Been Busy

Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been around much. The reason is pretty simple: Real life stuff, been busy.
To be specific, I'm basically a boss now. I'm now running a project that I have been a part of for like 4 years. Started out as a small part, now running the thing! I even have employees under me, expecting me to know what in the world I'm doing! I never asked for this.
That is what's been taking my time and energy. Well that, and a few other things, most of them also in real life. Seriously, I've had very little online life for a few months. Nevertheless, I don't want to stop posting to the Krystal Archive, nor has my appreciation for Krystal waned. I will try harder to provide new content and keep our celebration of Krystal strong!
Kirby doing his taxes by JJAnimations.
well that’s how life is… never know how it going to be like.