Bit Fox Adventures Microalbum

Tonight, I'm proud to announce the release of Bit Fox Adventures, the Star Fox Adventures Microalbum. It features chiptune and electronic remixes of several Star Fox Adventures songs. It was an idea by Laffe the Fox, who also got several other artists to participate. More info and downloads are on the album page.
This is a really nice album! I just love chiptunes and electronica. “Presence of a Krazoa Spirit” and “Test of Observation” is my favourite two of the bunch.
I’m really proud that my friend Laffe got this idea, the album turned out so well :)
Turned out pretty awesome! Been a pleasure working with you, Mr. Krystal :3
@ArkonFreefox: Thanks! Glad you like it.
@Vetchu: Thanks for the kind words, buddy. But I think it originally was Mr. K’s idea :P
Very cool!
good job
I like the Early Thorntail Hollow the most :)
I love it. Good job to everyone who worked on it.
Could it be on iTunes too
Nice… I like early thorntail hollow best :)… Interesting to hear the songs in 8-bit forms… Nice work keep it up
Hello, I’m a big fan of this page here.
I write simply to talk if that’s okay ^ ^
I wanted to ask if it will be possible someday to create here on this page has its own account?
And sorry for my bad english, I’m from Germany ^ ^
Would it be possible to make a video of what would happen if Krystal met a human
Yes, it’s possible. However, if you’re talking about a 3D animation, it would probably be extremely expensive to produce.
That has always confused me…. What do u mean “expensive to make”…. U have the software, skills to make the video, and a computer… I don’t see why it’s “expensive” please explain Wat it means (I’m seriously confused when people say that)
I believe that speech is not just about the money but about the time spent… “Expensive time” (Time is money)… or i just don’t understand meaning of the word “Expensive”
Or maybe that’s about all money u spend when u making “3D animation”. (Drinks, food etc)… But it sounds silly…
No I mean like make them as alive as we are
Krystal’s reaction will be pretty much same as yours, when you first time met Krystal (maybe)
Make a video, without 3D animation? You mean acting? That will be much harder to faund a real GOOD Krystal costume, and a real good actor.
Any way Krystal Rig in Maya, made by GrayFox (I do not remember exactly who did it) is very (!) VERY realistic.
(Google translator)
Can’t make one don’t have YouTube account and can’t afford it
A realistic animation takes days or weeks to do. And I’m not talking about a movie, I’m talking about just a small, 5 or 10 second animation. If you want stuff longer, it can takes a really long time, sometimes years. Then, there’s the fact that most of the time, the person who is skilled at modeling the characters is not skilled at animation, and vice versa. You need a person for modeling, animation, lighting, texturing, environment, particles, and many other people. Then there’s the sound engineers, the voice acting, recording people. Finally there’s the post processing video work, editors. This doesn’t take into account the original writers, story board people, the concept artists, and of course, a few producers and directors to oversee the whole thing. Each of these individual skills takes anywhere from a few months to years of training to become proficient. You’re talking about a small army of highly skilled individuals who don’t work for free. Now, a SINGLE person can make an animation of significant quality and length, BUT it’s probably going to be relatively simple and take a REALLY long time to make. And since those people have to eat too, chances are they are going to spend their time making animations that make them money.
That’s why, John. That’s why it costs so much money. There is just a HUGE amount of things that goes into an animation that you don’t even know. Same for video games. Web site design and drawing is trivial by comparison.