Boring Cleanup Post + Star Fox: Event Horizon Demo 7

I did a lot of housekeeping tasks today, mostly focusing on reducing the amount of online storage the Krystal Archive uses. We pay for every GB of downloads. With four copies of Star Fox: Event Horizon, that's quite a bit. After my changes, the Krystal Archive managed to save a little over 4GB! That's a reduction of about 20 percent.
Speaking of Star Fox: Event Horizon, UndyingNephalim released a 6th and 7th demo of his Star Fox: Event Horizon fangame, the latest being released back in June. I spoke to him, and he said he's still working on the game and will be working towards a beta version next. In the meantime, I removed all previous downloads for the first, second, third, and fourth demos. Instead, I will only be mirroring the most recent version here on the Krystal Archive (Demo 7 for now). To keep track of download changes, and because it deserves it, there is now a Star Fox: Event Horizon Fangame Page.
Warfaremachine sent in some small updates to his Krystal 2018 Rig. The updated versions were added to the page, and the compression was switched to 7Zip.
On the Krystal 64 page, I added links to The Regressor's posts on his Sketchfab and Tumblr.
I pulled the same trick I did on the second Half-Life 2 Alyx Mod to get a much smaller download for Falemirous' Half-Life 2 Alyx Mod Version 1, combinding both the blaster and gatling gun versions into one download.
I also applied the multiple version trick with GreyFireFox's 1.2 Krystal Maya rigs. Then I converted it and the 1.4 version to use 7Zip. I also updated GreyFireFox's Page to explain the disappearance and later reappearance as CakeInferno.
Lastly, I converted Rhyfe2002's Rig, Nanogrrr's Assault Models, Nanogrrr's Original Model, and the_randomizer's Krystal Brawl Mod to also use 7Zip compression.
Sorry for the late post, but these things take time to get right and make sure you didn't miss anything.
Hey mr K I’d like to inform you theres a problem with the renamon mod from the new years pack.
it seems the high level of polys compared to the abnormaly low level verts on screan at once is causeing 3ds max to crash I can’t work with this model if it keeps this up I might have to scrap it from my experimental Gmod game.
I have yet to play the demo myself, but I just might download it soon. But from what I’ve seen of it, it looks awesome.
In my personal opinion, Nintendo should partner with UndyingNephalim and license his game for release in an official capacity. The work is so good, that Nintendo would be insane to not partner with him. I’d personally hate to see all his hard work on his many Nintendo-related projects go to waste because Nintendo’s lawyers want to be jerks and shut them down.
@ astrofan1993 I’m supprised nintendo hasn’t gave them the S&D order already unlike my starfoxadventures 2 project undying nephilem is well known and so is event horizon and totalwar.
I comend undying nephilem for staying out of nintendos reach for so long.
I on the other hand will stay off the rader.
In all honesty, I’m surprised too. I know how draconian Nintendo’s policies are towards fangames, fanfilms, etc., so to see UndyingNephalim’s works not get shut down yet is shocking. You’d think someone would have let Nintendo know by now, or Nintendo would have found out about it themselves.
As a creator of original content myself (writer by trade), I know how important it is to protect copyright. But even I think Nintendo has been and is going too far with their C&D orders. A lot of these fan creations are being released for free, with no money being made off of them, so why Nintendo is so adamant about shutting them down is beyond me.
Personally, I think Nintendo needs to make overtures with fan creators, take them on as independent contributors, and license the fan creations under a fan creation label, which can be accessed via a web portal on Nintendo’s website. These can include the aforementioned fangames, fanfilms, and even fan animations, comics, music, and fanfiction. They can call it the Nintendo Content Creators Program.
By the way, how is your Star Fox Adventures 2 project coming along? From what I saw of the demo videos, they showed promise. Do you plan on adding more to the game than just searching for missing parts to Krystal’s Arwing? Maybe have Krystal stop some new conspiracy by a resurgent General Scales to take over Sauria again?
@astrofan1993 The games all done now and on google drive ready I’ll send you a link later.
@astrofan1993 heres a link to the full game.
Sweet! Thanks! :D
Anytime remember you need both files or the game won’t work.
Ah, I see. Thanks for letting me know.
Out of curiosity, does the game only run on Windows, or can it also run on a Mac? I have both, but I tend to use Mac more often than I do Windows. I pretty much only use Windows for gaming and video recording/editing.
Also, what did you mean by both files? Clicking the link, I see the one file, and above it, a clickable folder with another file in that. Is that what you meant by both files?
I should mention, in the clickable folder, there is another clickable folder with multiple folders and files within that. What are those? Do I need to download those too?
The game and folder of folders is what I ment yes that folder contains the games meta data which it needs to function I tryed puting them both in a zip folder but winzip isn’t working sorry.
if you download the game and folder you’ll be fine just make sure there in the same place.
oh yeah and the game works on PC and Mac.
Wait we have a problem that’s not the meta date file that’s unfinished upload of the up to date version the real meta data was erased by mistake.
I can’t belive I erased the wrong file after the failed upload sorry I’ll have to reupload the whole thing again.
I hate it when this happens it ruins everything.
The link is warthless now.
I’ll have to reupload the game and send you a new link
Ok heres a new updated like this contains one file it has both the game and meta data files in it.
Also this game is more up to date and has the mini map installed.
Okay, thanks for letting me know. I’ll delete the other files and download the new ones.
For some reason, it doesn’t want to download on my PC. Had to download it onto my Mac. For some reason, my PC does not like .ZIP files.
You wouldn’t happen to have an .rar version, would you? Are you even able to upload an .rar version to Google Drive?
Otherwise, I’ll have to download WinZIP for my PC. No big deal, either way.
Winzip actualy worked? I thought it didn’t do anything cause it was out of date huh maybe its automatic on google drive.
I do have winrare but I use it for opening compress files.
its compression reqires me to email the file strait after which I don’t want.
Never mind, I figured out what was wrong. I had to sign into my Google account in order to download the file. I have extracted the files and am hopefully now ready to play. Thanks for all your help. Looking forward to playing it! =)
Anytime tell me what you think after.
Before I play it, I had one more question:
For some reason, Windows Defender, the antivirus program I have on my PC laptop, wouldn’t let the program open unless I opened it manually.
Far be it from me to be paranoid, but I hope this doesn’t mess up my computer somehow. Would you happen to know why my antivirus program wouldn’t let the program open?
@ astrofan1993
Don’t worry thats normal my PC dose the same its as paranoid you it makes you scan anything unfamilier before using it incase it carrys viruses.
Don’t worry its safe I’m not smart enough to program a viruse nor would I have anything to gain.
LOL, okay. PCs are weird, I guess. That’s probably why I use Mac more. XD
Any way you can garrenty if it comes from me its safe just allow your computer to access it you’ll be fine.