Shadows of Lylat Released All Assets to Public

For several years now, many Star Fox fans have been working tirelessly on a project to create their own Star Fox game based on an existing engine called Freespace 2. This game was to be called Shadows of Lylat and would feature a huge battles, allow for free flight everywhere at any angle, and just generally be big and awesome. Unfortunately, development stalled out as project members became busy with life and other projects. That was back in June. Shortly afterward, in July of 2012, all assets associated with the game were released to the public. That's all the art, audio, code, scenarios, some playable levels, everything! It is their hope that someone else will take up the banner and make the game they were unable to. Are you up to a challenge?
Awww man! They quit?! That sucks :(… I was really hoping to play this completed :( oh well… I would take up the challenge BUT I have no skills…. Yet
Hell it’s looks pretty interesting, but the thing is- i can’t download the assets.
I accept the EULA, press “Download” and nothing happens…
o_O after the dance with a magical tambourine, download has started.
Freespace engein and Star Fox!!!
Were getting the real Deal here!!
remember playing Freespace to when I was a Kid!
After 6 years the SOL team just fell apart and all whent their separate ways in life. Kinda expected that, honestly after so long. But they did an amazing job with the designs and whatnot. Can’t wait to try it myself.
Aww. Hopefully someone does pick it up and continue. :/