Star Fox Adventures 18 Years Old

Star Fox Adventures was released for the first time 18 years ago on September 23rd, 2002. The world (and Star Fox Fandom) would be forever changed!
Other birthdays include Nintendo itself, which was founded 131 years ago on September 23rd, 1889!
Sorry for the lack of updates. Real life stuff has been keeping me out of the loop. But I'm keeping track of things, so posts will continue soon.
yay and happy bday for star fox adventures and nintendo.
Happy birthday to Star Fox Adventures and Nintendo. Ura!
Honestly, with all the unnecessary remakes plaguing video games and hollywood- here’s an example that would actually benefit from a reimagining-
More integrated arwing gameplay (even bring in the landmaster and blue marine)
revive the cut Dinosaur planet levels and tribes.
and of course…
actually discuss Krystal’s backstory and be able to play as her.
I’ll second those comments by The Great Gas Mask Man. After all, the actual game only takes up about half the capacity of the disc. I’m sure no-one here would disagree with learning more of Krystal’s history (and of course playing as her). Perhaps more gameplay leading up to the Galleon? The Journey to Dinosaur Planet? Some ideas…
I’ll be a copycat and agree with previous comments. I think there’d be interest. Just look at the amount of fiction based on Adventures. I hope Zero was a reboot, and a remake of Adventures could come next.