not up to me. Just saying that it might increase the chances of them making a sequel. :)
@Axl Rose, thanks, buddy :) Always been good with literature. I do think, however, that there will be a next time.
I would hope by now Nintendo are aware that Krystal is a popular character and that they messed up regarding her. By not having her in Smash and Zero they have created a bad situation. For a series that hasn’t been doing that great you don’t really want to create a rift among fandom or lose the more loyal fans. The whole situation with Krystal has become one huge mess. The biggest problem we are facing is we don’t know what Nintendo will do regarding her. All we can do is speculate. While it’s easy for some to be very positive and hopeful that could easily be turned into false hope. As far as we know we are dependent on Platinum games making another Star Fox game. However Krystal’s next appearance should not be determined by sales of a game she’s not in or if a certain developer makes the game. She is the main female character of the series. You look at most other Nintendo games and being a main character is enough of a reason for them to appear or at least be referenced. Which is why we need a comment from Nintendo about the situation. We need Nintendo to say that she will remain part of the series and Star Fox team. Unfortunately no one is asking them about it and Nintendo aren’t saying anything.
PS: I don’t hate Nintendo or the development team behind Smash bros. I hate the situation that has been created and just want a comment that secures Krystal’s future from Nintendo.
maybe the ballot was rigged… there’s always hopes for a Smash 5… Let’s hope she makes it there…
but at least we got a British-accented boy (Shulk) and girl (Bayonetta) for SSB4.
Has Ayano gone to an event that Nintendo’s been at? It probably might help, at the same time while Johnny vs is supposed to do the Star Fox series, someone really has to get people to know, play, and enjoy Adventures and Assault. Though it’d have to be a number of people so it really takes off, dare I say like how the LPers got certain games to be trendy.
Oh well, at least it wasn’t another fukkin’ Fire Emblem character… wait…
I understand what you’re saying, I mean SSB for 3DS and Wii U had a Trophy of Krystal. Personally I think this whole scenario might also be related to how Krystal was Portrayed
in Star Fox Command (Being heartbroken, acting cold and Joining Star Wolf) and I bet that created a big Uproar! also, people are complaining about how useless she is even though she only appeared in 3 Games (I mean if it Weren’t for Krystal, Fox would have never known about the Apparoid invasion on Sauria in Star Fox Assault) My point is, you shouldn’t hate something without knowing the facts!
Look, if it might make you feel better, you could send Nintendo a letter showing her support or something. Dont sound angry, passive, or desperate about it, just let em know people care is all. Giving em something might help too whether it be a drawing or something you made based around it, i’ve sent prints of a compilation of miiverse images of her, but though I didnt get a direct comment about her, they at least thanked me and showed their appreciation, which was probably just a regular corp response, still. What I will say is ask about getting badges of Krystal and everyone in the Badge Arcade, a costume of Krystal for Mario Maker along with Wolf and the rest, that and ask about Adventures & Assault if they ever plan to get Gamecube games on the WiiU VC or NX, whatever that would actually raise awareness. It”d be a bonus if you’re able to get a direct answer on her in general or something.
Nintendo of America
P.O. Box 957
Redmond, WA 98073
I always thought it was Nintendo of Japan that usually makes the call.
Or better yet why don’t we express this manner on their Twitter (Not Spamming them of course)
CraigBeverlin – Probably, but they’re in relations with em, so I mean it could help. When Zero first premiered, I kinda gave em my input and they claimed my info would be used as reference for future use, though that could just be a corporate response.
ChickyBoy37 – You could, but I dont think i’ve seen anyone get a response from them, at least not that i’m aware of, but I guess if you really got a number of people to ask em then maybe. Either way the letter option would probably be an addition on top of whatever you say on Twitter. I almost dare say jordansweeto is capable for having a good portion ask Nintendo about her, but that’s if he’s willing to ask people to.
You sound familiar? You know of “Miiverse” by chance?
You can also email Nintendo of Europe. However when I tried that the response was very apologetic and they couldn’t give me or had an answer. Also have to be careful how you word the email. Don’t suggest ways Krystal could be in Smash bros or Zero as they will reject the email. They don’t accept game ideas even if it’s not meant as one.
If you are doing the twitter method it’s better to find the people involved in development and ask them as opposed to the company itself. We know of @PG_y_hashimoto who does give responses. But by no means pester them. Be sensible about it.
I’m with him. even I have to admit the out rage for krystals rejection in smash is geting old time to move on to zero and the mythical zero 2.
I’ve used cloud as a punching bag so I’m good till beyonetta hits smash.
Ooooooh! I know you, Alfore!! You were the one who did that amazing Krystal artwork on Miiverse! :D
Perhaps I am, though the result didnt turn out as I somewhat hoped, I at least had fun doing em as much as it was a pain to come up with proper scenarios for each character. I might do some for the remaining three just for the sake of completing it.
In any case, yeah, whatever you want to do to raise awareness, i’m not exactly a powerful individual, but if I was I would’ve convinced people to at least appreciate what the series did beyond the same 64 arc, even if it attracted the same people who still hold a grudge over her and the sequels after 13 years. I actually had someone attempt to use Jontron against me, like it was fact. His video hints he never actually played the entire game, that or he’s just joking around as he does in every other one. This isnt saying I dont like the video, but it’s so obvious not to take seriously.
I can only hope Johnny Vs gets it right when he gets to the series, by this I mean he does the proper research on Adventures and Assault as the majority dont know about the official book that explains a ton before Adventures (Falco leaving for one, but also noticing how Peppy doesnt fight at all, showing that he backed off on his own behalf before Krystal joined as some people tend to say she kicked him off), what happened during development that resulted in it being cut short (microsoft buyout, andross being shoehorned in, game being shorter than originally planned), etc. Perhaps providing him this information would help him, it might even come off as news to him as most people dont even know about it. Just in case, he should know the Nintendo Power comic isnt canon in the slightest as practically every other comic from the magazine
In regards to what someone said about Lets Players, maybe if enough people were to ask people like Markiplier or Jacksepticeye over Twitter to play Adventures or Assault, they might actually look into it. Probably a stretch and not sure what it’d do for the games in terms of popularity anyways, but might be worth a shot. *shrugs*
I may consider doing a Let’s play of the Star Fox Gamecube games as well as Star Fox Command someday
not command Q games ruined krystal in that.
Unless you’re going to explain what’s completely wrong with Command in not just that they treated Krystal horribly (there’s a lot they did wrong), it’s advised not to play that game. Almost everyone disregards it as much as those that disregard Megaman X6
its just sad but i dont crying for this but is sad foor me.
I am sad as well, but we must remember that many others are disappointed that their characters did not get in either. Just look at the people who wanted Wolf, Shantae, Bango, Shovel Knight, etc. I am sure they had the exact same reaction as we did.
Trust me, you’re not the only one upset. :)
I dont wanna start things, but to be fair the supporters of especially Shovel Knight, Shantae, and Banjo were mad compared to Wolf and us. When Cloud was revealed, a webcomic artist was mad enough to make a comic involving Cloud, SK, and Shantae that was very passive on him.
I only showed hatred toward Corrin only because he’s another Fire Emblem rep that looks like a Sword Art Online reject, in other words the epitome of anime. Also because he’s a blatant ad, yeah you can mention Roy, but I could swear as Corrin was revealed, Sakurai mentioned Roys case was a misconception because his game was supposed to be out before Melees release.
yeah i know other people are upset of their characters like us its sucks for all people on Earth its their saddest days for they.
i mean for them not for they.
Sorry to get off topic Mr. Krystal, but my little brother has been bothering me about this. What do you call a male fan of Krystal?
@Mr. Krystal
I do plan on building a puppet likeness of Krystal (I was heavily inspired by the intro from the Nintendo E3 2015 video) and make a fan video about it as well.
Nice i cant wait to see the puppet one day.
Once I find some Tutorials on something like this then Maybe I can get Started!
I do plan on doing a “Pod Person Conspiracy” Type Video in regards to Star Fox Command, truth be told I purchased the game off the Wii U Yesterday mostly because it was because of the game that I started writing my Star Fox Fan-Fic Krystal’s Dream Quest.
Cool that will be maybe cheers Krystal up. but she feels fine.
To tell you the truth, it has been something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but I’m still trying to figure out how they made the muppet likeness of Fox, Falco and Peppy
One more time : No Krystal…
Well no i sure then Krystal will be still here but maybe in the next Starfox games or either the next super smash bros games. Just be chill.
Still you’d think they would keep in SSB Wolf instead of pure Fox copy crappy Falco