E3 Week

Hello everyone! I'm back from my trip, and now it's time for the exciting new developments at E3 and more! This year, Nintendo won't be doing an E3 Nintendo Direct, but will jump straight to Treehouse Live at E3 tomorrow (Tuesday, June 14th) at 9AM PST / 12PM EST. You should be able to watch the stream at e3.nintendo.com or Nintendo's Twitch Channel.
EA and Bethesda did their conferences last night, and today, Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Sony will be doing their presentations. Even though they are not Nintendo, I would encourage you to watch them anyway, if just to be knowledgeable of what the rest of the game industry is up to. You can watch their streams on IGN's YouTube Stream. Also happening today, Apple will be giving their annual press conference at WWDC. Tons of tech news today!
The entire first day of Nintendo coverage tomorrow is supposedly about the new Zelda game. On Wednesday, they'll talk about other games, including the new Pokémon Sun and Moon game. I don't think we'll see much, if anything Star Fox related this year, but you never know. It's always fun to see new things. Nintendo also said they wouldn't be showing off the new Nintendo NX console at E3.
As always, I will be hosting a chatroom the whole week! I'm already online. For those who want to watch the stream with me, please join in! Go to the chatroom, pick a username, and use the password 'vixen'.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon is on the first day. Hoping for an eevee evolution that can fly. If they are smart they will call it Stareon and it will be red.
Gamestop on their live stream schedule has a slot for a new Nintendo game. I wouldn’t be surprised if that turned out to be Zelda though.
Hopefully Nintendo of America tweets for questions to ask during Treehouse Live. It would give us opportunity to creatively ask about Krystal.
Funny you should mention that krystal was in triforce heros as a cat.
like chain chomp was put in as a joke maybe we’ll see krystal in zelda again.
I wonder if anyone is bound to ask Nintendo about Krystal at E3.
Heres a link to my miiverse post
Your looking for the cat on the tailers right not the one in her hand.
If you look clossly she resembles krystal.
If you have time check out my short video
I both regret and don’t regret staying up for the Ubisoft press conference. Since Nintendo don’t have a proper Digital Event this year I felt the need to watch at least one press conference. Needless to say it dragged on way too long. Nintendo indie games mini segment followed. It felt a bit rushed because Ubisoft’s conference dragged on way too long and everything after was delayed.
@StarDog Smasher
I asked someone I know on twitter who is going to E3 to ask about Krystal. He said if he got chance to ask he would. I’m hopeful he remembers and does get chance to ask.
well microsoft e3 was kind of boring, sony’s e3 is somewhat better, but today (6-14), we’ll see what nintendo have to give, i probably skip the zelda part, so i won’t get spoiled.
They aren’t showing any story elements in the demo, so you can safely watch the footage of Zelda.
Speaking of Zelda I love the Amiibo usage of Wolf Link. Bit sad can’t do something similar with the Fox and Falco Amiibo. Would have been even better if we had full Star Fox team set of Amiibo that could do that.
hey just a thought but has anyone imagined an open world starfox adventures? I bet the arwing walker would come in handy there.
I would love it. Which is why I would want Monolith Soft to be involved in developing an Adventures 2.
Nintendo UK are asking for feedback on E3 via twitter. We should all request for an open world Star Fox Adventures 2 game starring Fox and Krystal as part of our feedback.
I don’t have twitter but I’d love to join you.
A sequel to zero that would cover what happened on Cerinia as well as the “Farewell, Beloved Falco” story would probably make a good game. Or just have those two stories as a proper introduction to the characters for another Dinosaur planet(Sauria) game with a proper story and proper development time this time around. We can all dream… =P
open world starfox adventures arwing walker to get around more dinosours, more dungeons, less challenging spirit tests, I can hardly finish the test of fear.