Question: Would you buy a Krystal charm?

This is a question for everyone. Charms are little, hand-painted figures you can attach to your keychain, bag, or set on a shelf as a figure. If you had the opportunity to buy a Krystal charm, would you?
I walked by the Oxygen Impulse Studios booth at Furry Fiesta 2016 a few months ago and saw the Renamon charm you see above. I knew that we needed a Krystal version if Renamon was there! Turns out, the artist (Zyn) had been told by several other con-goers the same thing. I told her about the Krystal Archive and mentioned that there may be a market of Krystal fans who would want a Krystal charm of their own as well! She and I worked out a deal to make a custom Krystal charm, with the potential to make several, available for sale to you and other Krystal fans around the world.
Tentative Specs
- Hand-painted, chibi Krystal charm
- Modeled after Star Fox Adventures Krystal
- About 1.5-2 inches tall
- Hanging movable tail piece (like those in the photos above)
- Able to stand upright without support, unlike the Renamon charm
- $20-$40 dollars apiece (exact price not yet set)
I bring this to you to gauge interest, she's only going to make so many. I already paid to have the charm designed and made, so I will definitely be getting my Krystal charm. The question is, will you get one too? Answer in the comments!
If she is ok with shipping to the UK, I’d purchase one in a heartbeat.
Do fish swim in water? Do birds fly in the sky?
Only thing is, I’ve been trying to be frugal with my spending recently, so it’ll probably be a while before I get one, but as long as the offer stays open, I’ll get one someday. :3
Would love one bot sure I can get one with living in UK.
Sorry about that. The heat is getting to me and spell-checker isn’t much help.
Would love one but not sure I can get one with living in UK.
Well to tell the truth, i’m not one for buying things for display. I mean the reason I haven’t got an Amiibo until recently was because i’m not a collector. So I don’t think I would buy a Krystal charm. Of course I love Krystal and she’s always in my heart.
Yes, I would definitely buy one without any hesitation.
I would buy one… maybe two in a heartbeat. Are they going to be shipped?
Would definitely purchase one, Krystal merchandise isn’t exactly easy to come across and my Milotic is looking lonely on my keychain.
wonder if there’s anyway I could get a slightly altered one with the assault jumpsuit and her staff somewhere if it doesn’t already include it
Absolutely. I will buy a Krystal charm in a heartbeat. ^^
Not to sound picky, but it would truly depend on how they turn out looking. But yes, I would probably buy one. Just not instantly XD getting solid money into online money is no fun for me =P
I’d definitely want to get one! Sounds like it’d be a cool little knickknack to stick on my rear view mirror. Along with the “My other car is an Arwing” bumper sticker.
Save one for me.
It will be avdenture’s Krystal or we can order whatever version we want?
And if the price is right, I might consider buy it.
Also, do you have any finished piece to show it?
its adventures version and were can I buy one e bay I hope I must have one.
Mother says half the price course I don’t know how much $20 is in £ so alil help here guys.
I’d probably buy one, as long as I can pay with Paypal.
Maybe… If the prices were good.
To be honest, I’ve never been a huge Krystal fan. You probably think I’m a huge hypocrite for going on a Krystal fansite when I’m not really a big fan of her, but this is one of the only two active Star Fox fansites out there anymore.
I’m really sorry if I’m sounding rude, but I don’t care at all about the Krystal related stuff going on around here. It may sound like I do, but honestly… I was afraid that people would bash me for disliking Krystal, so I tried to make myself look like I did, which was extremely cowardly of me.
And… I’m going to speak the truth here… I’m so sorry but… I really don’t want Krystal to return to the Star Fox universe. I just don’t think she’s a very likable character. But that’s just my opinion. If you disagree, than I respect your opinion.
As much as I like that idea, I’m not a fan of the Adventures design of Krystal. I don’t want to have a little fox girl in THAT type of clothing. If it was the Assault Krystal, I could do that. Even beater (in my opinion) is War Paint Krystal from Event Horizon! Undying hasn’t been doing well since A Fox in Space came out, and I think that might help him get support.
Don’t worry, as wild as some fans are, we can all be civilized human beings (or furry wacko’s) and have different opinions. =:)
You are being as nice as you can be about it. Since you are being honest I personally feel they messed her character up a lot. Never mind the weird personality changes a lot of her potential was never fully tapped into. When she does return I’m hoping for something closer to Rey from the Star Wars movie.
I wouldn’t mind an Assault version too. Since we are on about versions based off fanart there was a recent really cute picture on pixiv of Krystal by HEMO. She is wearing a very cute wedding dress type outfit. Of course would want a Fox to go with.
The only foreseeable challenge would be explaining to everyone why I a small furry hanging from rearview mirror.
Thank you all so much for understanding. I also really think Krystal has a lot of potential to become a great character. And ya, there were a lot of weird personality changes. In Adventures, she was kind, spunky, adventurous, mysterious, and could even be considered somewhat of a tomboy.
However, in Assault, she was changed to be more flirty and ‘fanserviceish’. Plus, her voice was changed to be more, well… Smooth. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a character like that, it’s just that Krystal’s personality was different in Assault, and just completely changing that all of a sudden can be confusing.
Also, we already have Katt Monroe. I think it would be nice to have a more diverse cast of female characters in the SF universe. Just look at Command. All of the female characters except for one were pink in some way! There’s nothing wrong with pink at all! In fact, pink is one of my favorite colors! However, I do not like it when there’s an entire world in a video game where nearly everything is painted pink. (I’m looking at you, Toontown).
I like the adventures version too.
By the way I have one more scene to edit and my video is complete.
I wouldn’t mind one myself. And I would prefer the Assault outfit.
hey guys the videos done check it out when You have free time I’m gona take a long break.
Let me know what you think.
You’re asking us, people who come to this website for Krystal… if we would like a Krystal charm?…
I think I speak for the majority when I say a resounding YES.
If you’re talking about Krystal outfits, my favorite is this:
If you take the helmet off, she looks really nice and most important, she blends into the team (unlike the pink one…).
About her character: They kinda messed it up since starfox adventures (probably because they changed her from a lead to a supporive role) and still figuring out how to fit her in the story. But I’m pretty sure that she haves still pontencial to make a dynamic return in later games, if Nintendo (or said developer of the game), is willing to work her.
No worries and thanks for being honest. To tell the truth I’m a furry fan, not just for Krystal but for all furries. As long as they are drawn to my liking. I’m very picky about art when it comes to my favorite characters. Plus, in Adventures i feel like Krystal was quickly forced into the game instead of naturally being there. We don’t know anything about her people or Cerinia. So I think Nintendo should be more careful when bringing in new characters into their franchises. I like Katt as well, but even with her I still don’t know how she met team Star Fox. In the coming Star Fox games I hope they show us the stories of all the Star Fox characters and how they met each other.
I’m not going to bash you cause you’re not a fan of Krystal, everyone has their own tastes in entertainment and should be respected for what they like and dislike. So for a little small talk which character is you favorite.
I would, though i’d need the money to afford it
I would totally buy one!
We all like or dislike characters for different reasons, and I hope that Krystal will grow on you, in time.